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What bugs me about carving


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In the early 2000s, after 40 years of skiing, the coolest thing I ever saw on snow was a VHS tape of Cliff Ahmada (sp?) carving. I was bound and determined to learn to do that and by about 2005, on my SX91s and 175 Maverick board I could link up some pretty nice turns on the right groomed slopes.  The problem was I could not get a single one of my skiing buddies interested.  I was on my own.  I would ski with them in the morning and go carving in the afternoon but every minute on skis was a waste of time because I was not working on my carving.  I became frustrated and went back to skiing for the next ten years.  For the past three years I have devoted all of my Mt. time to carving but I am, again, becoming frustrated because I am always trying to get "the carve" back all by myself.  It's getting a little boring.  All of my carving is done at Crystal Mt. and that is the way it will stay.  It doesn't fit into my family plans to fly off to another ski area to find other carvers.

Why is it that I am almost the only guy I know, other than you guys, who thinks pure free carving is the coolest thing around?

 Just venting. I had to get that off my chest. 

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11 minutes ago, Neil Gendzwill said:

If you're not having fun, stop doing it.  Why don't you go riding with your buddies?

Not sure what you mean by "riding."  I have zero interest in snowboard riding.  Anybody can skid back and forth down the mountain.  I would like to find a half dozen guys who are as determined to link pencil line tracks as I am.

I am having fun.  It would just be a lot more fun to have some company.

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Riding covers the gamut of snowboarding.  If you're bored pursuing one aspect of it, I suggest go trying another.  If all you want to do is chase the perfect carved turn, knock yourself out.  Bores me to tears, personally.

ETA: not that I don't like carving, I do.  It's just that if it's all I do, I get bored.  I want to ride the powder, I want to hit the bumps, I want to ride in the trees.  I enjoy riding with my skier friends, I am not sure why carving is counter to that.

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When skiing with my buddies or my family members, some of whom snowboard, I find that we are seeking mostly different terrain from what I want to carve on. I agree that pure carving can be boring but I want to, at least, get back to where I can do it as in 2005.

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My carving buddy & I have made a similar observation: We do a right turn followed by a left turn etc. etc. etc. We're guessing that many people would see this and think "don't you get bored by that?". The answer is no. Can't really explain it but we are both completely addicted. 

Mind you when there is powder to be had, we're after it like everyone else until it is gone. Conditions that are right for carving are more dependable and when there's no powder, we're carving. 

It is more fun with others of the same mind but it is still fun all by yourself. Maybe you can entice another boarder to try it out and see if you can get them hooked on the carve. 

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Carving is the best drug and totally addicting. Pretty sure we're all former drug addicts, right?

So worth pursuing the perfect carve.

Don't give up, and please keep getting new sticks and passing them along to the rest of us at bargain prices.

And if you're taking requests, I'd like a Thirst spit tail PC carver please.

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2 hours ago, dredman said:

7:15 hr drive from Gig Harbor to the Montucky Clear CUT.  Clinics, tons of like minded, fun, friendly carvers, and demos, .  Might just be what you need to get your rut back on?

Sculley I share your pain, it's a rare month when I see ....much less get to ride with another hardbooter!

...but DMan is right.........if the mountain will not come to Muhammad then Sculley must go to MCC...or other carve friendly event!

....or advertise here for some carving instruction at your mtn. or close proximity .

.............But Don't  Give Up!  

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6 hours ago, 1xsculler said:

In the early 2000s, after 40 years of skiing, the coolest thing I ever saw on snow was a VHS tape of Cliff Ahmada (sp?) carving. I was bound and determined to learn to do that and by about 2005, on my SX91s and 175 Maverick board I could link up some pretty nice turns on the right groomed slopes.  The problem was I could not get a single one of my skiing buddies interested.  I was on my own.  I would ski with them in the morning and go carving in the afternoon but every minute on skis was a waste of time because I was not working on my carving.  I became frustrated and went back to skiing for the next ten years.  For the past three years I have devoted all of my Mt. time to carving but I am, again, becoming frustrated because I am always trying to get "the carve" back all by myself.  It's getting a little boring.  All of my carving is done at Crystal Mt. and that is the way it will stay.  It doesn't fit into my family plans to fly off to another ski area to find other carvers.

Why is it that I am almost the only guy I know, other than you guys, who thinks pure free carving is the coolest thing around?

 Just venting. I had to get that off my chest. 

Skis can carve a mean turn, even EC with some effort... 

Also, there's more to snowboarding then just carving. 

Then, there's Skwal and monoski... Do them all, love them all! 

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8 hours ago, 1xsculler said:

All of my carving is done at Crystal Mt. and that is the way it will stay.  It doesn't fit into my family plans to fly off to another ski area to find other carvers.

What a bunch of baloney...

You're 1:19 from Snoqualmie where there's a fantastic Carver @STP

You're 2:12 from Stevens Pass and there an eager boarder working over there @nuisanceIV

You're 3:40 from Meadows where there's a whole carving crew. You could ride with @tinkler who might be one of the strongest riders I've ever ridden with.. Bryan's pretty good too...

You're 3:20 from Mt.Baker... I've heard there might be some good riders there as well.

No flight is necessary for those locales.

And I know there are others seeking the turn at Crystal. I know because I was there and saw them... I just couldn't manage to link up with them for the ONE day I was there...  Yes I was there one day and saw a hardbooter and softbooter carving. Either I'm the luckiest person around or maybe there are others at Crystal.

Your limits are self imposed.  You're writing to a board where many of us make far greater sacrifices just to be able to ride period. I wished I lived that close to those old volcanoes and those carvers!

I ride with a couple of skiers all the time... We understand the no passing rule and have a great time.

I do love a long carving run but experience tells me that unbroken carving runs are the exception not the rule. Learning to ride well in between carves can be really satisfying.

I typed that up not to criticize but to provide a different point of view in hopes you might find some flexibility that would allow you to find the carving situation you seek.



Edited by lonbordin
damn ... Crystal is a pretty carvable hill... Just sayin'
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@1xsculler It’s ok to like what you like but you are at the wrong mountain. Grooming and terrain at Crystal are suboptimal for carving. It’s a much better mountain for off piste. I would be bored too. Mission Ridge is the best in western Washington if all you want to do is carve. 

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7 hours ago, dredman said:

7:15 hr drive from Gig Harbor to the Montucky Clear CUT.  Clinics, tons of like minded, fun, friendly carvers, and demos, .  Might just be what you need to get your rut back on?

That makes great sense but it won’t happen. My problem...not yours. 

Thanks for all of the thoughtful replies. 

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I have to agree that carving with skiers is not the most fun one can have. Reason: Most skiers I know (and I when I ski) like variety, do round-the-resort type lift tours etc. When carving, I am completely content to carve one hill until I have enough for the day. If that hill is groomed well, steep enough and not too busy, then I am happy with it - happier than carving on ten different runs, each not as nice as that one. But on skis it would bore me pretty quickly.

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27 minutes ago, Aracan said:

........When carving, I am completely content to carve one hill until I have enough for the day.......

I think that is one thing that is a bit unique to us. 

But I do >95% of my riding with my (non-carving) family and friends. Still I get more than enough chances to lay down some carves. In the 'round the resort' type of groups, I'd say normally > 50% of the trails are carveable, nothing wrong with that. It is normally more crowds that are a limiting factor. And I also enjoy the rest of the riding... (and the company!)

Actually riding with my 77 year old parents is pretty good, they like nicely groomed runs....



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On 1/8/2020 at 3:43 AM, Aracan said:

I have to agree that carving with skiers is not the most fun one can have. Reason: Most skiers I know (and I when I ski) like variety, do round-the-resort type lift tours etc. When carving, I am completely content to carve one hill until I have enough for the day. If that hill is groomed well, steep enough and not too busy, then I am happy with it - happier than carving on ten different runs, each not as nice as that one. But on skis it would bore me pretty quickly.

I never thought of it that way but you are right: If I am with skiers or "regular" snowboarders, they are typically looking for variety. They will indulge me for a few runs on groomers but then they want to look for other slopes / other terrain. 

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2 hours ago, JohnE said:

I never thought of it that way but you are right: If I am with skiers or "regular" snowboarders, they are typically looking for variety. They will indulge me for a few runs on groomers but then they want to look for other slopes / other terrain. 

My sentiments, exactly. 

On 1/8/2020 at 3:57 AM, davekempmeister said:

lucky me, I don't need to ride with anyone to have a good time.  same with road bikes and most everything else.  

My wife accuses me of being a loner too. 

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I last about 2 runs with the groomers, and then it's off piste.  I much prefer the unpredictability and challenge of off piste-bumps/trees/pow.  I like the freedom of being off balance and adjusting to regaining that balance.  It helps you in every facet of life as we grow older.

Consequently, the only time that I'm boarding with someone is when I'm doing it with either my son (who enjoys the same type of terrain), or skiers.

I feel your pain, but to paraphrase the boring Borg: Resistance is Futile, join your friends.  If your friends are skiers, join them on your board.  Off piste is a new skill-set on a board.


Edited by bumpyride
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OP: Same problem, different year.

Forum: (useful insight)

OP: Nah.

These days 75% of my days are solo, but I wouldn't be the rider I am today without having a good 1 1/2 seasons with the Loveland crew to feed off.  If you don't have the luxury of attending MCC or traveling for a meet up then I've got some bad news for your situation.

I find that going out with newer skiers from work is nice because we can stick to groomers, but if I go out with anyone worth their salt then a compromise is in order.

Don't get me wrong, carving is what does it for me.  It lights my fire like nothing else, but we are a rare breed so be willing to compromise or embrace the solitude.

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