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Is "relaxing" carving possible?


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As a pretty layback person; carving is a great outlet for Mr. Hyde side of me.
However it's like a 2 stroke bike; it's either on or meh. 
I could ride it like a regular snowboard but always feel guilty while doing it:  slarving, jump turn, cruising and not looking for the toughest trails.

On good condition, not too steep.  One can go kinda relax about it.  Relax is a mental context but physically it's still pretty intense for me.
Is it possible to to do so in a less aggressive/violent way on sub-optimal condition:  icy, steep?  Guess with enough practice anything is possible. 

Maybe I won't like the sport as much if it's less savage/brutal lol...

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Absolutely possible to relax into the carve. Don't do it on a steeper slope than a lower end blue run. Learn to carve by just finding your edge and adjusting the tilt angle of the board. Don't force the board to turn, just let it do all the work. Savio at Buttermilk is a good example of a great slope, where we met while I was demoing the Donek MK (you have a cameo role in the video on YouTube).

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Another way to frame this question:

Can just "doing the norm"/"enter style/technique here" suffice for steep/icy/narrow?

or it's always rabid ape on meth?

Don't get me wrong; I loved the aspect of "active mediation" of carving.
The single pureness of focus on not dying where all life's little/big worry melts away.

At the end of a long carving day:  I would like to tackle the difficult trails like the skier and not resort to limited myself to less challenge trails.

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10 minutes ago, Surf Quebec said:

I saw you relax on the extra wide slopes at Aspen


hahaha... like a duck gracefully gliding across a calm pond.
On the surface all look relaxed and compose but inside/underneath the surface:  the peddle are working extra hard lol.. 

Hope your winter is going well.  The Quebec gathering is mighty tempting; no vacation days 😞

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Don't ski nor do i part take the 420 so I wouldn't know. 
I do see a tons more older skier make it look effortless.
Don't seem the same ratio of geriatric carver "attacking" the slope on carving board.
Thinking long term, sustainability for me to enjoy this sports.  This is something i would like to keep doing for the long run. 

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4 minutes ago, pow4ever said:

I do see a tons more older skier make it look effortless.

Don't seem the same ratio of geriatric carver "attacking" the slope on carving board.
Thinking long term, sustainability for me to enjoy this sports.  This is something i would like to keep doing for the long run. 

when I can't one stick it any more I'l still ski till I'm dead

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@b0ardski  Do you feel ski is more less physical demanding relative speaking to carving?

Thank you Bob!  Power and Relax; that's the combination I am looking for.

Love to hear your feedback:
There are hope yet; but legendary folks such as you self are the exception than the norm?
What's the secret? 
Is it just sample size?  Skier can ski well into their 80.
Snowboard in general are harder on the body since it's "newer".  technique/equipment?


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in my world 2 sticks are more physically demanding than one in most conditions, assuming smooth flow down hill; but when balance starts failing at 80, 2 sticks will be more stable, just like starting out at 3yrs old

relaxing into the flow is a human skill in every sport, the secret is time spent

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5 minutes ago, Corey said:

Technique trumps raw power. 

Raw power can take you pretty far when you're young though. 

Exactly.  I feel the way I carve currently isn't long term.  Just like my Kendo teacher told me:  at different stage of our life; recognized and utilize one's strength.
When we are young; it's strength, speed.  When we get older:  slowly recognized the fleeting youth and switch toward more mental/strategic.
Trouble is my mind isn't the sharpest tool in the shed lol... 

25 minutes ago, b0ardski said:

relaxing into the flow is a human skill in every sport, the secret is time spent

Good O T.O.M -- Time on Mountain.  There is no "secret".  Eat right, sleep, exercise.  Putting enough time with the right mental attitude it should come?
"hack away the unessential."

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39 minutes ago, b0ardski said:

in my world 2 sticks are more physically demanding than one in most conditions, assuming smooth flow down hill; but when balance starts failing at 80, 2 sticks will be more stable, just like starting out at 3yrs old

relaxing into the flow is a human skill in every sport, the secret is time spent

I also find the snowboard less demanding then skis - no overloads of a single leg, twists, funny splits, pulled groins... 

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6 minutes ago, Surf Quebec said:

Agree with Corey.

Some carvers seems very relax when carving, no efforts, very fluid.

I agreed.  That's the goal.  However looking can be deceiving.  To the un-initiated I look semi-competent; but in reality I am on that hairy edge of losing control.... Hence not "relax" in the mental state/context.

13 minutes ago, Neil Gendzwill said:

You can ride pretty relaxed so long as you’re good with the resulting speed. I’m much more relaxed cruising at mach schnell than I am trying to keep up with Corey linking perfect Cs   

Interesting; I would think it's the opposite for most.  I am a sloppy carver; most of time going way fast than I should.  The "speed" cover up many of my mistake/deficiency.
Relax in both mental/physical context.  It's you vs you, a lone sport.  Only you know how good you did.

off topic but apply here as well:

If you like Kendo: 8th dan test documentary 


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Relaxed carving is kind of like a Zen of carving.

To paraphrase

Everything is in balance, and remains or returns there.

Speed control is as Corey taught in a Steeps Clinic at an SES long ago - carve the turn uphill just a little more.

And like our resident sage Beckmann AG suggests - Take everything inessential away until all you are left with is the carve.

Edited by SunSurfer
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