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Should we all just start straight lining? Is getting smoked by the general public from behind the new norm?


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8 hours ago, Odd Job said:

Yep. I won't ever wear a dark color. It's basically inviting "I just never saw you, oops". I'll wear a pink monosuit over a black one. No one wants to hit Caitlyn Jenner from behind!


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17 hours ago, big mario said:

Still get strafed.  Thinking stupid is as stupid does, visible or not, it doesn't matter

This is my experience. 

My head on swivel and a level of paranoia is my only defense.  Clothing color is not the biggest issue.  I wish it were.

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monetary incentive is a great tool.
Now are we using it as carrot? or stick?
if i am a $500 hr consultant to task to solve this -
work with the IKON/EPIC pass - Raise the price of pass by $200(ignorant tax) on paper only.
If you watch the following safety video:  carver awareness and what other agenda we want to push.  We will deduct the $150 premium.  .  Eyeball tracking to ensure you watch the damn thing.  $50 is for the pass issuer so they implement such system.

or we could gamification this - almost every one got phone.  bluetooh and gps are the basic building block.  Build an app -
If you are going fast(gps) and too many ppl detect you getting to close too them.
you get penalized some what.  the monetization details require $1000/hr rate 😉

there are no "set" reason why some ppl get hit and other "never got hit" -
i wager data point will tell us 
ppl don't get hit tend to ppl ride same local mountain - go on weekday, early hours, good rider -
much of the cognitive function are place on situation awareness.  all those "routine" help by cut down the brain tax so one have time to look around every turn. 

objectively the more vertical feet we have the chance we get hit goes up.
it's not "special" - you just win the lottery of NOT getting hit by buying a lot less ticket.

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On 5/16/2024 at 1:22 AM, Odd Job said:

Only way to limit collisions is to make it more exclusive.

Are you serious? I suppose you are joking right? If you wanted to limit the density of users the “only rich” people filter is immoral,  even adverse selection inducing…. But I guess you are joking. 

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4 hours ago, Hug Masso said:

 the “only rich” people filter is immoral

Seems to be working for The Yellowstone Club and a handful of others. There’s a market for it.

Banning snowboarders from state land is also immoral, but it’s working for Alta. 

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Elitist attitudes are no good solution in my opinion. All it takes is one (perhaps rich) idiot to shoot you down and you end up in hospital. Use @dredman's example: he was all alone on this wide open black slope with only this one but incompetent skier behind him and boom. Even wearing the brightest colors did not help.

Avoiding distraction, being alert and focused with all your senses and choosing a free slot in the stream will help to reduce, but not eliminate the risk.

Perhaps one day there will be a fast enoungh AI assisted crash warner fed by a 360° camera. Not so utopian, if you watch this video of a visually impaired person using GPT-4o to describe the surrounding:

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12 hours ago, Hug Masso said:

Are you serious? I suppose you are joking right? If you wanted to limit the density of users the “only rich” people filter is immoral,  even adverse selection inducing…. But I guess you are joking. 

Only half-joking/trolling. Enough people in the US make enough money, with poor financial habits, that $1000 Ikon pass isn't a deterrent at all.

I classify low-level rich (USD): At least 3million net-worth with a passive income of at ~$300K/yr doing nothing. And that's for a single person. Increase for dependents. These people will not gawk at spending $10k on a season pass. I am not suggesting that here. Actually this might be really high upper-middle class....

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8 hours ago, Odd Job said:

I classify low-level rich

That's LOW level in your world? Damn. 

Don't get me wrong, that's awesome! But you have to recognize that you're in the slim minority. 

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20 hours ago, nextcarve said:

Elitist attitudes are no good solution in my opinion

It's not a solution.  It could not happen on a scale to fix the problem of crowded ski slopes in the general sense.  Suggesting it should become the model for most ski areas would be immoral.  Implementing it at a handful of mountains is not.


I wonder if a few of us joined there, how long it would take before they banned rutting up the trails.

Here's a more reasonable solution... "just" get a job where you can work flex hours and/or remotely some days, move to/near a mountain, and only ride mid-week.  There's your private club.

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3mm -- "You Gotta Pump Those Up. Those Are Rookie Numbers" 🤣😜

"those too weak to be movers or shakers, but too strong to be easily moved or shook." -- this is what i am shooting for.  i am too dumb/weak/not cut throat enough to be put in a place of power but i am just barely smart enough to be miserable when ppl pissing on me and tell me it's rain.

carving won't exist without wide groom run?  so without the crowd/economy of scale - we won't be obsess over this insane fun activity.
protection - i am broke as joke so YellowStone club and the like is out.  $900 for a motorcycle airbag jacket might make sense/wise investment?

for ski there is premium because winter sports:

as long as the airbag is re-usable might be a good option?  as i crash a lots without other ppl running into me lol...

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14 hours ago, Corey said:

That's LOW level in your world? Damn. 

Don't get me wrong, that's awesome! But you have to recognize that you're in the slim minority. 

I'm way below that. I would say I'm middle-class. Plenty of people make my income. Plenty of people make way more.

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My experience is that it's not just the number of sliders on the mountain - it's the demographic makeup. 

Mid-season, mid-week most of the people on the mountain are older skiers. They've been skiing a long time, they know what they're doing, they are more observant and see what you are doing and tend not to overtake you nearby (this is a generalization). Less testosterone. 

During spring break things are different. A lot more young people and more that want to "race" you or show you that they are faster than you. The competitive ones are more dangerous than the clueless ones. 

 Very different demographic. In 25 (mid-week) days this last season, I didn't have one close call. 

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That's only at Loveland, although there are times I could've been smoked if I didn't look there. I always look behind me like I'm about to get smoked at a Vail resort there by habit.

You will absolutely get smoked at Copper/Keystone/Vail if you don't look behind you on a weekday. 

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13 hours ago, Odd Job said:

That's only at Loveland, although there are times I could've been smoked if I didn't look there. I always look behind me like I'm about to get smoked at a Vail resort there by habit.

You will absolutely get smoked at Copper/Keystone/Vail if you don't look behind you on a weekday. 

I was at Vail mid-week in late January. I couldn't believe how crowded the slopes were. No thank you!

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On 5/20/2024 at 7:19 AM, Rob Stevens said:

We’ve had some success by ensuring that we’re the only ones on the mountain  

The groomers are less than ideal, however  

See you next yearIMG_5835.jpeg.e6c93c2ee6902a37021a57e38614c772.jpeg

You never know... Few years ago I was hit from behind and injured, while standing still, on a heli trip. True story. Oh, and I had yellow jacket.  

By participating in sports we accept the risks that come with it. 

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it is now circular 😉 

Ignore risk don't protect us.
be diligent every turn - i only got 2 brain cells and i need both of them when i am trying to carve the steep.

“A man who suffers before it is necessary, suffers more than is necessary.” —SENECA

remind me of a story -
This outdoor gear reviewer got the latest and greatest camping equipments from manufacture and on his way to test them out.  At the trail head - his elitism/superiority took over when he see people on the way back from their trip.  How "cheap" their gears is, how the load buckle isn't adjusted properly.  Despite those Walmart brands - those camper seems genuine happy and enjoy the great out door.  When they pass each other - the happy group in a cheerful manner saying hey watch out - look like the weather is about to turn.  as the rain starting to fall....

Don't miss the forest for the tree but also don't hit the tree.  it's protected specie we are not lol

I like to carve each and every term but just sliding around is plenty fun and that's ok too (sometime).

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