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Heard it in the lift line - 2018/2019


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I had a great lift ride on the stella 6pack; lots of peeps tying to fill the gates when I hear a woman on skis say to her friends "lets stop at the top, I wanna ask about his board"(172 thirst BX free69 boots with stepins):biggthump. they had 5 so I jump in to ride up with them, turns out they are all ski instructors. Best conversation I've ever had w/strangers explaining the whys and wheres of the gear and style/stance to folks that understood what I was talking about. More likely converts than any softbooter I've ever met:confused:

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The Alloy DO gets a lot of second and third looks from lifties that “know” or at least are curious. Hammerhead tip and tail/carbon fiber/binding angles. Also the token “that must be fast from those that don’t... I have taken the line from the Snowman.... “it’s an adult fun board” 

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On 3/6/2019 at 11:29 PM, FrankNBeans said:

Victoria Jealouse works as a barista and is wearing glasses or she has a twin.

Victoria Jealouse...*sigh* 😍🥰

I met her at a Burton event somewhere in Cali, back in the day, and we chatted briefly. I didn’t know if it was just me, but it felt like something clicked...

About 2 years later she was at my resort, just sitting on a bench. I walked by, heading to the locker room, with a group of instructors that I’d been training. 

She looked up, flashed that 1,000 watt smile 😍, and with a little wave, said “Oh hey, how are you?”, I laughed nervously like some teen seeing their crush, smiled back and kept walking. IDIOT  🤦🏽‍♂️

I still To this day, wonder what might have happened if I’d stopped. 😔


Edited by Emdee406
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I spent the last week of February in Steamboat Springs with this.



My Donek Flux 168.  Its 28 wide at the waist so I got questions from people in every lift line.  But, more than that, it’s the questions I got every time I checked my board into storage at the ski shop underneath the Sheraton, as well as every time I checked it out.  “What kind of board is that?!” or “I’ve never seen a board like that before.”

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10 or so years from now one of my kids will be asked what they are riding and the rest plays out like this in my head where my kid replies:

"It's my father's Kessler.  It's the ride of the alpine snowboarder.  Not as clumsy or random as a twintip.  An elegant board... For a more civilized age."  Then she'll slowly lean back while stroking her beard and looking introspective.

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On 3/12/2019 at 3:41 AM, Emdee406 said:

I still To this day, wonder what might have happened if I’d stopped. 😔

I reckon you would've said, "good", then she'd reply saying, "cool". Then you'd probably get married, shortly after.

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not so much as a 'heard it' rather an 'experienced it' off the liftline.  

6 person lift, fairly busy as its spring break in ontario.  I'm on on the very right end of the seat with my Coiler Nirvana- Iwant to keep that baby in good shape.   Guy sitting beside me is a dad, maybe 220 lbs, also on a snowboard, with parts of his family to his left including kids.  We chat briefly about my set up.  Then Its time to get off.  I know about all the strategies of getting off; its great when you can read what the rest of the group is gonna do on a detachable chair.  Sometimes you can get ahead or some times you sit back wait for them to clear and then get off later.  But this group seemed to be indecisive so I ended up getting off almost at the same time.  Well, the kid to the left of the dad crosses his skis getting off, and down he goes with the rider to his left.  I'm thinking "sh!te! Better steer off to the right.  I want no part of this".  Then I feel the big guy holding on to me and my 150lbs (plus gear) because now he's about to fall.  Now I'm thinking "What the...?"   And I intuitively start shaking my left arm sort of panicking, shrugging him off me.  I did managed to ride on and shake the guy off - but not before providing a little support to him from falling.  I was both laughing to myself and annoyed, but not sure if I should have been.  Am I just a jerk, or was it reasonable for me to think "don't drag me in to this - its your kid!".  

(different story - one time i had to stay on the chair until i was about 5 feet off the ground because there was a crash on the exit of the chair so the best course was not to get off at all until I had cleared the landing site...  The liftie just let it run, and let me jump off later.  Stuck the landing, lol - most air i have ever gotten on hardboots - and skated away)  

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On 3/11/2019 at 5:15 AM, b0ardski said:

I had a great lift ride on the stella 6pack; lots of peeps tying to fill the gates when I hear a woman on skis say to her friends "lets stop at the top, I wanna ask about his board"(172 thirst BX free69 boots with stepins):biggthump. they had 5 so I jump in to ride up with them, turns out they are all ski instructors. Best conversation I've ever had w/strangers explaining the whys and wheres of the gear and style/stance to folks that understood what I was talking about. More likely converts than any softbooter I've ever met:confused:

I agree that skiers are more likely converts to hard boots and alpine boards than soft booters, although I have yet to even come close to converting one single one of my many long time skiing buddies to carving.  Since I think it's the coolest thing on the planet, and have since I saw my first VHS tape of Cliff in Aspen, I find it difficult to believe that so few other people feel as I do.

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Rap, heavy metal, thrash, Manilow or Mozart,  there is a time and place, and the hill isn’t the place.


Still, at least its not the German oompa techno that they play at every European ski area. Ooooh ladeedadee ladeedaaadeee Hey! Hey! Hey!

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Trying to do a 360 carve near the base (thanks for the tips @crackaddict!), made it about 270 degrees before running out of steam. As I'm getting up a mid-60's lady skis up and was ecstatic:

"I followed you from the top. The rest was beautiful but that finish was amazing!" 

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Earlier this week I actually got to ride for the second time this season with my wife and she asked me if I had to turn so damn much, all the time?

This weekend was perfect for early morning carving with groomed slush that turns to nearly ballistic ice over night. 

Saturday I rode the chair with an older couple I've seen before and they asked if I was one of the snowboarders that rides all laid out on the snow.  There are only three of us that ride alpine so I hazarded a "yes?" (apologies to Tanglefoot or Raph if I stole your thunder 😉). The literal translation of what they said is that they thought that it looks really "raw"  (dette er helt rå!).

Today after a run down the show-off trail, a ski coach from one of the nearby regional ski teams walked over to the bottom of the chairlift to say that our riding looks really cool.


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Not in the lift line, but in the line for TSA screening at Salt Lake City airport one of the screeners asked me "what is that in your backpack?". I knew exactly what caused her confusion without even looking. I told her they were the bindings from my snowboard, which I had removed to save weight in my board bag.  I had enough common sense that day to not mention the name "Bomber"....

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2 hours ago, TSUNAMIBAY said:

Not in the lift line, but in the line for TSA screening at Salt Lake City airport one of the screeners asked me "what is that in your backpack?". I knew exactly what caused her confusion without even looking. I told her they were the bindings from my snowboard, which I had removed to save weight in my board bag.  I had enough common sense that day to not mention the name "Bomber"....

A Virus and a Madd Killer in my checked luggage, Bombers in my carry on. I see no problem...

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2 hours ago, FrankNBeans said:

Yesterday, one of the guys on the chair with me couldn't/wouldn't/didn't stop spraying about how rad Big Bear is and how rad he is. After that, I saw him side-slip everything and speed check everything. I had such high hopes.

I used to ride Mt High a lot before moving to CO... it’s painful... A good rider in Colorado is going 55mph straightlining in a power skid on a Never Summer... it’s like they line up for a uniform and board and send it. With Blinders on...

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