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Everything posted by Eboot

  1. NOT MY LISTING, JUST SAW THIS ON Facebook Marketplace. https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/734721798672382/?ref=saved&referral_code=null
  2. Shout out to Rob who has just refurbished my Tom Burt woody!! Winterstick went above and beyond to help me.
  3. This season’s quiver finally together. Having started with 2 GS boards and a powder board from the 90s when I joined in 2017, I have come a ways. Thanx to Rob at Winterstick for refurbing my Tom Burt woody, great job!! New to me this year, Knapton Twin.
  4. As I’ve gotten older I need a place for everything or I can’t find it when I need it. All my kit is in its plave and just needs to be picked up on the way out. my prep is pre-season start to make sure that everything is ready. I still f it up, despite this! I feel you @Odd Job
  5. I saw this when you posted, can’t believe I didn’t follow up just downloaded it, in the backlog now
  6. So sorry to hear that Ladia, wishing you the best possible under the circumstances.
  7. Thank you - I have DM'd you Good advice - thank you! I will keep you posted on progress. I will have a large volume hybrid to start with and a large pumpable foil: may even be able SUP / surf with the setup
  8. After mulling over getting back into windsurfing again after many years, due to inconsistent wind where I will frequent, I have opted to explore wing / wind / surf foiling and am putting together a starter kit. A new sport buddy is going to be lending me a wing / wind hybrid board and I have sourced a wing and foil suitable for starting and my weight (190lb) I am looking for some cheap gear to explore the wind aspect of this. Anyone got anything lying around? Mast (SDM by default unless mast, foot and extension are all provided the same), 430 - 460 ish mast foot Mast extension Boom (160-200 ish) I am expecting to have a 5 and 6.5 m sail (at $80 each), small for normal windsurfing and expected wind, I believe ok for a wind foil at about 15 knots. Any foiling equipment would be interesting to see as well, i have nothing purchased yet. board should be at least 120 l wing 5-6 m foil - large starter
  9. This may warrant its own thread (Admins please do so if necessary). Does anyone have advice on the best board and foil to start, but that will still be usable with experience?
  10. Welcome M! There is a relevant thread that you may find interesting, that is currently evolving in typical forum fashion. This thread specifically reviews mass produced boards but there are multiple custom options available as well. You can search on "soft boot carving" to see a range of existing discussion and reviews.
  11. Thanx for the comments Crack! This was the initial impetus for looking for a 29+ waist. I am a 28.5 at 190 pounds, 5' 11" I will ride with a positive rear angle, as high as is practical for soft boots. I have ridden north of 160/155 all my looooong life.
  12. @neanderthal Sorry Cateks are sold. Thanx for your interest.
  13. Thank you for your response. I am not lost, i responded to the details in this thread with a consolidation of that information. It was started in 2020 but the last comment before mine was less than 1 month ago. rather than start a whole new thread on the same topic I decided to post here. Great advice, in my case already done, as part of this analysis, hence my reduced list: I am not yet convinced that SB carving is for me so looking for a cheap option to decide My current SB carver is too narrow, so width is absolutely critical for my choice I am in the NE so don't expect to see much powder, focusing on the board's carving characteristics My mountain does not have any wide trails so SCR is required to be short, determined in the data analysis If I decide that SB carving is something I want to improve at, i will order a custom board, if necessary, once I understand what I need / want. For now I want a SB carver that is fun to ride when riding with my daughter and for me that is carving.
  14. Using the details from the table Above I identified some boards that I would consider. Below is a list of options that I can buy now. I don't have the ability to test ride any of these and obviously am not in a position to make an informed decision beyond the data presented. Although all could fit my budget, I would prefer to pay less, rather than more. Any feedback / suggestions would be welcomed.
  15. I am clearly missing snowboarding and its only April! I have been doing some research on getting a new to me soft boot carver and found this thread very helpful. Below is a table that I created, based on what was provided in the thread, of information that I have been able to find. This is biased towards my needs for a 29+ waist and only identifies the single length that I found with the highest suitable waist. Table is sorted on Width descending.
  16. @powdahbonz I found the specs online, PMd you
  17. Howdy P what is the waste width? link or pics would work.
  18. I am sad to offer this up, just don't ride it enough and hope it can be better used. I bought it thinking that I was going back to Switzerland and big wide glacier runs.
  19. I currently have an Soul SG 159 that is too narrow for me at 25.5 cm. Looking for a replacement at 29+ cm. I have just posted some boards for sale that I would consider for trading and could also consider the SG Soul for trade as well. This is my last ditch effort at exploring soft boot carving
  20. I seldom see new snow and my local is really too narrow for a GS board so doing some spring cleaning and thinning the quiver. I am also looking for a 29-30 cm wide soft boot carver so a trade could be considered. I do have an SG Soul 159 as a soft boot carver that is too narrow for me. I would consider selling that as well, but can also keep it for my daughter. 2010 Coiler NSR 185 TAKEN Sidewall note: T 185 NSR 010 JM1 6.9+6 Width: 19.5 Radius: 13.7 / 17 I purchased this from a Forum member Condition: very good: Base has a minor surface scratch as shown in the pics, storage wax, Top sheet has typical small surface scratches. $330 + shipping, 10% to forum. 2008 Never Summer Summit 167 Board note: SUM 167 08037 Width: 25.5 Radius: 8 variable Condition: very good: I have only ridden this board once, top sheet has some lift rash. $220 + shipping, 10% to forum I purchased this from a Forum member, original post: Catek Stepins (SOLD) I purchased these off CL / FB Marketplace, I can't remember - I needed them to help determine ideal cant angles when I had a foot bed made, arrived too late to use, and have never used them. Comfortably fits my Mondo 28.5 boots (US 11) Excellent condition, look almost new. $150 + shipping, 10% to forum
  21. At the end of a run, just above the lifts I realized that there was nobody around and spontaneously decided to try a 360 ... SUCCESS! The first one was almost perfect and I rode right out of it. The next 3 left me face down on the snow, smiling. Thanx for all the tips in this thread, something must have stuck. @fluxgame was following me and promptly completed a 360 as well.
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