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Recreational carver or Medical carver.... Which one are you?


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So at the house after a good carve session with fellow carvers at bachelor trench session 2018 a term was used that started quite a discussion. I think input from the alpine community can help sort things out. Recreational Carver was the term soon followed by well I'm a medical carver.  Well the banter soon went off the hook. It seems that the definitions vary quite a lot. What is a recreational carver? One that only rides 10 days a year but has the expensive gear, or one that does it only to fit in, or won't ride there group of local hardbooters for whatever reason? What is a medical carver? One that has to ride for mental health stability, or has to for physical stability, or just has to do analytical dissection of every turn made? Personally I'm a medical carver. I do it for my mental well being, it just touches my soul in a very special way. I ride for physical health too. As a gimp ass riding completely keeps me in shape physically as well. This post is part joke and ironically has some actual merit to it too. Tell me whatcha think.......this post only applies to recreational and medical carving states only LOL!

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Definitely medical :-) . Keeps me sane.  If all I needed was exercise, I could indulge recreationally and then just spend 45 minutes on the backyard trampoline.

Something about being out on the hill, dealing with any and all kinds of weather and light, having to read terrain and snow conditions at a glance while moving down the fall line; it's all pretty habit-forming.  In a good way.

I noticed that what you guys from Idaho think of as poking along is probably more like my idea of fast, so there's the time-dilation effect as well.

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being a soft booter would that make me a special needs medical carver :lol

I ride generally a minimum of 20hrs a week 52 weeks a year January to may ill be on the mountains end of may through to December ill be riding the 150m indoor slope just lapping constantly. For me its fitness and constantly seeking the sense of flow and perfection

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7 minutes ago, lonbordin said:

I'm in search of the psychological state known as flow.


So I'm just another in the line at the pharmacy.

This was main reason i got addicted for me its super easy to achieve on a board 2 turns and im mentally gone into the flow state and riding on auto pilot. Riding and racing DH mountain bikes id only ever really achieve flow in say 1 in 8 descents but on a board i can get that sense almost every run unless im working on something or riding in a white out or adverse conditions.

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Nice thread Russ,

Medicinal.  by far.

Though I think it has hit a nerve and gone much deeper than you originally intended. Not to go to far off of the rails here, but  for me to find inner peace and quiet, I need to be  pushing that edge between control and catastrophe,  teetering there. Everett used some audio from me a few years ago in one of his Donek videos expounding on this very topic. I love finding that place of quiet, either on my mountain bike or one of my boards, where time slows down, and I become one with my conveyance of the moment, flowing, and the ride just happens, and I am at peace. Or maybe I could just try heroin, or not,  I just like the adrenaline way to much

we are all just a bunch of junkies waiting for our next hit of white, in this case, snow


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Snowboarding is definitely a broad-spectrum disorder for me.  I've got plenty of interests but none that I identify as solidly with as I do with snowboarding.  I guess if I have to pigeon-hole what kind of snowboarding I like it would have to look something like this...


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It's a wonderful madness, a glorious obsession! 

edited from Wikipedia
Psychosis is an abnormal condition of the mind that results in difficulties telling what is real and what is not. Symptoms may include false beliefs and seeing or hearing things that others do not see or hear. Other symptoms may include incoherent speech and behavior that is inappropriate for the situation. There may also be sleep problems, social withdrawal, lack of motivation, and difficulties carrying out daily activities.

Psychosis has many different causes......The neurotransmitter dopamine is believed to play a role. The diagnosis of a mental illness requires excluding other potential causes. Testing may be done to check for central nervous system diseases, toxins, or other health problems as a cause.

Treatment may include antipsychotic medication, counselling, and social support. Early treatment appears to improve outcomes. Medications appear to have a moderate effect. Outcomes depend on the underlying cause.


And Pink Floyd - Speak To Me
"I've always been mad, I know I've been mad, like the 
most of us...very hard to explain why you're mad, even if you're not mad..." 

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Hi, I'm Troy and I'm  a glisse addict!

I self identified as a skier before snowboards happened.

Pskichosis is my genetic disposition. In casual conversation I still call it skiing. I 1st noticed the mind altering effects at age 7 during recess, running and sliding on frozen puddles and knew I was goofy long before ever hearing the term. At lunch I ran home (across the street from the school) and traded my keds for smoooth soled dress shoes and planted the seed of my gear whoring ways.

These days I prefer my lines curved; that started with flexible flyers on hilly backroads, skeleton is to this day, one of my favorite olympic sports.

once an addict, always an addict; there is no cure, only maintenance.

Thank you all for your support:1luvu:

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