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How many days do you carve in hardboots per year?

Jack M

How many days do you typically carve in hardboots per year?  

94 members have voted

  1. 1. How many days do you typically carve in hardboots per year?

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  • Poll closed on 04/30/2018 at 07:28 PM

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Although I am never the one to demo the art of the sport, I would say my son and I ride alpine every single weekend, and every single day of every vacation he gets, unless sick. I just wish there were more riders on alpine boards at Watterville so as I could learn more.

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There should be a "0" response.

I see a lot of guys in hard boots skidding around. They don't even try to carve.

I think they think they are carving but they aren't.


Personally, if you are going to comment on a technique or equipment thread the forum should require you to post video or get vouched for. There's so many kooks on here spouting advice that can't find their ass with both hands on a snowboard.

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So I voted in the 11- 15 range. That's out of an average 60 days on snow.

I am taking Jacks title in context "How many days do you typically carve in hardboots per year?"

anyone that says everyday, that cant be right. You CARVE on 12" powder days, or Boiler plate concrete days, or sloppy bumpy spring corn? I say impossible.

Also there is Johns point above just because you ride in hard boots that does not mean you are "Carving in hard boots"

I only ride hard boots and carve when conditions are worth my effort so probably 15 days a year at best.

The rest of the days are for softboots or skis.

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2 hours ago, trailertrash said:

There's so many kooks on here spouting advice that can't find their ass with both hands on a snowboard.

That sounds painful and probably a bit dangerous.  I'm surprised that there are so many hardbooters that are cool with just skidding around.  It already takes enough effort to source the right hardware. I don't get people that don't then invest in learning the techniques and close the loop?  Every time I wind up skidding  I just counting the time I'll have to spend to re-tune the edges.

I'm getting 24 to 30 per year; any more and I'd probably have to start alimony payments.  Carving every inch of every run (or at least attempting to and then learning from it).  

Edited by st_lupo
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With an all mountain board you can ride in hard boots ripping through crud here and there, then carve some nice groomers without having to change boots and boards.  Usually do the morning recon on an all mountain scouting out quality groomers, before i switch boards.  And yes, it is OK to skid turns in hard boots, just do it with style.

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11 hours ago, Jack Michaud said:

Note the question is not how many days do you ride...

It's still a bit of loose question... How many days one tries to ONLY carve, or goes out intending to mostly carve? Or count any day when you throw in some carving? Or, where is the limit? 

I always carve when oportuniy is there, but I never only carve. My idea of a successful day is to rip on groomers, make a detour to bumps (unless I'm on a GS or a big stiff freecarver), hit few jumps in the park, throw in few flat tricks and switch... Even in pow, given enough space and right texture, I'd carve turns. The difference is that it's the base that carves, not the edge. 

Over and above, when I ski (not very often any more), I still carve in my hard boots - they are the one and the same ;) 

Edited by BlueB
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17 hours ago, softbootsurfer said:

I Carve 130 days a year, the only turns I do are Carves, no matter the conditions, Carve Tracks only show up when you are Carving...this is what Carving Tracks look like... Ride the Edge, has nothing to do with your Boots!!

Sorry Bob, I was trying to differentiate for people such as myself who also spend some time in softboots riding all-mtn/powder/trees/park/etc.  Not sure how to work your style into this poll... you are special Bob!  Carve on.

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14 hours ago, Eric Brammer aka PSR said:

If I had taken this 'poll', say, 20 Years ago, The answer would've been well past the '101+' mark. In '96, I had Over 300 days on snow, and 60% of that time (not 'days', as I'd very often switch out gear!) was in Hardshells. Now, I'm a 'mid-week' Warrior, kind of..


In '96 I had over 400 days on snow.

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I do find myself carving in the morning on hardboots and in the afternoon using a soft boot setup but still for carving and riding all mountain style.    Up until last year it was 100% hardboots for the last 15 years.   Kinda fell in love with softboots  carving again this past year with the quality of board / bindings / boots we didn't have a few years ago.   If we did I wasn't aware of it :) 


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I always "try" to carve, after all there's groomers between all the bump, tree and powder runs

perfect linked full C turns offpiste are awesome fun in the right conditions; are they carves? not according to trash, but they feel just like carves on a groomer do:confused:

and I don't change boots (maybe boards) for "special" conditions or to ski on a whim, what a pain in the ass:smashfrea

short answer all of them, I get carved turns every time I'm out which may be only a low 35 this year

Edited by b0ardski
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