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Who's Stoked for a new season and what is your goal?


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Time for a new thread to refocus on the end game.

I have been to the past two ATC's and left both sessions physically drained because I tend to run top to bottom without a break AND stoked about how much better it would be the next time if I could increase my skill level. 

This will be my fourth season with hard boots and I need to break out of my "Expert Beginner" status. I was lucky enough to meet up with a local carver who I have adopted as a coach so I picked up a season pass to a local bump for training sessions. So I am stoked.

My goal is to suck it up; stop riding the side-cut; put the board on edge and angulate with my body as much as I do in my minds eye.


Are you stoked?

What is your goal?

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Nice thread idea.  

I'm stoked for this season!  I'm doing a [url=http://forums.bomberonline.com/topic/45465-officialunofficial-atc-2018-thread]trip to Aspen, Feb 3-9[/url], and maybe one more to another place.  Pusbag got me pretty excited over the steeps at Schweitzer, so that's on the short list.  

My goals:

1. Ride as much as I can. 

2. Work on EC-style carving.  I tend to leave a wide trench (skidding) as soon as I get my shoulders low.  

3. Fine-tuning fore-aft weight shifts based on feedback in this thread

4. Play more with switch carving.  


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Nice thread! Stoked, of course ?

Complete my instructor evaluator training and become the only one that runs courses on hard boots. 

Get comfy with 360 jump on medium and bigger hits, maybe start learning the 540 (on h/boots of course). 

Get lower in switch carving. 

Brush up on regular carving techniques, where I probably stagnated a bit. 

Last but not least, have tons of fun! ?

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I have felt badly shortchanged the last few seasons (didn't help that I spent 3 months working in Singapore 2 seasons ago, lol). Hoping to turn that around this season and make some trips - already have NICE and WTF lined up, and I'm trying to get my CA cousins to rally for a Tahoe or Bachelor trip. Maybe a trip to Mt. Bailey with my sister is in the cards too...

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I had a very short day on Sunday.  New boots were killing me. I have, though, managed to do something I haven't been able to do before.

All this summer I concentrated on  getting into better shape (Mario's voice saying "bend your knees!").  This Sunday through the foot pain I managed to get far lower.  It was just the tip mind you but I definitely felt some different response.

I'm stoked to tying that out again and improving this season.  Feel like I'm almost there!

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I rode an alpine board exclusively from 1990 until 2000 when I started spending much more time in softies.  Three seasons ago I rediscovered (although I never completely ignored my carving gear) my hard boots and carve specific boards.  Last year I got a good 20 days on my MK and 180 Proteus.  I also spent a day with PSR (great coach) and followed that up with some extensive dialing-in of my technique.  

My plan for this season is to do more of the same.  I'm also going to try to get to my local hill for one weekday morning per week while there is no one there, if the work schedule will allow.

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With a wrist surgery on the cards pretty soon, and the news from my orthopedic surgeon that a hip replacement is a ‘when’ not an ‘if’, I plan to ride every chance I get. Decided not to race this winter, maybe with the exception of NASTAR, but plan on spending all my time on my edge, be it on my Kessler race boards or my new soft boot carver. 

I got a ‘flow deal’ from GoPro, so I plan on making a short video, to say thank you to them. 

Im excited for the season, and as long as the cortisone injections continue to work, I plan on leaving as many deep trenches in the snow of Utah, as possible!

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2 hours ago, avante said:

Goal for the season: have fun and to try not to hurt myself ?

Yes, this is my goal for sure.

Early season:

Don’t hurt yourself, you will mess up the whole season.

Mid season:

Don’t hurt yourself, you will miss the next few powder days.

Late season:

Don’t hurt yourself, you will be sidelined for the Summer.

Hope to work on my “slasher bomb” although it is really called a blaster,

but Mr Knapton is to young to know, so he has given it a new name:)

Sorry, won’t make it to Aspen this year for the unofficial, ATC.

If you guys can secure the “ Bomber House” it is well worth it.

Ron & Gloria

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8 hours ago, big mario said:

Very Stoked, and hoping to not be hobbled by my IT band, front medial meniscus and my back Achilles this season


The trigger point roller, a metal tube covered with foam is perfect for rolling your it band, and spine, lower back, shins, what every you can get on it, hurts the first time, then it’s heaven, it’s the price of an hour of massage but then it lasts forever, roll before and after riding.

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Myofascial release is the bomb!

I personally can't wait for the new season. I honestly can't wait for all the schedules to be finalized so I can start making more concrete plans. 

It is a choose your own adventure season and we will see what happens. The general goal is to ride with friends. This may sound funny, but I am on a break from being tied to any one resort so I can go ride more with people I enjoy riding with. That and just hit the low key regional usasa races. I am having too much fun racing to stop now. Volunteer at a riding on insulin event....

Oh yeah, and somehow get the mini shreds out more often.....

And press some prototypes.....

Riding goals are the continued quest for refinement.

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Great idea Partisan!

Pre Season

- Trying to not get hurt before season starts is high on my list currently!                                                                  

 - Add compound exercise routine to my daily road biking and 3x  weekly weight training - to hopefully help      in avoiding getting hurt during season!

In Season 

- Stay low(er) and Go Fast(er)!                                                                                                                                          

- Get some video footage  for the Bomber Sages to help in refining my efforts at EC                                             

- Aiming for a season of 120+ days on the hill                                                                                                         -

-  Give Burton "Step On" system  a fair amount of time to evaluate it's performance                                         

-  Try Apex Geckos on my Swoard and Moss boards                                                                                               

-  Make it to unofficial TTC and or June Mtn. Carvers Classic                                                                                 

- Make it to my 62 birthday!    

Edited by barryj
Format problems!
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My goal is to have fun, avoid injury, and really get comfortable on my coiler I got mid last season, hoping I still retain some breakthroughs I made last season. 

My other goal is to try and get to ride with others as much as possible.... Maybe learn through osmosis lol. I'd love to find an "adoptive coach"  ;) 

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Definitely stoked; got a new Coiler and a barely used Kessler to add to the bag of toys.  The main goal is to have fun (of course) followed by not hurting anybody else and upping my game.  Looks like I'll have a trip to Utah in mid March, so hopefully I'll be able to trick somebody from BOL into meeting up and showing me how to really carve :biggthump.

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21 hours ago, Partisan said:

What are the symptoms? 

The entire outer sweep of my thigh was tight and hurt like the dickens, especially around the insertion by my knee. A really good sports massage therapist  was finally able to fix it up after the ATC last year despite all of the aggressive rolling I was doing

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1 hour ago, big mario said:

The entire outer sweep of my thigh was tight and hurt like the dickens, especially around the insertion by my knee. A really good sports massage therapist  was finally able to fix it up after the ATC last year despite all of the aggressive rolling I was doing


IT band problems often have an origin in the structure of the foot. If, for instance, a 'wobbly' foot requires more stability than provided by the muscles of the lower leg, the knee will be recruited as a means of 'trimming' medial/lateral. This, in turn, will eventually inflame the IT band. Especially under the loads associated with greater mass in the 'athletic' context.

And if your knee is already compromised structurally, that's not helping.

Rolling, stretching, massage, etc is treating the symptom.

More info if you want it.

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