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How many of you carve mostly by yourself when on home hill?


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I always look for others, and often even see someone like half the time from the lift or their mark in the snow, but only manage to meet up to say hi or ride for just a run or two for one reason or another about 1/3 of those times. Rarely have I been able to spend a couple hours with them. That usually requires a session or good coordination. 

Edited by AcousticBoarder
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Nigel C and I bump into each other sometimes, but mostly I drink alone. That said, had a great session with a Japanese snowboard instructor on carving gear at Cardrona. Common equipment bridged the language gap. Had another great afternoon riding with an adaptive skier (paraplegic), a pair of "odd men out".

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Oh my gawd. You guys are so LUCKY!! Do you have any idea how trenchy the slopes in Loveland get?!? How can an aspiring carver see his own tracks when they're constantly being run over by heavy heavy trenchers? I need to replace my knees every season just because of the slopes condition every Sunday.

And let's not talk about being special. You guys get all the attention and gawking.  "Hey look, here's an alpine carver, let's watch him"...  On Loveland you're just another one of those carvers.


Really, riding alone... Sounds almost fun :eplus2:


* Above rant is a work of satire and should not be taken too literally. The author does not think riding alone is fun and seeing skiers fall on Mario's trenches is always entertaining.I can only recommend you move to Colorado and join the LCI so you can join an ATC every Sunday in Loveland (where the lifts are slow and it's always windy - you won't like it)!

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1xsculler, I'll be at Crystal tomorrow and may bring a hardboot set up with me. This is my 1st season at Crystal after 27 years at Stevens and the past 10 years back and forth between Hood and Stevens. I typically ride soft boots but was starting to get into alpine at Hood a bit. Got hurt a few years back and have only been on softboots until last Wed when I broke out the Swoard and hardboots. It was pretty fun!  Black and yellow coat, black pants and black helmet. I'll be on a SG BX board to start then will switch to the hardboots after a bit. Ill probably start out on Rex, and or Forest Queen then  move to Quicksilver for the Hardboots. Its short and mellow but a nice run to ease back onto the alpine stuff. When its good I hang out on 6, Southback and Northway. I'll keep an eye out for a hardbooter. I expect it to be bullet proof tomorrow.





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I'll be on either side of the Forest Queen lift or on Quicksilver working on my carving on the groomers.  It may be too icy but we'll see.  Yellow/green parka, grey pants, grey helmut...hope to be in the upper parking lot by 8:30.

If the conditions report says ugly I may sleep in but not likely.

text:  253-686-0839

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8 hours ago, erazz said:

Oh my gawd. You guys are so LUCKY!! Do you have any idea how trenchy the slopes in Loveland get?!? How can an aspiring carver see his own tracks when they're constantly being run over by heavy heavy trenchers? I need to replace my knees every season just because of the slopes condition every Sunday.

And let's not talk about being special. You guys get all the attention and gawking.  "Hey look, here's an alpine carver, let's watch him"...  On Loveland you're just another one of those carvers.


Really, riding alone... Sounds almost fun :eplus2:


* Above rant is a work of satire and should not be taken too literally. The author does not think riding alone is fun and seeing skiers fall on Mario's trenches is always entertaining.I can only recommend you move to Colorado and join the LCI so you can join an ATC every Sunday in Loveland (where the lifts are slow and it's always windy - you won't like it)!

Hey Erazz!  Can I be an honorary member of the LCI?  Please?  Loveland was my homebase in the 90s and I still have the best memories of the shenanigans my friends and I used to get up to there.  The wind though... It was AWESOME.  Kept all of the riff-raff away, and it made the chairlifts redundant on occasion.

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Half the time its just me. I loose my friends on purpose. The last person you want to smash into is me. I look up hill all the time but if I ride with less people the less chance I have of the close call or worse. Others have know idea what can be done on a carving board " You just came out of nowhere, how did you just do that its physically impossible!!"  The trench does not lie it sticks around for a couple runs. Its just easier to carve when your alone you can stay focused and its easier on the lower half of your body no standing around and you get less muscle fatigue when your on your game. Plenty of time to chat after at the bar.

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I'm 50/50. 

When I do go out by myself.  I will most likely be on my Kessler ride,  try and enjoy the whole/longer day,  have a couple rum punches, and save myself/body for a good carving day when my crew is with me. 

I prefer riding with others 100%,  the chairlift rides are hysterical, and we push each other on the steeper more technical terrain. 

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