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Heard It In The Lift Line 2014/2015


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Continuing the theme from previous years:

Angry jibber boy in a knee-length T-shirt dress - Why don't you just ski?!? F--k!

Liftie - You're tearing it up today! *high five*

Random guy - How do you like those bindings?

Me - They're great! (Bomber SI SW)

RG - My son is looking for some. They're great for tricks!

Me - Uhh...

RG - I hear all the pros ride them in the half-pike.

Me - You probably mean soft boots.

RG - Yeah! Thanks!

Employee pairing people up before the chair - You three pair up with the guy on the Alpine board. This'll be the only time you can keep up with him all day.

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Continuing the theme from previous years:

Employee pairing people up before the chair - You three pair up with the guy on the Alpine board. This'll be the only time you can keep up with him all day.

That man knows how to judge LOL.
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Glad to see the oxv get some use Jon.

Over here at 49* north always positive comments from lifties,

Always get amazed looks when from most when I step out in line or backin at the top w/out ever bending over.

Saw a mt. host ripping nice carves on softies, Talked to him atfter the last run, we run about the same angles (30/45) but he's on stepin burton softies,(I have tose too but never use'em) Ah kindred spirits, we'll be sharing some turns soon and Ill talk him intoo trying some hardshells.

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Father to son: "Check out that alpine board"


Lots of murmurs of "look at that" or "what kind of board is that", but nothing directed at me.


Two skiers approaching the lift line: "Wow, you were making some nice turns back there"

Me: "Was I in your way at all, I appologize if I didn't let you by"

Skiers: "No way man, we had a lot of fun trying to follow your line."


I was meeting an aquaintance on the mountain and he knew I was close when a skier complained on the lift: "A guy on a carving board with a green helmet was taking up the whole run."  He just waited for me at the top of the lift and said, "I knew it was you!"


While waiting at the top of a steeper section of trail for traffic to die down, A dad to his son: "Hold up, watch this guy carve down this."

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I was out on the Kessler 185 rocket ship today and some guy on skis behind me in the lift line asked me what it was.  I told him it's a snowboard and he goes, "huh... I've never been passed by a snowboard before..."  I said, "yeah, you were really hauling ass when I went around you.   :biggthump "

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  • 2 weeks later...

I had a really rotten, chewed up run down Olympian at Mt. Bachelor today.  At the bottom there is a way to cut over to another chair, bypassing the off ramp of the beginner chair.  I noticed there was no one on the beginner run and went down.  It was the best, most consistent groomed of the day, all 250 feet.  The lift op, Bob, who is in his lower 60's commented that he doesn't see many alpine boarders any more.  I told him that we are staging a comeback.  He said "Keep up the good work".

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The lift op, Bob, who is in his lower 60's commented that he doesn't see many alpine boarders any more.  I told him that we are staging a comeback.  He said "Keep up the good work".

When I got boot-fitted near one of the local mountains, the fitter said he is getting more and more calls each year about alpine snowboarders.



At the other local mountain, one of the trail/freestyle crew: "Does that even work?"

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I had a really rotten, chewed up run down Olympian at Mt. Bachelor today.  At the bottom there is a way to cut over to another chair, bypassing the off ramp of the beginner chair.  I noticed there was no one on the beginner run and went down.  It was the best, most consistent groomed of the day, all 250 feet.  The lift op, Bob, who is in his lower 60's commented that he doesn't see many alpine boarders any more.  I told him that we are staging a comeback.  He said "Keep up the good work".


Bob!!!!     He rides an alpine board every now and then.   Watching him manage the lines @Sunshine during the holidays was a hoot.     Whoever has been grooming Olympian over the past week should be fired, it's been AWFUL!

Edited by Mike T
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