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AIL "Alpine Injured List"


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Bad news. Another one of our carving family was severely injured this early this morning as she was making first tracks out of Aspen. 99WJ was attacked by crazy jibber doe with a death wish running at 55mph and no regard to the skier code. The damage was severe to her forehead and grill and she lost her right eye in the confrontation. To insult to injury, the jibber doe crapped all over her. Luckily, she's in good spirits and still trucking. Please keep her in your thoughts and wish a speedy recovery for her.



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Would you mind describing in full detail the circumstances surrounding your injury?


I was on a relatively flat section of the trail but moving at a pretty decent clip to keep my speed up for the final coast to the lift. I was going toeside and (it happened pretty fast) ended up sliding on my stomach. The board dropped to the snow and caught which jammed the board on the snow a few times as I slid to a stop. My ankle felt funny and the boot liner felt like it had been shifted. The liner felt as if my heel had lifted and slid up the [adding on the inside and it left a funny pressure on my ankle. I rode down to the lift and took off the boot to try and adjust the liner. I thought I got it fixed so I wanted to try one more run to see if the boot was the source of the pain. The run down really hurt. I could go heel side fine but toe side was almost unbearable. We ended up leaving and I could tell, the next morning it wasn't right. Had xrays but was told it was just a bad sprain, they put it in a soft cast anyway and I wore that for 10 days until

I had to go back to the boat.

When I got home last week, even though it was feeling much better and the swelling was way down, my ankle was still throwing heat and felt tweaked. I had my previous films and made an ortho appointment for Fri, when the Dr. pretty much said it was broken before he even got 5 feet in the room. I had a CT scan this morning and have a follow up on Wed to see if surgery is needed. My particular break is not displaced as determined by 2 sets of xrays 1 month apart.

It sounds like in layman's terms for this injury to happen you need to have your toes flexed up and a forward lean on the ankle which locks the talus process(essentially a toe side turn). Add some kind of impact force and the kind of angles we run and it seems like the leg is loaded for this to happen.

edit, as I said this is my understanding, I'm not a medical professional and if you have something that sounds like this you should absolutely see a Dr.

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Hey Kimo, just wanted to say thanks again for your help at this years SES. Your Jeep was in better condition when you gave me a much needed ride from Buttermilk!! I will be in a Aircast boot for another 2-3 wks. (Doctors orders) How is your Leg?


I'm going to see my doc tomorrow. We'll find out then. Maybe I should blame you for passing along your contagion to me during the ride over. :freak3:

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It sounds like in layman's terms for this injury to happen you need to have your toes flexed up and a forward lean on the ankle which locks the talus process(essentially a toe side turn). Add some kind of impact force and the kind of angles we run and it seems like the leg is loaded for this to happen.

Thanks for the incident description. Perhaps others may avoid misfortune by avoiding the above quoted circumstances.

Front ankle?

Edited by Beckmann AG
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Kimo, unless you were going in reverse when this happened, it looks like the deer was downhill of you. Skier code puts YOU at fault. Unless, of course, the deer was standing where he couldn't be seen, or started out in front of you without looking.

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Yet another SES trip Injury!

Was in Aspen for a week before SES and fell while racing NASTAR at Highlands. R hand index finger swollen and very bruised looking. Never mind, not too sore and all the joints work so I just kept on riding and racing through till the end of SES.

Arrived home 24 hours ago, saw my orthopaedic surgeon this am, fracture through first bone of R index finger (prox. phalanx) with fracture extending into the joint with the hand (MCPJ). Surgeons plan to operate within next 48 hours to reduce fracture and allow early full mobilisation to reduce stiffness in the joint.

Ah well, there has to be a price to pay for getting a NASTAR gold on the next run through after the fall!

SunSurfer (Alan McKenzie)

Edited by SunSurfer
remove ID on xray
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The deer was definitely just standing in the middle of the road where it could not be seen. I tried to turn and stop, but I didn't really have time to react. You can confirm this with Roberto. He saw the whole thing. He's much more attentive than Dave.

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Yet another SES trip Injury!

Was in Aspen for a week before SES and fell while racing NASTAR at Highlands. R hand index finger swollen and very bruised looking. Never mind, not too sore and all the joints work so I just kept on riding and racing through till the end of SES.

Arrived home 24 hours ago, saw my orthopaedic surgeon this am, fracture through first bone of R index finger (prox. phalanx) with fracture extending into the joint with the hand (MCPJ). Surgeons plan to operate within next 48 hours to reduce fracture and allow early full mobilisation to reduce stiffness in the joint.

Ah well, there has to be a price to pay for getting a NASTAR gold on the next run through after the fall!

SunSurfer (Alan McKenzie)

Just home from the hospital, 3 x 1.5mm diameter stainless steel screws holding together the 7 fragments of my broken finger bone inserted during a two and a half hour operation. Injury more severe than I had thought when I first saw the x-rays. Starting to think seriously about whether I will go in a race course again. Hand to be in splint for 3 weeks, then intensive physiotherapy to gain as much motion as possible.


Edited by SunSurfer
image edit to remove ID, details.
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I get two screws in my left medial mallelous tomorrow. The bone is now officially displaced. Yay me. All the doctors agree I have low bone density. The thinking is that it's because of all the steroids that I was one after my craniotomies. We used dexamethasone to control my intracranial pressure for a long time.

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Theo. Thanks for the update and film. Looks just like mine. Obviously you did have surgery. I have a 15" nail in my tibia too. They said the same thing about the fibia.

Heal well!! Bryan

PS At about 6 weeks they took the lower screws out to allow the bone to move ever so slightly to help stimulate the bone ends to join and heal.

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Sorry have to ask were you riding a plate in the race ? As we all claim plates improve control thus preventing injuries. Does this mean you don't have to do any house hold chores for a while and you can spend you rehab time waxing boards and tuning edges.

Is this directed at me? I assume so based on the chore comment..I'll answer anyway, and if I make an ass of myself, it won't be the first or last time. I wasn't racing, I was riding very fast on a 200cm board though. I should have had a plate, the board was meant for a plate, and it may have lessened the extent of the injury based on my experience with crashing and chattering and the relative pain levels that follow.

I live alone in Mammoth, can't escape taking care of business.. I am just down in San Diego for a little bit for some unrelated medical issues that are semi-urgent.

Theo, nice hardware, hope recovery keeps going well.

Thanks Chris, let me know when you want me to get you set up on that Factory Prime..I'll make it happen, I promise.

Theo. Thanks for the update and film. Looks just like mine. Obviously you did have surgery. I have a 15" nail in my tibia too. They said the same thing about the fibia.

Heal well!! Bryan

PS At about 6 weeks they took the lower screws out to allow the bone to move ever so slightly to help stimulate the bone ends to join and heal.

I haven't heard of any plans to have my screws out, as far as I know everything is being left alone.

I'm still in a tremendous amount of pain, and unfortunately I'm allergic to Tylenol and the bleeding risks with Advil outweigh the benefits for me with my other health issues so I'm stuck with the good old opiates. I'm pretty sick of being dopey but it's better than hurting. Luckily things have been staying moving, so to speak.

Edited by KingCrimson
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Happen to be an orthopedic surgeon, sports medicine specialist. I coach our local high school race team, and have been an intermittent participant in bomber forums in the past. Am getting more involved in the Bomber community now, and would be happy to help in any way with injury issues.

Hey Dr Schwartz, it's too bad I won't be making it up to states, I'm assuming your high school is racing at Shasta. (since you're next door!) It would have been cool to meet you and talk shop on my leg a little bit with a hardbooting orthopedist. I help(ed) coach the Mammoth High School team.

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Is this directed at me? I assume so based on the chore comment..I'll answer anyway, and if I make an ass of myself, it won't be the first or last time. I wasn't racing, I was riding very fast on a 200cm board though. I should have had a plate, the board was meant for a plate, and it may have lessened the extent of the injury based on my experience with crashing and chattering and the relative pain levels that follow.

I live alone in Mammoth, can't escape taking care of business.. I am just down in San Diego for a little bit for some unrelated medical issues that are semi-urgent.

Thanks Chris, let me know when you want me to get you set up on that Factory Prime..I'll make it happen, I promise.

I haven't heard of any plans to have my screws out, as far as I know everything is being left alone.

I'm still in a tremendous amount of pain, and unfortunately I'm allergic to Tylenol and the bleeding risks with Advil outweigh the benefits for me with my other health issues so I'm stuck with the good old opiates. I'm pretty sick of being dopey but it's better than hurting. Luckily things have been staying moving, so to speak.

Question was to Sunsurfer but i was interested in you nice pics and the coment earlier about lifting you board up to prevent chattering crash. Had a good wipe out this weekend myself and had earlier shown your post to my wife. Afterward i commented to her that the only thing i was concentrating on when wiping out was to keep my damn legs up to prevent similar fate ! Thanks for the heads up!
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