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Covid #'s trending down in Canada


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Well thankfully here in Saskatchewan they have finally smartened up.  It took Alberta to show the lead to Moe, but at least it's getting done.  The mask mandate will be restored as of tomorrow and as of October 1 proof of vaccination will be required to enter a number of public facilities, list to be announced shortly. Also all government and health care workers will be required to be vaccinated.

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What has been done so far by individuals and governments has not worked with getting out of this catastrophe.  If the powers that be and the citizenry do not change the course of action, it will not go away unless the virus mutates itself into a death spiral or it could mutate into some much more virulent.

Flu season is coming.  The symptoms with Covid are very close.  Many people are going to try very hard to convince themselves and others it's just the "flu", which is going create more uncertainty. 

Emergency patients with injuries or health emergencies are now unable to get care because covid is using all the available resources in some states.  Due to the unvaccinated.

15%  of the US population has now been infected with Covid (rough figures).  People have been getting infected twice.  If you speculate on where it's going to go unless we get more vaccinated, we can figure on losing another couple of hundred thousand of unvaccinated people.  

Lessons are sometimes only learned the hard way or too late.  I'm afraid that's in the cards.


Remember being pretty safe, is not safe.

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18 hours ago, TVR said:

I welcome you to show the vitriol in any post in here

I'm not talking about in here as a representative sample of the world, because it's not. There are fringe people on both sides of this issue that are quite aggressive, and some militant. That's what I was referring to above. 


18 hours ago, TVR said:

The dismissal of information also seems to be specific to one belief structure.

That is common to ALL belief structures! That's why there is information checking and data analysis to help us make sense of complex issues. 

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More information:

Here in the states, the US Gov is restricting access to the most effective noncontroversial Covid treatment, Monoclonal Antibodies. This is not due to a supply chain issue but due to politics. This is just amazing.... 

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11 hours ago, TVR said:

More information:

Here in the states, the US Gov is restricting access to the most effective noncontroversial Covid treatment, Monoclonal Antibodies. This is not due to a supply chain issue but due to politics. This is just amazing.... 

I actually read this and went Oh No!! then I realized that the Government is actually doing the opposite of what you say here, All the Unvaccinated people in Certain States are contracting the Virus and they need these Antibodies to reduce deaths and Hospitalizations...the Government is trying to respond to this Surge in Demand which is limiting supply to States other than where All the Unvaccinated people live...where did you read that the Government is trying to stop the use and or information about these Antibodies?

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1 hour ago, TVR said:

More information:

Here in the states, the US Gov is restricting access to the most effective noncontroversial Covid treatment, Monoclonal Antibodies. This is not due to a supply chain issue but due to politics. This is just amazing.... 

Please read some unbiased articles about this issue. The government is ramping production of the treatment, but in the meantime states with no other mitigation policies are causing shortages. This means that other areas of the country won't have the treatment available as their cases rise. These actions are normal for the national supply of medical equipment and treatments by any administration. Last year, the supply of ventilators was restricted too.

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 “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”

Monoclonal Antibodies is treatment("cure" - not guarantee).  many of the VIP/politician/rich folks were able to get access to it.
vaccine is prevention.

When former president was hospitalized.  he was treated with Monoclonal Antibodies.
Joe Rogan have access to it when he got it.

For the average plebeians:

cost of treatment $1250 per dose (not sure how many dost is need to treat)
cost per shot/jab(mRNA based): $30 (round up) x 2 = $60

policy(economic) is often about maximized impact based on constraint resources. 

constraint resources:  hospital bed, money, doctor, health workers

ref: Monoclonal Antibodies treatment cover in main stream media


ref on cost:

cost per treatment

cost per jab


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As a self identified dopy/goofy looking person. 
People automatically write you off/judge the book by it's cover isn't a good feeling.
I am actually impress by the gentlemen in the grey Detroit Lions shirt.
He is clearly unconformable with "lying"; very open minded:  open to new idea, have exposure to different culture/cuisines.
if anything I am hopeful.  He didn't judge until it was mentioned that it's illegal.

Jimmy K:  host of man's show with Juggies shouldn't held a moral high ground.
Unless we agree that we are all changing.  hopefully changing for the better. 
me 1.0 is work in progress, rough draft.
me 2.0 is hopefully better, more polished

I believe people have to sign release form?  As long as folks are ok with these being release and might be compensate for participating.

i am counting my lucky stars that i grow up where i won't be haunted by all the dumb ass things i did.  Now everything one do/done is being recorded/often taken out of context.

on the other hand:



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6 hours ago, Neil Gendzwill said:

This article states the opposite, that Biden is moving to increase supply and access to Monoclonal Antibodies. 


6 hours ago, softbootsurfer said:

I actually read this and went Oh No!! then I realized that the Government is actually doing the opposite of what you say here


Here, two sources that should be accepted and one no one has ever heard of... and rt as well





It is a shame....   now medicine is being treated politically.....

2 minutes ago, slopestar said:

And TVR for the win with nothing but facts… close the thread!

figured this would be funny....   life is short and all....

the merge aspect makes the context collisions happen it seems...


obviously the two context were separate with one on the meme and the other on the comments...

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So the short of it is that the states whose governments have been idiotic enough to avoid using preventative measures are now using that drug in such quantities that there is a shortage of it throughout the nation, and the federal government has stepped in to control it.  This seems like a good thing to me.


Those governments are very quick to cry about it being political when their every action throughout this crisis has been about politics.

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On 9/16/2021 at 11:07 AM, softbootsurfer said:


and the Hospitals report that the Unvaccinated are taking up a lot of their Time and Materials...and

The Hospitals report that they are unable to provide Standard regular care because of the amount of Unvaccinated people requiring care...


I know a neurosurgeon  that's loosing income postponing brain surgeries because of covid overflow clogging the hospitals; inarguable fact.

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6 hours ago, Chouinard said:

If you choose to take ivermectin, and I am not recommending that anyone does for Covid-19, here is the ivermectin data sheet put out by the branch of the NZ government that regulates medications. The document describes the dosages that are used in humans and the potential toxicity of the drug in humans. Might not do you any good, but at least it should minimise any physical harm.


In relation to ivermectin use for Covid-19, there is a paper from a reputable and peer reviewed source showing ivermectin significantly inhibits Covid-19 growth in a laboratory cell-line setting (not humans).


The only problem is that this inhibition occurred at ivermectin levels between 2.5-5uM solution strength, approx 2-4ug/ml (microgram/ml). 
A standard dose of ivermectin for an adult (12mg) produces peak concentrations of 46ng/ml (nanogram/ml) 4 hours after dosing (see medsafe doc).

This issue is explored further in the letters that follow this editorial in the same journal that published the inhibition paper.


So to achieve the kind of concentrations described iin the inhibition paper you would need to take roughly 100 times the normal dosage of ivermectin. This is not something that has been trialled in humans, although the medsafe document describes some studies where relatively large doses of ivermectin were given to volunteers to see what happened (described in more detail in the letters after the editorial).

So we don't have a plausible mechanism for ivermectin to act on Covid-19 at normal doses. And we don't have any human trials at the higher doses. (though the inhinbition paper suggests that studies to work out if there is a suitable human dose might be a good idea)

Covid-19 vaccine technology and mechanism of action is, by comparison with ivermectin , well understood. All the vaccines in use in Western nations have undergone all stages of human trials -


and are now in the surveillance phase, where extremely rare complications that were not identified earlier are likely to be found.

seems to me that people who won't take the vaccine because it "hasn't been tested enough" but will take ivermectin aren't really thinking straight.

Edited by SunSurfer
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