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Covid #'s trending down in Canada


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5 hours ago, bobble said:

i got pfizer. i felt extremely fatigued two days later. i couldn't think straight. took time off from work and slept all day. felt a little better next day.

my 2nd dose is next week.

I wouldn’t say extremely fatigued but I definitely fell asleep pretty hard on the couch the next afternoon which was a Saturday. 

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“There are a couple of small studies in children having to do with regular vaccines—not COVID vaccines—that might indicate that taking ibuprofen or acetaminophen before you get the vaccine might reduce your antibody response a little,” says William Schaffner, M.D., an infectious disease specialist and professor at the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine. “But nobody really knows whether this has any clinical significance and it’s never been studied on a clinical scale.”

So, until more research is done and the implications are understood, it’s best to be cautious and simply avoid taking these meds right before you get vaccinated, as there is some risk that doing this might “render the vaccine less effective,”says David Cennimo, M.D., assistant professor of medicine-pediatrics infectious disease at Rutgers New Jersey Medical School.

Should you worry about taking either medication after you get the COVID-19 vaccine?

Data doesn’t definitively say that taking acetaminophen or ibuprofen after getting vaccinated will interfere with the vaccine’s effectiveness, so don’t stress over it too much, says says Thomas Russo, M.D., professor and chief of infectious disease at the University at Buffalo in New York. In general, if you have bothersome pain or discomfort, taking an OTC med, like ibuprofen or acetaminophen, per the dosage instructions is reasonable, per the CDC.

It’s also totally possible that the CDC recommends checking in with your doctor in advance because taking too much of either medication can be toxic, Dr. Russo says.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, our infected numbers are spiking again. We went full Code Red Critical: stores limited to 10% capacity, or 100, whichever is less.  City schools switched back to remote learning. Etc. 

I hope more people get vaccinated and we can slow the spread. 

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In Ontario we have been under a "stay at home order" since April 8th, and they announced yesterday that they will be extending that order to June 3rd.  Nothing is open, not even outdoor activities like golf.  It's a bit depressing, especially for the kids.  We are still letting them meet up with friends outdoors, but even that is against the rules.

Vaccinations are going well.  Covid cases are finally on the decline which is good.

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Alberta not doing any better than the rest of Canada, we had the distinction of the highest infection rate in North America last week. So gyms, personal services, restaurants all shut down, but you can totally go to the mall and hang out, or BBQ in the backyard with four of your buddies. Sigh.

I got the Moderna vax on Thursday. Couldn't lift my arm over my head the next day, but that went away pretty quick, although five days later and I've felt pretty blah for yesterday and today. Hoping it's the vax doing things behind the scenes.

Glad I didn't get the Astra Zeneca shot. A friend of mine's wife got it, and got a pretty nice taste of the real thing - she was dog sick for 24 hours. The AZ and J&J ones seem to kick people around pretty good.

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On 5/12/2021 at 11:43 AM, Allee said:

Glad I didn't get the Astra Zeneca shot. A friend of mine's wife got it, and got a pretty nice taste of the real thing - she was dog sick for 24 hours. The AZ and J&J ones seem to kick people around pretty good.

While it's nice not to have any reaction and still get the immunity to the Covid virus, your sore arm, and your friend's wife's illness are both signs of the body recognising the vaccine material as "foreign" and producing a good immune system response to the vaccine. Remember, none of the vaccines you mention contain Covid virus. (Edit: AZ & JJ use an adenovirus to carry the "template" to make the antibodies to Covid)

The Astra-Zeneca vaccine does rarely (estimates vary between 1-4 cases per 1,000,000 people vaccinated) trigger antiplatelet antibodies and the resulting blood clots and low platelet counts, which makes the risk-benefit ratio favour its use in older people (somewhere around 40-50+ years old) with a greater risk of severe illness or death from Covid.
(Links below to newspaper, and New England Medical Journal original reference source)



Update 13 May: JJ now also linked to same rare clotting and low platelet count problem.

Edited by SunSurfer
clarity and accuracy
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2 hours ago, Allee said:

Glad I didn't get the Astra Zeneca shot. A friend of mine's wife got it, and got a pretty nice taste of the real thing - she was dog sick for 24 hours. The AZ and J&J ones seem to kick people around pretty good.

My wife was sick for 2 days after 2nd Pfizer dose.  My 2nd Pfizer dose is on the 19th, we'll see.  A friend got Moderna and said she felt 10 years younger after the 2nd dose. 🤷‍♂️

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My wife had Moderna yesterday and she's not feeling all that great today, but not too much of reaction. Her sister, in Europe, had Pfizer few months after she survived a pretty bad case of covid and she had huge reaction. It was like having covid again for a day. Her husband had Astra and no reaction. My mom had Russian vaccine and no reaction. Everyone is different... 

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Saskatchewan is doing ok these days. It’s got a reopening plan based on first dose vaccination percentages. 3 weeks after 70% of people over 40 are vaccinated is the first stage. Then it’s 3 weeks after 70% of people over 30 or 3 weeks after stage 1 for stage 2. Stage 3 is 70% of people over 18 and a similar wait. We have already hit the stage 1 waiting period. Details here if anyone cares. 

If all goes well we will hit stage 3 mid July and most restrictions will be lifted. 

The feds think the plan is reckless. Kenney thinks it’s great so maybe Alberta will see a similar plan. I am unsure as I am not an expert but in general I trust Moe about as much as i trust most used car salesmen. 

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11 hours ago, Neil Gendzwill said:

Saskatchewan is doing ok these days. It’s got a reopening plan based on first dose vaccination percentages.

Interesting plan! You (population level of 'you') want this to end faster? Get vaccinated and ask your friends to. 

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18 hours ago, lowrider said:

Gov't pulling AZ as clotting cases now around  1- 60,000 . People don't seem to grasp the idea that numbers change with more experience and that modelling and reality aren't the same thing .

I got AZ as my first dose 3 weeks ago.  I didn't want it, but it was all that was available to me at the time.  Pfizer didn't become available to me until this week, so given my line of work I made the right choice to get the AZ even with the risk.

They should be stopping AZ anyway because of the supply issue, regardless of the 1-60k issue.  In the UK after the 2nd dose blood clotting drops to about 1 in 1.1M.  I will take those odds rather than "mix and match" with Pfizer.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm sorry to hear that. I was reading this as I'm interested in how things are going in Canada, a place I care about.

People I worked with in the UK have been "in the front line" of Covid. They were  exposed to the virus before we had decent PPE and vaccines, because it was their job to help the sick. Some died. 

I just walked away from a dinner table where some right wing moron was spouting off about how much he dislikes being told not to kill more of us. I did not walk away because I'm a "snow flake",


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Was recently vaccinated and he thought symptoms were just results of that. He got worse, was  hospitalized, ventilated after three days and died . 

He did a media interview from the hospital the day before he was put on ventilator. He didn't seem to be in too bad of shape. My wife and I have taken covid seriously but this adds a new perspective that's been missing up to this point.

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We must be getting better Leaf's vs Canadiens in Toronto tonite 500 front line workers allowed ! First large gathering sine start of pandemic. Montreal had a crowd of 2500 so Toronto has to do something in the way of rabbit out of a hat to win.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         And the Leafs loose again ! 1967 was a while back.

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