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Is bomber out of business?


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We are wishing Jim and Angie all the best as they deal with things. They have been so awesome in all of the interactions we have had with Bomberonline. I was in contact with Jim some weeks ago when I ordered a new board they had on sale. The board arrived today via UPS. I'm super stoked on it and looking forward to a great winter. Thanks for coming through again Bomber!!!

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Well, Gretchen and I just wish for the best possible outcome for Angie and Jim. They are NOTHING but good people. AND, we hope a good outcome for Bomber as well. (Think of the Phoenix)

On another note, we were talking and she said "What would stop us from renting the Bomber house?" If there is enough interest, she's willing to do the work. Part of what we've always loved every year was hanging with the people there. We could still have the party, pot luck, BYOB.And of course, the tuning shop that has some of ther BEST smelling wax I've ever smelled!

I will start a new thread about this so we don't clog this one up. NATC Bomber house



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3 hours ago, andreac said:

re: blue tomato- i generally keep out of these conversations, but the blue tomato thing upsets me to no end.  Here we are talking about a business we all love that is going down... and someone is talking about buying stuff cheaper elsewhere... ok so i know  a lot of cheap people.  I'll admit sometimes I am one of them.  But i know in a niche industry like this here is how it works.  For all boots, boards and bindings, those of us who sell them have to put the money out up front (sometimes 6 months in advance of receiving product) and then hope we sell what we bought when we get it. We do this so we can always make sure we have product for those that need or want it each year.  I do this as a second job and from Sept-April I work 16 hours most days, and I promise I am far from making a lot of money.  I do it for some extra cash sure, but mostly I do it because i love this sport.  And I know if i didn't do it then all of my customers might be SOL.  Especially now!  Blue Tomato buys left over stock, so they put out nothing in advance.  They have almost no risk and work in volume.  So cheers to them for being able to sell cheaper.  But just remember every time you want to go buy cheap you may  be helping to put the one retailer in your country out of business.  Support your own country's retailers if you can.  Otherwise there may end up being none of us left.

This.  If you derive value and guidance from the community and information on this site, or the info on yyzcanuck.com, and then you go and buy at blue tomato or ebay, this is the same thing as walking into a physical shop, getting help, getting sized, and walking out and buying online.  It's theft of services.

Guess what, if the real outfitters like Bomber and YYZ go out of business, blue tomato will have no leftovers to buy.

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Here, here Jack. Each to their own, but I did the math and still chose to get my boots from Bomber - figured the extra scratch would flow back one way or another. Sure enough, Jim flicked me an extra cant plate for 'free'. Yeah it didn't cover the difference, but maybe that went toward   web hosting costs, ATC or some other worthwhile cause. I'm good with that. 

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15 minutes ago, SEJ said:

.And of course, the tuning shop that has some of ther BEST smelling wax I've ever smelled!



I think you are confusing the hotbox for the...

nevermind, I forgot, they are one and the same:eplus2::biggthump

Edited by big mario
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After having been so frustrated by poor customer service over the last year I had sworn off doing business with the Callen’s.  However, in the last couple of weeks I bought a $1000 worth of gear trying support the business.  All of a sudden I was actually getting emails back from Jim!  I was hopeful that as he realized what was happening to his business he was really trying to be a responsible business owner.  Plus, I thought they probably needed money to prepare for a possible legal defense for Angie Callen.  Well, I was wrong.  It ‘s clear that he was just playing me along and deceiving me.  Repeatedly telling me that he was “shipping it out tomorrow”.  That went on for a number of days right up to the day before filing.  I hope that PayPal’s purchase protection works out otherwise I’m out.  Even if PayPal does return the money it will probably be out of their pockets.  Jim Callen already has my money in his.  

I know this runs counter to how most here feel about the Callen’s but they are not honest people in my experience.  It goes beyond just incompetent at running a small business. 

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Add me to the list of the ripped-off. I ordered one of the most expensive boards in the Bomber store shortly after demo'ing it at TTC, and having a generally positive in-person experience with the Callens. After countless attempts to contact them, they would sporadically reply to say it was just about to ship. The most recent was 2 days before the bankruptcy went public. My board is still in another country, has not been paid for, and is not going anywhere. This is just plain theft, wrapped in lies.

It's way too late for me to claim any kind of purchase protection since I paid it in full half a year ago. I feel like a fool to have waited this long, but they seemed like nice people who were trying hard. They are not. Whether or not the embezzlement claim against Angie is true, they took money from a lot of us with no intention of delivering product.


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My opinion is evolving.  It sounds like orders were being taken with no intention of fulfillment.  And indefinitely promising shipping right up to the bankruptcy really sounds bad.  It's becoming harder to give benefit of the doubt.  Jim... honesty is the best policy.

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Bad things happen to good people.  Let's no be so quick to judge.
We are all just a few mistake away from being living on the street... 
One small slip lead to another and lead to another; and now I am selling ZJob by the underpass....

The new owner have big dream; they took a shot.  It just didn't work out.  I wish I have the courage to do that. 
Once you get into that tunnel vision that focus on the scarcity of money:  We start to not plan for long term growth but short term survival.
We all fall into that trap from time to tim.

Take a listen to the following on the 2 concepts:  It's much better than what I am capable of articulating.

Edited by pow4ever
better English
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This is getting sicker and sicker. It looks like they ripped people off to the last day. I was offered $100 ripp off bonus if I pay for MK during TTC. Lucky for me I don't like top sheet graphic on that otherwise great board or I would be now most likely in deeper hole. Wow Jack is evolving. Check page 2; they were almost saints and I was scum back. On positive side, there are companies with great customer service. I order Regular SW from Donek, in two hours I got e mail and call from Sean to verify some details and binding was shipped in the afternoon.2 days ago I order protective foil from Tognar, it showed up today. By the way if somebody is looking for it buy it as soon as possible, they were out of foil for more than a year and they have good price. The foil really helps to protect top sheet from idiots on slopes and at lift lines. And it is probably only protection again oxidation and scratches on mirror polished top sheets.

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