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Carvin' Marvin

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Everything posted by Carvin' Marvin

  1. What is the reason you guys wear spine protectors? To prevent catastrophic spinal injury or to prevent sore boo-boos on your bony prominences? It seems like to me that most aren't designed to prevent the kind of injury that will put you in a wheelchair except for maybe shearing forces on the fore and aft plane.
  2. Helmet most of the time. All the time when my wife is around.
  3. Check out my hot new boards for the upcoming season. Soon they will be a sexy workbench. Hot enough for you?
  4. Yeah we love it down here. I was just thinking how we were going to get some days in together....
  5. After putting 600 miles on it in 5 weeks, flipping it on its side, and almost rolling it down a hill, I'm happy to say I've got a pretty good grasp on this thing now. Powerslides around corners and high speed straights are my favorite, but the dog likes me to keep it under 20 when he comes out. It's like an off-road corvette. I've never had so much fun on four wheels. I'll get my brothers GoPro and get some footage soon.
  6. I can send you the CAD files for free. The cost of manufacturing is in the materials.
  7. I heard them throwing around some ideas at a demo one time but it didn't sound like anything was ever going to come of them. Without the engineering prowess the outsourcing and R+D would have been costly and lengthy.
  8. I make some pretty great hats. Made in USA. $45
  9. Some of y'all are some really nice forgiving people. Makes me look like an unforgiving jerk. I'll just leave these here: “When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.” -Maya Angelou Regardless of their intentions taking the first 10k of taxpayer money, what about the next 150k? The money from their private investors? The commitment they made to Fin? The embezzlement seemed to start during the first season they owned bomber so the writing was on the wall early on yet they still continued the behavior. If they were really so concerned about the business then explain the extravagant spending on the big house, expensive bottles of wine, fly fishing and paddle board trips, etc. They showed they were not willing to make any personal sacrifice for the betterment of the business, but instead stole money to just continue on. Read the articles again. Not all the money taken went into the business. I know that Fin and others sat down directly with the Callens to discuss how their spending is unsustainable and they just ingnored the advice and kept going with it. Hubris at its finest, folks (have you read Angie's bio on her Career Benders site?). I guess the reason I'm so personally upset about this is because I really liked Jim and Angie. However under the surface they were everything I stand against. My wife and I grew up poor, and through years of hard work and sacrifice we have built ourselves a very nice life. They showed themselves to be the type of people willing to take from others as a shortcut to live a lifestyle they had not earned. End of rant. Sorry if I've rubbed anyone the wrong way but I had to get it out.
  10. I actually have one of the original Jimmy Lewis non- powered stand up hydrofoils from about 15 years ago. Had an air chair before that. We mainly used I behind our boat but managed to get a few east coast hurricane swells on it. Very fun and super unique sensation. I'm excited to try a powered version.
  11. Wowwwwww. This isn't even looking like "I was trying to save our business and messed up" anymore. This looks like a calculated malicious scam aimed at stealing and swindling others out of their money from the beginning. They accepted (stole?) money from personal investors, taxpayers, banks, and massively screwed Fin out of his love child. A very disturbing pattern of behavior indeed. I may be jumping to conclusions but I am legitimately shocked she would have the audacity to offer "career advice" and still be accepting payments on this site of hers. This has scam written all over it.
  12. Yeah I feel you there. That's why we moved to a less humid climate. Opens up so many more opportunities during summer. Went back to visit NC this week and could barely go outside it was so oppressive.
  13. There are some great summer hobbies out there!
  14. I rolled my brand new RZR the other day. Took exactly 300 miles to get that out of the way. A drift got out of hand and I over corrected, spun a 180 and put it on its side with my wife riding shotty. 100% my fault. Probably won't make that mistake again for a few weeks.
  15. Let's not turn this into a binding flame thread. Some people like trucks some people like sports cars.
  16. Had to become a supporting member first! I'll be sure to get some uploaded. I need to spend the morning getting my harnesses installed before taking it out again. Here's a gif of me getting airborne with it though.
  17. I sold my dirt bike and other toys and picked up one of these new-fangled RZR XP 1000 rigs and I am really digging it. It gives me that same primal feeling of excitement and joy that so far only snowboarding has given me. It will absolutely rip a turn like none other so I feel like it fits into the summer carving category. Anyone else on here in Colorado into it? I'm not super experienced in the matter so it would be nice to pick someone's brain to best avoid rolling it and dying in a flaming heap of metal.
  18. Mother Nature will always have the final say in early season carving. Could be half a mountain open or two runs.
  19. The 6 month in advance deadline is giving us a hard time. We just bought a house we can't afford so planning anything that far out is a little reckless until we see how finances play out. Sorry we can't go ahead and pony up.
  20. You just howdy into the bindings and howdy right on down the hill
  21. Cool but not fast enough. I suppose upping the speed and power would be a huge safety concern given the platform. They seem to be all the rage with the rich kids around vail. The new electric dirtbikes and motorcycles coming out from Alta motors are downright incredible though. Now to find $14000 lying around to afford one.
  22. My wife tore her acl, mcl, and miniscus skiing in 2017. She had the surgery and a successful, pain free ski season after that. Miniscus injuries are easy to make worse and can cause a locking sensation in your knee if not corrected. I personally would get it fixed. Sooner the better if you plan on putting a beating on it this winter. It is after all a pretty important competent in proper function of the joint. Pick your surgeon carefully.
  23. Twitter is a cesspool. There's seemingly not much out there for alpine. A few Facebook groups here and there. We don't even have our own subreddit
  24. -looks at calendar- yep, it's June fellas.
  25. I think it's a good thing. Epic passers need to be spread out more and VR has the capital to actually improve their areas. If you have a season pass and don't eat on the mountain it's great. If you need a brownie then get ready to pony up.
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