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Literally carving on ice


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Nice vid.  Probably the coolest thing about the vid is the confirmation of just how hard you can charge on ice if you win the mental game.  However, given a fixed width trail with ever present trees and lift towers raises the stakes of loosing the mental game immensely.  Today I got four runs at the local bump. It was super icy conditions and it took three crappy runs on blue trails to psyc myself up for just one good run.  First you have to reconvince yourself that it can be done.  Then you have to reconvince yourself that you can do it.  Then you have to find the secret sauce to keep your weight forward, commit, and not reach for the ground.  It is exhausting and not really fun, but really satisfying when you can pull it off.  

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Only toeside?  🤣  

Interesting to see how it's only the leading and trailing edge of the sidecut that is engaging on the solid/flat surface vs how snow would allow the rest of the edge dig in (presumably).  

I had seen links to this vid before but finally watched - kudos to their team for putting that together.  It is pretty impressive. 

2 minutes ago, Neil Gendzwill said:

Didn't try a heelside I note...

you beat me to it...

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17 minutes ago, st_lupo said:

On a softboot setup wouldn’t a toeside be the harder side since there is less mechanical advantage and support?

I find toesides way easier in softies even though toe and heel are about the same for me on hard boots.  However if you look at the video closely it looks like they have biased the bindings towards toeside turns, he's going to boot out on heelside if he tries it.

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His edge is barely engaging. I see a gap between the midsection of the board and surface. Cockroach mode engaged.

Turn should've been over before he even got a chance to lay it over. They need to make boards with bigger sidecuts that don't give handouts.

Edited by Odd Job
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Impressive. But quite carefully done. They move the bindings about, and you have to look at the bits where he's actually getting any edge versus much of the rest.

You can see the way the board vibrates in the slow-mo shot - there's a surface texture which the board's nose & tail (not the mid section) is slicing. Zambonied ice would have been more of a challenge; I guess they picked the parts of the surface to turn on quite carefully.

The other thing is that the guy is at quite high speed before the turns which actually cut are made.

Great marketing though, cleverly done. 



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4 hours ago, slapos said:

must be the magical power of magne traction....

board 1: hammer, full camber (only sold at authorized dealers). board 2: valhalla, triple camber fusion. board 3: proto ultra, triple camber. all 7-8m and flex 7, 8

it's a flat ice, textured or not. please. do it on a cloudy day and maybe you'll get a clap. gotta be a pretty good driver to execute that though. nice beanie.

107k views in 4 days is pretty good marketing i think. fake it til you make it... to the bank. it reaches those who buy the brand. hey, green is green. we are a small, but growing piece of the pie here in the carving focused world; especially when those that think getting low is the goal; it's just a by product of a well executed carve; unless you prefer to fund your local chiropractor or doctor of your choice. 😉 wider boards, more camber, ~stiffer, titanal among other ingredients being introduced into the construction of some models like ride does. i'd say the market is finally catching on, and capitalizing on it. don't be surprised when a 15yr old takes home the golden duct tape (overall). ns is good at what they do. i swore by them in my earlier years... until i rode rocker camber rocker camber rocker; among other things. they're not faking much. great almost indestructible boards. turning will never go away and as the video presents, anything can turn.


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Yeah, not possible for them to link a toeside and heelside like that with how off center they had to mount the bindings to do that toeside on that narrow board with a non alpine stance.  Heel cups are hanging way over the heelside to get enough toe clearance to not instantly wash out (even with having probably way too much weight on their arms).  I guess on ice though sliding on the arms is preferable to washing out and breaking something with a harder impact.  

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54 minutes ago, philw said:

Perhaps the more important thing is that... they're selling carving. 


Like the late Ken Block's Gymkhana series for drifting cars; lots of setups and attempts we didn't see before the final cut, but the final result is fun to watch and motivates you to go play. I won't carve on lake ice, and I won't do AWD donuts around a guy on a Segway, but both were cool. 

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( I rode with Block for a week back in the day. I was surprised when I heard he also drove cars, and surprised [in a good way] when I heard he'd lived that long.)

But yeah, so carving is cool again. Who'd have guessed? Those split board guys are even making hard boots cool again. In a forum called "carving central", that's got to be the best news in about a quarter century of decline 😉

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The bindings are definitely offset toward the heels.   Very impressive though.

I'm comfortable on skis on ice but don't have the confidence to really get a bite on the surface when on my board.   Any suggestions would be welcome.  I race in a leage on Wednesdays on skis and then switch to my Kessler.  By the time I'm on the board, the course is usually icy and I skid way too much.



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Nick first did this last year in a skating rink with hockey gear on. It in his IG as well. 
I've never been on harder ice than lake ice in the middle of winter and can confirm the ice Nick carved on is bulletproof. I was just out on the Georgetown lake watching my son ice race his car. 

Nice edge hold @Termin8tor


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