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Is Covid-19 Impacting You, Your Carving or Your Local Mtn.?


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4 hours ago, SunSurfer said:

I know of roughly 5 million team members who might not agree with that statement. 😉

But I am glad your part of the world is relatively unaffected.

Smart Leadership, Smart Populous, something we should vote for and educate our youth to look beyond short term gains.  

Was in New Zealand years ago for 5 weeks traveling around.  We were offered a partnership with an Antique Dealer on the South Island which would have included traveling all around the South Pacific.  Didn't do it, was a dumb move on my part.

Glad you are all doing well.  Ardern is a keeper.

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The New England Journal of Medicine is one of the most prestigious medical journals in the English speaking world. The editors have just taken an unprecedented step in clearly expressing their thoughts about the management of Covid-19 in the USA in the editorial for the 8th October issue.

They don't mince their words. These are people who under normal circumstances would not make any kind of even vaguely political statement. Their normal focus is reporting well conducted research that significantly advances medical knowledge.

This post is not a comment on their opinion, merely to alert interested readers that this opinion exists.


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The New England Journal of Medicine's article did indeed take a position.

"Here in the United States, our leaders have failed that test. They have taken a crisis and turned it into a tragedy."

What I didn't see, was any specifics on what should have been done differently other than the standard platitudes of more distancing or different lockdowns. 

This is why we have more anti-vaxers

This is why we have people who don't trust "the science" presented to them.

When reputable papers spend the previous 208 years of existence being a source of truth, and then this year go political, people will stop listening to then and stop reading them. I highly doubt their change to being political will move the needle of how people vote, but it will most certainly move the needle on who will source or trust them.

This was an editorial piece that tells us nothing new.

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1 hour ago, TVR said:


This is why we have people who don't trust "the science" presented to them.


It was only when the scientific community became very vocal in denouncing the vaccine myths propagated by the anti-vaxers, that the general public became better informed. The only difference between anti-vaxers and those dismissing the science involved in the pandemic, is that there is little political or financial gain in promoting anti-vax theories. Most people will only distrust mainstream science when they are encouraged to do so by those with an agenda.


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SunSurfer please resist posting bad news just before bed time it's not helping with my positive vibe dream cycle. Since its morning for you i'll get your day started with this tidbit .Today Ontario has reported over 800 new cases as well as Quebec with  approx .860.  Keep in mind this is only one week after our Thanksgiving long weekend so i'm preparing for more bad news soon. People keep referencing the fact they feel there is mixed messaging coming from Gov't but i think they are simply ignoring the fact their interperetation of the message is incorrect. Pipette and other lab supplies are low and non available from typical US suppliers looks like Chinas economy is about to rapidly spike.

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3 hours ago, SunSurfer said:


CDC report on USA excess deaths for 2020 so far. Approx. 300,000 excess deaths for 2020 so far. Scroll down the page to see the graphs.

A significant number of people in the US believe the conspiracy theory that the number of COVID deaths is greatly exaggerated. The calculation for seasonal flu deaths includes many deaths that were not caused by the flu alone. In the past we have always accepted these flu death numbers as the real cost of the flu virus - If there were no flu, these people would not have died. Comparing excess deaths in the US to those in Europe, shows that there may be a significant under count of COVID deaths in the US. Political pressure may be partly to blame. 

Edited by BobD
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On 10/1/2020 at 3:13 PM, Jack M said:

So... someone sent this to me... I'm not sure what to make of this science, and I just don't have time in my life to become an expert on this stuff.

This is an interesting review of the current mask science: https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-020-02801-8

This line got a chuckle out of me: 

[quote]As clinical researchers are sometimes fond of saying, parachutes have never been tested in a randomized controlled trial, either.[/quote]

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