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Heard in the lift line - 2017/2018


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Me to a woman staring at her cell phone in the middle of a busy run " Not a Good place to be talking on your phone" her response to me "I'm looking at a video of my son so SHUT THE HELL UP !"  For a person to be that angry that fast i'm thinking her sons sperm donor is probably  her major  problem (domestic issues at home).

Edited by lowrider
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5 hours ago, lowrider said:

Me to a woman staring at her cell phone in the middle of a busy run " Not a Good place to be talking on your phone" her response to me "I'm looking at a video of my son so SHUT THE HELL UP !"  For a person to be that angry that fast i'm thinking her sons sperm donor is probably  her major  problem (domestic issues at home).

I don't know why I didn't think about this earlier but I'm going to start carrying an airhorn for occasions such as this.  Maybe it would help with the people who get off the chair and stand in front of the "Clear Unload Area" sign as well.  Oh, and the bro brah's standing in line on the tail of my board.  I'm not kidding, I'll really do it.


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Had a guy in the line really curious about my setup this weekend - he apparently saw me come carving by, and actually changed trails to follow me and ask about it at the end of the run. Nice guy, lots of questions, and I was happy to chat w/ him, which we did for a good 4-5 minutes in the line. I explained the type of board it is, what this style of board is typically used for, what it is good at and bad at, what I love about it, etc, and at the end, he asks, "Do you snowboard, too?" Maybe I was just unclear in my explanation, dunno...

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Valid question as far as I am concerned...never had an interest in snowboarding and still don't. I also have no disrespect for skiddiing snowboarding but just not intetested in it even though it saves my ass from going into the trees now and then.

Carving vs skidding snowboarding = two different sports, IMHO.

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33 minutes ago, 1xsculler said:

Valid question as far as I am concerned...never had an interest in snowboarding and still don't. I also have no disrespect for skiddiing snowboarding but just not intetested in it even though it saves my ass from going into the trees now and then.

Carving vs skidding snowboarding = two different sports, IMHO.

If you are on an alpine board, you are snowboarding, full stop.

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3 hours ago, 1xsculler said:

Carving vs skidding snowboarding = two different sports, IMHO.

LoL, well, I'd grant you different disciplines of the same sport of snowboarding, but in the end, we're all a bunch of geeks sliding around with our feet strapped to an expensive strip of polymers. I've seen a few soft-booters making quite enviable carves (though perhaps not on canoe-shaped park boards...), so its not entirely an equipment thing - its as much a mind-set thing, as anything, I suppose. (Like yourself, it kinda ruins my carving run when I have to make a skidded turn, though I'll throw them in guiltlessly on sketchy steeps, and at any time, if it keeps my butt out of the woods. :-)

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3 hours ago, 1xsculler said:

Valid question as far as I am concerned...never had an interest in snowboarding and still don't. I also have no disrespect for skiddiing snowboarding but just not intetested in it even though it saves my ass from going into the trees now and then.

Carving vs skidding snowboarding = two different sports, IMHO.

I hear you, but it's not really true.  It's just another skill in the sport of snowboarding.  Guys who carve (really carve) on softboots - when they stop skidding and start carving are they not still snowboarding?  It goes both ways too - if you can't have fun on your alpine board on mixed terrain/conditions, are you really snowboarding?

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12 hours ago, Jack Michaud said:

I hear you, but it's not really true.  It's just another skill in the sport of snowboarding.  Guys who carve (really carve) on softboots - when they stop skidding and start carving are they not still snowboarding?  It goes both ways too - if you can't have fun on your alpine board on mixed terrain/conditions, are you really snowboarding?


I was softbooting on Sunday and rode down a 300 ft long steep black which was a chunky mess except for a 12' wide groomed channel. I made controlled skidded turns and I find it hard to believe anyone would be able to control their speed with carve turns. Meanwhile on the same day, I was carving on a wider pitch, also on softboots, and got props for "nice carves" from the chair. 

Whether we're comparing skidded vs carved or hard vs soft, it's all snowboarding and your choice of tools and techniques is situational.

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Total respect for anyone who manages a board well, carving or skidding. It's just that my particular interest is in trying to lay it down and being on edge whenever possible. I wish that happened more often than it does but that is what keeps calling me back up to the Mt. all by myself or with grandkids. 

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Heard it in the lodge - pulling my boots off I overheard one guy leaving the hill talking to another guy booting up, both skiers. The guy leaving tells the guy booting up that that face is trashed out. He says " guys on boards this morning were leaving trenches this deep" as he holds his hands about six inches apart.


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2 hours ago, Chouinard said:

Heard it in the lodge - pulling my boots off I overheard one guy leaving the hill talking to another guy booting up, both skiers. The guy leaving tells the guy booting up that that face is trashed out. He says " guys on boards this morning were leaving trenches this deep" as he holds his hands about six inches apart.


This made me laugh, as I had a very similar experience recently...posted in the Spirit Mt thread...click on the arrow, upper right to go there.


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"Wait, Pink/Blue Graphics on a Sims? How old is THAT??" ' How old are You? ' Liftie: "Um, 28" . Me; 'Then you were in 1st Grade the last time this board went up a Lift onto hardpacked snow.' liftie: "No Way!" , me, as I jump onto chair "yup, made in '89, in California!" .. I love Carving an old Sims!!

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