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Why do you call it a day ?


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Last time out everything seemed to click. The hill was busy so good runs were hard to be had but as the crowd thinned out  things improved.  After a few nice runs on open slopes i realized that my field of view was limiting my ability to make nice turns. Looking a  hundred feet ahead instead of 20 feet as one has to when things are busy seemed to be the fix. Would have kept riding but the lifts were shutting down.

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Why do I stop?

1/ The lifts stop.

2/ Poor light makes riding dangerous.

3/ I've sustained an injury serious enough to stop me riding. A broken hand didn't stop me riding all of SES in 2013, but a bust rib has ended a holiday.

4/ Heavy rain makes for miserable riding.

5/ I've died.

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2 hours ago, SunSurfer said:

Why do I stop?

1/ The lifts stop.

2/ Poor light makes riding dangerous.

3/ I've sustained an injury serious enough to stop me riding. A broken hand didn't stop me riding all of SES in 2013, but a bust rib has ended a holiday.

4/ Heavy rain makes for miserable riding.

5/ I've died.

1.My front leg is cramping

2. It is getting crowded

3. I am hungry

4. I am thirsty

5. I need to pee 

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1. Ski Patrol threatens to pull my season pass if I duck under the rope for one more run (Its happened - thankfully, they're fairly good natured about it :-)

2. Lifts stop running (or won't be running by the time I reach the bottom - my local hill's 'base' is at the top)

3. Thunderstorm (or straight-up rain, if shivering becomes uncontrollable - I've quit early on that account)

4. Insurmountably cramped legs (has happened once, so I have to cop to that one)


Minor broken bones (wrist, nose, ribs) haven't ended a day early yet, and (somewhat foolishly, I'll admit) moderate concussions haven't ended a day yet.


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1. Wife calls to let me know dinner still isn't on the table and it isn't going to make itself.

2. Kids need bail money.  Again.

3. Number of past-due notices > 5

4. Camel back is empty and I'm starting to get dizzy from sucking on snow mixed with flouro-wax.

5. Local park-rats and skiing team have teamed up and are chasing me with pitchforks.


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Failed the post concussion questionnaire given by ski patrol.

1. What day is it?   Tuesday.   Pass

2. Where are you?  Solitude.   Pass

3. Who is this with you?  My wife.   Pass

4. Who is the POTUS (2014)?  Ah, ah, um, Bush.  Fail. Better call it a day son.



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If I am carving:

1) Groom conditions no longer ideal

2) Slopes getting crowded & dangerous

3) Getting tired

4) Worried that return traffic jam is getting exponentially worse.

If I am softbooting:

1) Powder is getting lumpy & beat up

2) Have done so many runs that I can hardly stand anymore

3) Getting hungry

4) Worried that return traffic jam is getting exponentially worse. 

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Usually because my front leg is on fire, but I get to a stage where my body is half a second behind my brain ...  that's quitting time.

18 hours ago, billyt. said:

... should have only ordered soup at lunch time

My friend has a theory that lunch shifts your centre of gravity, and makes riding afterwards much harder. Seems legit.

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