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The Forum is BACK!! Let us know of any issues....


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Wow, that was an exercise in frustration and some stress. The story....


Our previous forum was with a company called vBulletin. We ran their software for the past 10 years and had a lot invested with them. However, about a year ago the forum started acting weird. We tried to make some fixed but it just seemed to make it worse and at one point the forum crashed and we where down for about 3 days. We got it going again but we decided to just not touch it and let it run for the time being. Well, about a month ago it got worse and started crashing over and over again. It became a pattern of it would crash and I would tell our host company to reinstate the entire site from a few days earlier. I am sure many of you saw this with posts you put up disappearing after a few days.


Well this "recover the dead" cycle was unsustainable and it finally crashed big time. Now the entire time I had a technical support ticket in with vBulletin to help us. That was two weeks ago and I am still waiting to hear back from them  :mad: . Side note: do not use vBulletin for a forum. At one point they where the 800 lbs gorilla in the industry and it shows in their shoddy customer service. It is terrible. We are now with IP Board and so far liking it.


So I contacted IP Board, set-up an account, and was assigned a technician to help us migrate over the old database. Our old database was not in good shape and the tech had to spend some good time (and some cash on our part) to get it to work. But it now works!


So a little getting used to the new format and some of the new options. If you bump into anything you think we should fix/correct/change, please let us know.


Thanks for your patience on this and enjoy.



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CONGRATS on a successful re-launch of the favorite Alpine Snowboarding Forum in the USA if not the world!!!    Glad to see a new vendor involved and look forward to many more years of this amazing community.  Thank you Fin and Bomber Industries for providing this playground for all of us!! Bryan 

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Congrats Fin, I think this was the best solution.  Having tried my hand at upgrading/repairing the forum, I was afraid it was just going to have to be scrapped in the end.  I'm very impressed IP Board was willing and able to migrate the db to their structure.  Indeed, good riddance to vBulletin.  The upgrade instructions said to back up the database, "in case the upgrade corrupts the database".  What?  What kind of software company says that?  So I backed it up and sure enough the upgrade failed.  We restored to the backup and let it limp along like that until things recently got worse.  Anyway, thanks again Fin for finding this solution.

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Thanks for persevering and getting the forum back up. 


FYI, I've been clicking the bookmark in my browser occasionally over the last few days to see if it was back. It still takes me to a Vbulletin error message. Didn't realize it was back up until I clicked through the Bomber site. If you can send out a mass PM it might help others who are still checking via their bookmarks find their way back.

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Great to be back in contact with a great bunch of people. Thanks Finn!!!!


The new forum doesn't handle/display images in the same way as the old one. Also, looking at my profile I see that I already am way over the allowable storage capacity for images attached to posts.

I see there is a Gallery area now. How does this work and is this a potential way to resolve these issues?

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Love the new look!  How do we access our PM's?

Yes, there is a seperate PM system that you can control from your User Profile ,  To send a PM, click on the user's avatar , then the "Send me an email". OR use the internal PM system.   Make sure your email is correct and that you have made appropriate selections in the "Notification Settings".   Learning too. 

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One thing may be worth doing... my old bookmark was coming back with the old php error. So I didn't know this was fixed, until I thought something was odd and went to the main retail site, and got a new URL from there. So.... maybe it would be worth doing some url rewriting there - just bounce anything in the old tree to the root of the new one would do it. Just a thought.

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Might be good idea to kill old forum, due people using old url's dont know that you are up and running due on old url system still give error notice.

Yes,  a suggestion has been made to replace that page with a re-direct to the new forum address.   Good idea Pokis!!

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One thing may be worth doing... my old bookmark was coming back with the old php error. So I didn't know this was fixed, until I thought something was odd and went to the main retail site, and got a new URL from there. So.... maybe it would be worth doing some url rewriting there - just bounce anything in the old tree to the root of the new one would do it. Just a thought.

Yes, agreed.   A request for this has been placed.   "Great minds" ,   Thanks Phil. 

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Love the new look and fee. Not a tech person, so this is working for me (user experience!). Will continue to explore.


Thank you for all your hard word and just in time as the season starts to pick up . I was wondering how I would reconnect with all my ride buddies.

To happy trenches and a few new additions to your quiver!

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