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Ooo, I’ve looked at their website a bunch. (It is very confusing….that polygon they use should be helpful in theory, except the labels are too small and they keep changing the names around. 🤣 )

Are you riding soft or hard boots? I think I kept wishing they built a slightly wider board….are they pretty much ~26cm max waist or so they get wider now? I’m still resisting going to higher angles for SB carving, and I’m going to give it another winter to experiment. But I definitely found it hard to consistently lock in heelside carves last year at super low or duck rear foot angles, and my natural forward-facing carving stance needs a lot of adjustment (and I do a number on my rear hip flexor when in duck). It seems like all the Asian carvers are very posi, and last I checked I think I noticed @crackaddict seemed to be floating up around 15 or 18r? Looking forward to playing around more this winter….

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James rocks +27, +12.  Which are the same angles I picked out of the air when I first got back into softboots. They work pretty well for me.  I’m not interested in hard boot angles with soft boots which is where a lot of the Asian guys are. 

BTW I have given up on my Ions, just too narrow. Got a pair of Photon Wides which seem stiff enough for free riding at least by shop flex. We’ll see how it goes with the step on X bindings I have. 

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Ahhhh….for some vague reason I thought I saw him mention slightly higher angles at one point late last year, but could be my imagination.

I moved from Malamutes to Driver X last year and went down a half-size… due to the difference in sizing & boot sole lengths, I somehow shaved a full 1.5cm off the length of the boot. So after all that I might have been able to narrow the 283mm waist from Bruce a little bit, although now I can pretty much run 0 with no bootout 🤨

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For the official record...

12 degrees in my back foot is my minimum carving angle.  At 9 degrees rear I start to get a little chatter on heelside so 27/12 is the all-mountain carving stance.  I go steeper on dedicated carving boards on groomer days when I won't be all-mountaining, I like about 15 degrees of splay so it ranges through 30/15 up to 36/21 on boards that lend themselves to boot out.  27/12 is a good place to start though for smooth heelside carves.

Duck stance carving works too - on green runs.

I don't know why the Asian carvers ride 45/36, especially when they're riding so much switch and doing all those ground tricks.  Obviously this incredible style is possible with such steep angles but I can't imagine it's better.  Maybe it's because their boards are so narrow?  Maybe it pairs well with the gorilla stance widths?  Or maybe it's just the current trend?  (Lots of things in snowboard carving gear that don't make sense from a performance perspective are perfectly justifiable to the marketing and sales departments.)

I had tried for years to carve with these super steep angles on 26cm boards but had to give it up until wider boards became available.  I experimented with all different combinations of lift, cant, and forward lean but could not get comfortable while avoiding boot out and so stayed on hard boots for carving until I met the visionary pioneer himself @RyanKnapton and started buying wider boards.

So to me those Alloy boards look beautiful on the carpet but I wouldn't dream of trying to carve any of them on anything steeper than easy blue.  Other riders may be able to pull it off; there are ways to mitigate boot out (like bending the knees more or keeping it slow and tight, monster lift and steeper angles) but these assuagements don't appeal to me.  Straight legs and tons of board angulation is where I find satisfaction.

Speaking of satisfaction...  Mark Miller has finally agreed to make me an extra wide WARP soft boot carver.  Keep an eye out for it - coming soon to New Board Porn 23/24.

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Out with the new, in with the old! Big BIG thanks to @LiquidEarth808 for-coming through on the Wanted to Buy forum! Thanks, John! What a great community we have here!!!

Man, I just can't believe the camber on this thing. Gonna get so pitted with this. Now for the painful wait of Old Man Winter showing his face.

Edited by MNSurfer
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On 11/10/2023 at 7:20 AM, ShortcutToMoncton said:

Ooo, I’ve looked at their website a bunch. (It is very confusing….that polygon they use should be helpful in theory, except the labels are too small and they keep changing the names around. 🤣 )

Are you riding soft or hard boots? Soft Boots I think I kept wishing they built a slightly wider board….are they pretty much ~26cm max waist or so they get wider now? Pretty Much 26cm waist although the 161 is narower. I’m still resisting going to higher angles for SB carving, and I’m going to give it another winter to experiment. But I definitely found it hard to consistently lock in heelside carves last year at super low or duck rear foot angles, and my natural forward-facing carving stance needs a lot of adjustment (and I do a number on my rear hip flexor when in duck). 36+/24+ for me on DOIt seems like all the Asian carvers are very posi, and last I checked I think I noticed @crackaddict seemed to be floating up around 15 or 18r? Looking forward to playing around more this winter….

The new smaller DO was quite a pleasant surprise. Nimble, proportional input to output. Rides easy until you push. 2nd day on snow this season and given enough input to the board, it could out turn me. really fun. The 165 DO is on Ice/ in the plastic. cant wait to get on the new AZX. That said. If someone wants to sherpa a few boards to Montucky from CO, I could send a DO and an AZX as well as the Hermes/ Now know as the Viper. More of a flatland Butter/ground trick/carver. 

On 11/10/2023 at 12:20 PM, crackaddict said:


Speaking of satisfaction...  Mark Miller has finally agreed to make me an extra wide WARP soft boot carver.  Keep an eye out for it - coming soon to New Board Porn 23/24.

about time. 23.5 max is a tease...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Looky, looky what Uncle Sean left on my doorstep!

This is a MK Mutant~ where it differs is the 20w and UPM inserts  for a Donek UPM F Plate.   And of course being a MK Mutant/Variant it cannot have the MK topsheet...so I had them run RGB Glossy World Rally Blue and Gold.   The photo doesn't come close to depicting it's metallic/high gloss surface!

As I'm on the AIL until March I get to stare at it (for inspiration/motivation to get thru the next surgery and the ensuing PT) and dream what a neck snapping ride this is going to be! 

When I get it all mounted up with the UPM F plate and TD3 SW SI+ BP lower assembly I'll add a photo of it in my lineup in the "23/24 Seasonal Quiver"  post.

MK Mutant II.jpg

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Donek keeps the MK (Madd Killer) specs a secret as this was the work of many prototypes and tuning. Barry's is just a wider version, like mine. Stock MK is 18cm waist, ours are 20cm. Barry and I have been talking for something like 3 years about him buying this board. 😆

It's a VERY tight turning little board when you load it right. Saves the day for boring little hills that are mostly green runs. I find this board really bothers my knees on icy/hard snow, which I think is something with the different vibrations. It sounds closer to an old fiberglass board than a metal board. Loud on ice! But I love it when the stars align! 

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2 hours ago, ShortcutToMoncton said:


Yep, what tha Man says, it's proprietary.   Mine is a MK that's 20w like Corey's variant.... Plus UPM inserts!

32 minutes ago, Corey said:

this board really bothers my knees on icy/hard snow, which I think is something with the different vibrations.

UPM Baby!     Sean and I discussed the dreaded MK Buzz/vibration and besides the fact it took me quite a bit of persuading...(aka pestering the Hell out of him!)  to build a MK Variant with UPM......Sean liked my thinking of this creation as not only an Ice slayer with neck snaping turns, but putting on a Donek F Plate which as a flex modifier will nullify the notorious MK Buzz while saving impact on the knees which will extend the MK daily riding time!

Time will tell if my hypothesis was correct........



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14 hours ago, Jack M said:

Vist Snowplate 17 is narrow enough and works with 4x4 inserts

True that Jack!   It would mellow out the MK buzz/ride.    Wonder why nobody's tried??

But we both know 4x4 Plate applications don't even come close to the performance of a UPM plate application and Sean confirms this also!   Not to mention the 4x4 stack height using TD3 SW SI's is vertigo inducing imo!  

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I have a Vist 17 on my F2 163 Proto.  The height is lower than most.  It works pretty well.  It's a board flex modifier like the Donek F and Kessler plates.  It's not as effective as an aluminum Allflex spring plate, but it's much lighter and more forgiving.  It would be very worthwhile to try one on an MK if one thinks it's too turny.

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4 hours ago, Jack M said:

The Vist Snowplate 17 is narrow enough, works with 4x4 inserts, and is affordable... anyone could add one to their MK to mellow it out...

I'll be trying an older Vist on my MK this winter. 😃 Hoping it keeps the wild MK ride with less buzz, but not looking forward to chairlift rides as my local hills don't have footrests. Or standing on the slippery nylon blocks on Tbars! 

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We need a :dismay: emoji. The MK has one job which it does brilliantly.  That job is to be an angry inconsiderate little ripper to slalom through meat gates on firm narrow trails for an hour-o-fun tops because anything longer turns your legs to mashed potatoes and makes your cheeks hurt from smiling too hard. Sore knees?!? 🤣 It don't care about no sore knees. That "buzz" is a full tongue-out raspberry saying "nice try, pudding boy. put a little more love handle into those turns...".   I've tried it with effectively the most non-invasive plate ala Geckos and they turned the MK into a broomstick.  Don't bother. You're welcome. I've already done the research. I give you 1 run with a plated MK and guarantee you'll be walking back to the truck to remove it.  I'm gonna start a "Kneel...you were right" thread as a placeholder. 👍


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6 hours ago, Kneel said:

I give you 1 run with a plated MK and guarantee you'll be walking back to the truck to remove it. 

Ha!  It seems I'm the last holdout of all things UPM these days.  I love my K168 UPM +AF Plate,  Rev 163 UPM + F Plate and Angrry 160 UPM + F Plate........                        So I wouldn't count on it Kneel!    

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21 hours ago, Kneel said:

Sore knees?!? 🤣 It don't care about no sore knees. That "buzz" is a full tongue-out raspberry saying "nice try, pudding boy. put a little more love handle into those turns...".

LOL, love it! 🤣

And I'm still going to try it because I like experimenting.  

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@barryj You're not the only holdout. Despite my newer boards being great rides without a sliding axle plate, I still use my Bolier plate, and my home built sliding axle plates. I have a Hot Blast Slalom Race board with a single radius 8m sidecut that I ride with a plate that is similar fun to an MK.

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18 hours ago, Corey said:

LOL, love it! 🤣

And I'm still going to try it because I like experimenting.  

Me too. 👍 If I could only figure out how to put a plate on a 5-hole PJ7. 🤪 I wish I put more time into being a better rider than building a better ride. Barry and I have had spirited dialog in the past in pm's on making sporty boards easy on old(er) guys who aren't ready to admit they are in fact...old(er). 😐 

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