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2020 injuries


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I hope is will be only post here. On January 3 rd I got most likely hit in my blind spot, back leg side, by 70 years old skier ion Kirkwood chair 2 somewhere at middle of the run. It is blue wide run. I don’t remember as I was in a coma and had to be air lifted to Reno hospital. Spent 3 days there and I am home now right shoulder was dislocated or something is broken they are not sure. My left ankle is all swollen stretch ligaments. My right eye is shut down even when I open and held the lid I have double blurry vision. Of course bad headache and short term memory problems. Bruises all over right side of body. I wear helmet and full body armor. Everything was cut in pieces by ski patrol. You can be careful as you want but somebody will get you eventually. If you can ride with somebody just to have a witness. Nobody did not see anything I was told and ski patrol takes is as no foul accident. Pretty much not have a idea when I will be on the slopes again or what will happened with my job. This occurred on my 9th day of the season. Currently I am dealing with Kaiser insurance. No fun  no neurologist’s appointment for next two months. Probably policy if we will be lucky he will die sooner. I am getting pretty pissed by every day but I can probably lucky be still life. Again ride with somebody if possible.

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Terrible news about your injuries. We MUST be very vigilant at all times, look up hill, look down hill, understand that some idiots can come out of nowhere going WAY toooo fast,  as other people on the slopes don’t expect the “wierd” stuff they think we do, i.e. make nice, big, we’ll controlled, but locked in, turns. 
Whenever the slopes become crowded I go home. 

Wishing you a speedy recovery. 

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  • 1 month later...

Ok it is working again. So it has been 2 months since injury. It was the hardest time in my life. I was going from one doctor appointment to the other. My record is 3 in one day. I am on disability. I still wearing moon boot. I had to even sleep with it. Inside ankle ligaments got beaten.  I am going through physical therapy for shoulder. It was 5th dislocation. I st after shoulder surgery. They also thinks ligaments between shoulder and collar bones were torn. The biggest problem is my right eye. 3rd and 4 th eye nerve we’re damage. So I have only one working eye. Doctors told me we need to wait and hope if any improvements will happened. But so far it looks bleak. Pretty much it is end of my boarding/ skiing carrier after 54 winters on the slope. If I will be able to do backpacking is also questionable. Probably no my cross country  trips. A couple doctors told me I can be lucky be still here. Thanks all of you guys who sent me mail I am using forum to just write one answer. I will have a lot of stuff for sale boards, bindings, never used boots and loathing, tuning stuff and so on. I just need time to depart with all that stuff. It was 30 years every weekend at least on slopes. It is hard. Thanks all of you and safe ridding. We are just targets on slope with wide turns. 

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1 hour ago, Ladia said:

...Thanks all of you and safe ridding. We are just targets on slope with wide turns. 

Best of luck to you. I hope you will get better soon.

Danger of wide turns forced me to change my riding style, I had too many close calls even though I always was looking for big gaps in the crowd. I almost exclusively ride "racing" style now - relatively small quick open turns. Became much faster than average skier on the slope. This adds safety. Nevertheless 3 bombing down at straight line skiers managed to hit me from behind this season. In two case I was heart,  and was out from riding for couple of weeks. In last case only skier was heart. So instant karma worked in one of three cases :-).

Be safe everyone! The fun can change into disaster in a split of a second.

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So glad to hear your still with us!    So sorry you think your carving days are over......give it some time, maybe just ride and glide and pow would be enough fun for ya instead of hard charging carving.   I know,  I'm now into  4 months postop myself.............way to much time to consider and reconsider my riding goals!

......but the immediate goal for you is to recover and get better and that going to take time.   So Take It Easy!

Stay in touch and let us know how your doing please! 

I miss riding the lift and running laps with ya buddy!  

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I can't get over people these days ... that someone would hit you hard enough to do that sort of damage, and then take off to cover their ass and leave you there, just boggles my mind. People can totally suck, and I'm sorry that happened to you. We can only hope that karma is truly a thing.

Healing vibes coming your way. I hope that you can rehab well enough to enjoy your summer at least.

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Oh Buddy... it must feel bleak. 
You’ll ride again one day. I know it. 
Ive been thinking about this a lot lately... I was almost killed a few weeks back. The fella that strafed me, well he and I occupied the same space and time for a moment. Him at 120 and me at about 30... blind and blissed out in a heel turn. Right over the nose of my board. Our shoulders skimmed ffs. It was nuts. 
I tell you... he was the only novice on the mountain that day who thought he was going to win a World Cup. 
By the time I gave my head two shakes, he was 200 m away. 
F u c k I n guy... I saw him again the other day... gaper stance and all Mach 1.5. He skis with a crew too... I wonder what they think of him?

If I get a chance to share some meaningful communications with him, I will tell your story. I can’t guarantee I won’t be very menacing when I do. 

Again Man... We’re pulling for you. 

Edited by Rob Stevens
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