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Heard in the lift line - 2017/2018


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1 hour ago, skimoose said:

Don't you youngins' remember when riding was a crime? We had to take proficiency tests, carry a badge testifying that we were competent to be on the mountain, and get hassled by ski patrol when we were nearly killed by an out of control skier. I don't miss the good ol' days!

Surely remember. 1987 or 88 dont remember at Mount Olympia.

Had to take my Black snow Legend with edges half way by foot to the mountain to prove the patroller I could not kill myself :)

Being practicing by my city bump in Ahuntsic Montreal.

Those were the days you saw a snowboarder and spoke to him. ;)


Edited by Poloturbo
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9 minutes ago, FrankNBeans said:

I've been asked plenty of things about by set-up by lifties, but this takes the cake: After a dozen or so laps on the same chair, having the same lifty check my pass, he asks me, 'What size are your boots?' .....?!?!?!

No questions about my board nor, really, anything about my boots, other than their size?

He wanted to borrow your setup !

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On 1/24/2018 at 1:41 AM, Eric Brammer aka PSR said:

Hey, Beckmann, did ya ever ride with Karol ? he was in/around Loon in those days.


Yes. Nice guy, good for the sport. Didn't seem full of himself either, despite his being a Burton factory rider, etc.

I seem to recall the Loon snowboard shop being about the size of a sugar cube.

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Chris has always been 'grounded' in his approach, and, while not a 'publicist' he is 'good for the sport', certainly!  Any insights from his riding and, historically, specifically!?  Thanks, btw. I wanted to have other's views, "from Then", now that we can effectively put such 'out there' without Postage Due... I still credit him with the 'suicide strap' of putting a 'rubber band' around my heel at S-6, using spare Burton Rear-foot gummy-straps, which held us in at the 35 mph+ speeds we faced on 'The Face'. No one wanted to 'step-off' a board at that clip!



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that was a great training vid; repetition and keeping an ideal image in the mind, all the time, not just during practice, helped me dial in my riding and skiing.

I still tell newbies not the watch the people struggling down the hill, that's not how you want ski/ride, always watch the people turning smoothly down the hill cementing a proper image in the mind for your body to imitate.

still have the worn out vhs in a box full of fall line films, skiing extreme and stumpy tapes even though I don't have a player any more:cool:

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38 minutes ago, matthew said:

I got on the lift today with a father son pair and both of them looked at me with great confusion. I knew they were about to start asking questions.  Then both at once  asked me why I wore my boxers over my snow pants. I told them it was better this way. Saw them later and they were doing it too. Gave them a thumbs up and a wink.

This... needs an explanation.


Make it juicy.

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21 hours ago, matthew said:

I got on the lift today with a father son pair and both of them looked at me with great confusion. I knew they were about to start asking questions.  Then both at once  asked me why I wore my boxers over my snow pants. I told them it was better this way. Saw them later and they were doing it too. Gave them a thumbs up and a wink.


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On 1/26/2018 at 3:55 AM, Lurch said:

Barry was that filmed at Squaw today?

That was Mt. Hood... Back, way back, when.... Funny, I found out today, via FB, that Paul Graves still has the Snurfer I modded with straps, 3 fins, and glass base; made [modded, ahem] in '79-80. Anyhow, THANKS FOR DIGGING THIS UP! Karol was So far Ahead, due in good part to Rob Roy's coaching, but, also because, by this time, he had a decade of riding behind him. 

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14 minutes ago, Eric Brammer aka PSR said:

That was Mt. Hood... Back, way back, when..

1989, Barry. The next year, Gnu had Both their hole pattern (a 4x4, but Huge, like 3-1/2", diamond/square on the board) and Burton's 5-hole 200mm, and by '92, used the Burton 5-hole. Once Lib-Tech was up + running, they used that for 3 years, and by '95-96 were using Harry's 4x4 40mm insert system, BUT, with 1/4" hardware.

Oh, and heard in the lift-line, today, at Sunapee's Learner area, in regards to my being on my Gordo in hardboots, but 'looping' 300* arcs, an Instructor pointed at me, and noted to his charge, 'That's Carving, what You hope to do Next Season'  As If!


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On 2018-01-23 at 6:21 PM, Rusty Edges said:

My Mt. Baker Snowboard proficiency card is hiding around here somewhere.  This is long before the B.C hills figured it out. Think early 80's.

Cypress was the first to allow Snowboarding locally, but you had to pass a similar Proficiency Test.  Link 3 turns, stop toe-side. Link another 3 turns, stop backside.  

I see some in the terrain parks regularly that couldn't pass this test today.

Trenches For All!

I still have my Cypress Mountain proficiency card in my desk somewhere, if memory serves, it was from 1987...


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^^^  He knew what alpine boards were  ^^^

I am seeing more acceptance in those on alpine gear myself. I often either get a complement or comment and it is usually nice. I also notice, those on alpine gear seek out others, and tend to ride a good section of the day together.

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Like TVR was saying, I feel like there are more people who know what alpine snowboard is compared to 10 years ago. 

I usually get compliments from older skier: "you guys look awesome compared to OTHER snowboarders"


I think the best comment I heard when I was with another hardbooter (we were both on 180 and 185 board) was: "holy s**t...."


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32 minutes ago, matthew said:

When I see a hardbooter I don't know I like to sneak up on em at the lift and say "Cool mono-ski, bro!" It's fun to watch them take a really deep breath and start to explain what they're riding before they realize I have a "mono-ski" too. Then they either laugh with me or they just grimace and subtly indicate that they think I'm a complete jackass. Both possible outcomes are good for me.

Now that  is funny

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From the chair behind me a kid yelling, trying to get my attention, " Hey, is that a clip-on board?":freak3: um...yes?...

At the top as I was about to go, a patroller taps my shoulder from behind and tells me I have to stop railing my board so high 'cause the skiers are trip in my trenches. As I lift my goggles to look him in the eye and thinking what I'm going to say, he starts laughing and says he's been trying to catch up to me to see who's been making all those great carved tracks.:biggthump

They don't see many carving boards at Wild, but folks that work on the hill seem to appreciate seeing what a carving board can do!:cool:


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At Sunapee, this past weekend, and one guy asks ' is that a Carving board?', I look down at my Tanker, and respond "That Kid is on the 'small' [172cm] version of this [my 182], and they're freeride boards, but we Carve them!" , and then, I add, "if you wanna see how  it really works, watch the Racing over there (pointing uphill to my left, where Mike and TVR were running G.S. gates)!  I believe i may have confused said skier, but, oh well..


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