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Is bomber out of business?


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10 hours ago, www.oldsnowboards.com said:


11 hours ago, ursle said:

All’s I can say is...Welcome back Fin, Seriously!

To be clear,  this is all to be determined.   Appears we are in limbo.   



"Everybody's in despair, every girl and boy

But when Fin the Engineer gets here, everybody's gonna jump for joy"


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9 hours ago, pow4ever said:

Bad things happen to good people.  Let's no be so quick to judge.
We are all just a few mistake away from being living on the street... 
One small slip lead to another and lead to another; and now I am selling ZJob by the underpass....

The new owner have big dream; they took a shot.  It just didn't work out.  I wish I have the courage to do that. 
Once you get into that tunnel vision that focus on the scarcity of money:  We start to not plan for long term growth but short term survival.
We all fall into that trap from time to tim.

Take a listen to the following on the 2 concepts:  It's much better than what I am capable of articulating.

Good points. (In general).

The journey of a thousand miles begins with a step, but ultimately one has to be willing to take that first step.

Inertia, and such. Integrity is a gyroscope, it needs something to spool it up, and that process begins early in life.

Deceptive behaviour first involves a willingness to deceive the self, and from there it's on to deceiving others.

Some of this is driven by self-delusion, believing that a situation/identity is something other than what it really is. Forming reality to one's views, rather than forming one's views to reflect reality.

The larger problem here, is that 'we' often see what we want to see, particularly as affects our 'precious toys', their use, and how that informs our identity.

So doing, it's much harder to see what really is.  

(BTW, this is endemic to the snow sports industry, which thrives on hopes, dreams, and willful delusion.)


Your generosity of spirit is notable, and admirable.


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9 hours ago, Ladia said:

This is getting sicker and sicker. It looks like they ripped people off to the last day. I was offered $100 ripp off bonus if I pay for MK during TTC. Lucky for me I don't like top sheet graphic on that otherwise great board or I would be now most likely in deeper hole. Wow Jack is evolving. Check page 2; they were almost saints and I was scum back. 

Seems I owe you a partial apology, however it seems your post was made well before you had enough information to jump to the conclusions you did.  And you were still wrong to call out Corey and Bryan for being accomplices.

I still don't believe the Callens did anything out of malice, but rather self-preservation.  Sounds like they made some poor choices along the way, but they're not out to hurt anyone.

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Corey, if you check my post I called You moderatorS, not personally you. I have know idea who was on Duty  to cleanse posts if there  was something unpleasant written about current Bomber owners. I was just simply asking what's wrong with Bomber when they do not carry threir flagship binding for over half of the years. Later somebody put there link to article about Aspen nonprofit and the tread disappeared. If the debate was let go like for example this thread I and maybe somebody else would most likely did not waste money on lost cause. That's  connection. So if you were not censor on duty my apology to you.

 This forum most likely will be gone soon, one thing I did not like was censorship here for which I really did not see  too many reasons. The example I will never forget was when somebody deleted thread about Sense snowboards because did not like top sheet of one of board. Lucky  for me that individual  did not catch my Coiler.

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1 hour ago, Ladia said:

So if you were not censor on duty my apology to you.

Got it, thanks!  I don't believe any of the Moderators were censoring content unless it blatantly broke the rules.  Things we move to the deleted forum: profanity, pornography, new equipment sales, being a jerk to other members.  There's a lot of room on the internet for that stuff, but they're expressly not allowed here.  

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" I still don't believe the Callens did anything out of malice, but rather self-preservation.  Sounds like they made some poor choices along the way, but they're not out to hurt anyone. "

Hmmm... easier sentiment to have when you're not the financially aggrieved party.  You are welcome to cover my losses if Paypal does not...  Just kidding!

Seriously, it's only during times of adversity that we really need to pull our moral compasses out.  The times when we fall head first into our Ethics-Morals-Integrity.   I'm not trying to kick people while they're down and I too feel bad for them and the community.  However, my personal experience with them is what it is and I felt that should be out there for balance.   Ultimately, we are all responsible for our actions no matter what situation got us there.  

I know that I'm projecting here.  In reality I'm probably more disappointed in myself then the Callen's.  I knew better but exposed myself anyway.  Ultimately, my responsibility.






Edited by rvrholic
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18 hours ago, tex1230 said:

Wow. I guess this is where I get banned, but a couple of your are just straight up jerks. Blame the VOLUNTEER mods for your problems with ordering? You really think Jack/Corey/Bryan etc are going to hurt you to help Bomber steal your money? Go look in a mirror. 

I personally am not in the mood to ban you Tex!  You are a great member IMHO!  I will be happy to state on the forum that I did not delete any posts that mentioned current state of affairs, including post about purchases or shipments.    I also am not interested in pointing fingers with little information to go on.   It is definitely not right if folks don't get their paid for items.   There are likely going to be folks very hard hit by the actions recently taken.    Neither Corey or I have much  we can offer in terms of restitution.   We are but servants to the group. 



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18 hours ago, tex1230 said:

Wow. I guess this is where I get banned, but a couple of your are just straight up jerks. Blame the VOLUNTEER mods for your problems with ordering? You really think Jack/Corey/Bryan etc are going to hurt you to help Bomber steal your money? Go look in a mirror.  

I personally am not in the mood to ban you Tex!  You are a great member IMHO!  I will be happy to state on the forum that I did not delete any posts that mentioned current state of affairs, including post about purchases or shipments.    I also am not interested in pointing fingers with little information to go on.   It is definitely not right if folks don't get their paid for items.   There are likely going to be folks very hard hit by the actions recently taken.    Neither Corey or I have much  we can offer in terms of restitution.   We are but servants to the group. 


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This is all so sad for our small community and especially those persons that placed orders that never received their products.  For those that didn't receive their products if your credit card (or PayPal) won't issue refunds for whatever reasons I recommend you go online and get a copy of the BK filing (it is public record) and make sure you are listed on the creditor matrix.  If you are not listed consider contacting the receiver listing in the filing document.  I know the odds are low of getting your money back, but one never knows.  There are some debts that can't be discharged in BK (such as taxes) and the judge has some leeway in certain instances.

I have been thinking that this really must impact Fin the most.  He worked 20+ years pouring his heart and soul into his company and now to have something like this happen :((((((((  I hope he is able to get the company back and get it back on track.  He did a wonderful job running his business.  Purchasing or buying a small business is risky and requires a ton of blood, sweat and tears along with managing finances down to the last penny and screw.  A business often fails within the first 3 years if not managed diligently and sadly in this case that is what appears to have happened.


Hugs to all and best wishes for a great winter season :1luvu:

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7 hours ago, corey_dyck said:

Things we move to the deleted forum: profanity, pornography, new equipment sales, being a jerk to other members.  There's a lot of room on the internet for that stuff...

I may be mistaken, but my understanding is that profanity, pornography, new equipment sales, being a jerk to other members was the entire POINT of the internet...

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21 hours ago, Ladia said:

I order Regular SW from Donek, in two hours I got e mail and call from Sean to verify some details and binding was shipped in the afternoon.

Sean at Donek has been a bright spot throughout this uncertain process...definitely exemplifies great customer service. The MK I ordered from Bomber just arrived and Sean went above and beyond to assist me. Future purchases will be made directly from them...something I should have done for this order.

Still no word about the TD3's and bag...I was going to give Jim a little more time to complete the order but given the development of this thread, I think it's best to call my CC company and dispute the amount for the unshipped merchandise now rather than later.

Stoked about the board; wish I had the "stealth" TD3's to go with it.


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Folks waiting for gear and wondering what the heck may happen...

The case may be that once an item has been packaged to ship and has been entered into the UPS system that it is no longer considered property of bomber. And in light of that, the item may be physically shipped post filing for bankruptcy and a trustee or whatever the heck has been named to manage things in the interim.

A deck that I paid for at the end of August was shipped out this past Monday. Frankly I thought that it would be forever lost in legal bs  land.

I am not trying to attack or defend anyone. The things that have come up are concerning. I do realize that folks stand to lose money and that I am very fortunate to have finally received my product. 

A lot of horrible things happen when a business closes or declares bankruptcy. Rarely is it the intention of the business owners to purposefully hurt people in these circumstances and many do everything they can in due time to "make things right."

I don't know the future. I don't even know a fraction of everything that has happened. I just know that, as someone has stated previously, a small business has failed. 

Yes, it still saddens me a great deal.

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1 hour ago, alpinegirl said:

The case may be that once an item has been packaged to ship and has been entered into the UPS system that it is no longer considered property of bomber. And in light of that, the item may be physically shipped post filing for bankruptcy and a trustee or whatever the heck has been named to manage things in the interim.

You made an excellent point. Once the trustee was appointed, and depending on the terms of the bank loan and its security, it's likely that as of last Friday any stock is now the bank's property. If it's been shipped after that date, it's entirely possible that the trustee could come after it to claim it back. It's unlikely, because it's usually more trouble than it's worth, but it's happened. 

Just bear that in mind if anything arrives on your doorstep ... you might not be home free.

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17 hours ago, Jack Michaud said:

I still don't believe the Callens did anything out of malice, but rather self-preservation.  Sounds like they made some poor choices along the way, but they're not out to hurt anyone.

I spent a lot of time with them at TTC, including a good amount of time off the mountain. I atleast want to believe that I  second this opinion. I don't think they were intentionally out to hurt anyone and steal and run bomber into the ground, more trying to push bomber into the main stream market and then grasping at straws until the very end when it did not work. 

Edited by AcousticBoarder
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11 hours ago, Allee said:

You made an excellent point. Once the trustee was appointed, and depending on the terms of the bank loan and its security, it's likely that as of last Friday any stock is now the bank's property. If it's been shipped after that date, it's entirely possible that the trustee could come after it to claim it back. It's unlikely, because it's usually more trouble than it's worth, but it's happened. 

Just bear that in mind if anything arrives on your doorstep ... you might not be home free.

This all falls under what I referred to as legal bs  land. The legal system is a very messy place and bankruptcy proceedings are quite illustrative of that. It depends on how the law is interpreted and accordingly applied to these situations.

Sadly, laws don't make life fair.

My point was that should items already be assigned a tracking number that they may be considered property of the customer despite having had not been physically shipped. A tinge of optimism in the midst of a lousy ordeal.

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On 10/27/2017 at 9:00 PM, buster said:

so, it's alright to call another member a straight up asshole and a sorry excuse for a human being when defending moderators?

You pipe up now after 13 years and 170 posts? Yeah... I’m the one with the problem. You have nothing invested in this community.


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