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Heard It In The Lift Line 2015/2016


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Oh come one, it's already March (well almost, and it's a leap year) and there's no HIITLL topic for this season?


liftie: Wow, cool, that's gotta be, like, stupid fast


me, laughing: Yeah, that's accurate

me, pointing at lift operator's panel: So please turn the knob that makes the snow slower


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Ha, I was thinking the same last night that there was no HIITLL.  


I'm riding solo and a couple younger jibbers in early 20's pulled up behind me just as I was skating to the chair.  The one said to his buddy very enthusiastically, "Yo, what the f#*k is that?!...oh that's the guy we saw from the chair (paused for a few seconds). We should follow him...(laughs)" I didn't get a chance to respond and they didn't get the chance to follow me as I stepped in up top and was off; if they weren't joking about following me I didn't want the risk of having them follow me too close by having to straight-line.  


Other than that, all other comments have mostly been people talking amongst themselves in the line.  "...those are like ski boots.", and the typical "woah, look at that"  They are afraid to ask...and afraid to ride the lift with me to apparently haha.  Bruce's Coiler hammerhead nose usually leaves people puzzled as does the TD3 bling.  I did however have a lengthy conversation on the lift with some high school students a few weeks back who were asking about the board and what it was designed for.  

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Every year I get this, "Do you also snowboard on a regular board?" This year I was told from someone on lie that "Whoever set your bindings up screwed them all up. You shouldn't be riding with your binding angles like that." My favorite this year came from some guys who know a little about hard booting, "I thought you were on hard boots"

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I have gotten a few "how do you like those bindings?" mostly from parents, and then I point out that I am wearing hardboots and not soft step ins


Had a conversation with the liftie at the top of June about hard booting, he is quite interested in them and wants to give it a try, lots of us visit June and almost the only ones on the mountain, so we are seen quite a bit. Wish I had a card to give him at the time, but let him know about SES. He mentioned having conversations with skiers that see the carves asking about them (tracks often last all day), and when he says they are from snowboarders they are dumbfounded.

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At Nakiska, 3 or 4 of us in line with Coilers under our feet. A mountain employee came running over, pointed at our boards and excitedly said: "Are those Coilers?!? Awesome!"


Well, it's good to see that after how many years? of us sessioning there, at least they know what they're talking about ...


I think I got questioned about my gear by my lift buddies on every ride at the Nakiska session this year, and there was always a lot of chatter in the line behind us when 8 or 10 of us rolled up the chair together.


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"When I grow up, I want to be you!" - from our Staff Training Coordinator, who attends the carving training in my sessions.

Funny enough, she's just about to complete the same (uncommon) university degree I did 25 years ago...


Anyways, there are lots of questions and comments from general public, this year, pretty much on daily basis. However, not too many silly ones, mostly curious and respectful.

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Anyways, there are lots of questions and comments from general public, this year, pretty much on daily basis. However, not too many silly ones, mostly curious and respectful.


Interesting, I noticed the same thing.  A lot more respectful and genuinely curious comments this year rather than chest-beating aggro stuff.  

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I had a great Transworld sticker on my '94 Rad-Air Soul 168 Asym; 'The Answers', placed up near the nose.


"It's called a Snowboard"  "Yes I can Turn, even Stop"  "It's Lots of Fun"  "No, I don't Ski anymore"   :boxing_sm


That board would easily do 270* arcs down where Pat now rides NASTAR courses, which is just alongside the base chairs at Okemo. I probably sold more private lessons that way, just by arcing it In uniform where I was easily seen.

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A few weeks ago I was riding with a buddy at Park City.  After the fourth or fifth time someone asked if we were on monoskis, we see a guy on an actual monoski.  So my buddy goes over to him and says "hey, is that a carving snowboard?"  I started laughing so hard I almost wet my pants.  He was very confused.  When we explained, he had a good sense of humor about it.  Later in the day he skied by again and yelled "hey, is that a monoski?".


On the same trip we were running laps on a slope called "Assessment".  I was making some pretty good turns on one particular run while a skier followed me down.  We both stopped to rest at the same spot and just as I was starting again he says "You're a joy to watch."  I was really flattered.  That is the best compliment I've ever received on the snow.


Last one.  I was at Breckenridge in Colorado.  I had just finished a run and this softbooter comes over all animated and flailing his arms.  He says "DUDE, that things is CRAZY!  Did you make it yourself?"  I wasn't sure how to answer.  I just said "I wish".  I think he was disappointed I didn't have a better story.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Got on a lift with a guy with an old pair of Raichles on a softboard running low angles with massive overhang.  He seemed to be digging the setup.  I suggested higher angles and his idea of high angle was 27/24 which was unlikely to prevent bootout.  


When I suggested 45ish, he responded "I tried full euro once and didn't like it". 


I explained the different biomechanics of a hardboot turn with high angles and he responded, "Then it's like skiing."


I just gave up after that.

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I was at the bomber event at 7springs a few weeks ago. One of the guys at one of the lifts was obsessed with the td3 step in bindings, of all things. Every time i went up he would start yelling, "MAN THOSE BINDINGS ARE AWESOME, I LOVE THEM, I WANT THEM." And throughout the day, he would always yell, "I WANT THOSE BINDINGS". I was actually starting to get a bit worried that he was gonna try to steal my bindings.  


And at the local hill, i always have kids asking me why i'm riding a snowboard with Ski boots.


Also had one skier complain on the ride up with me that i leave trenches that are too deep. This baffled me as my trenches are not really that deep at all.  

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I was in Park City last week and found myself alone on a few nice, steep blue runs on the first day.  I built up some momentum carving on one side of the trail and then broke into a nice laid-out toeside carve across the width of the trail.  Half way through it I was surprised to hear some cheers coming from the chairlift above :biggthump .  I held the carve for a bit too long and botched the transition back to heelside :freak3: , though I don't think anyone saw that :ph34r: .

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Sort of OT, but not really...I was at a local snowboard shop taking a look at what the freeride group has to offer. As I do, I had mentioned that I was a hard booter just looking at freeride gear, he looked at me and said " I'm not sure if I even know how to sell something to you"!

As we continue to talk, I decide to try on some boots to kill some time. We started to talk about what ski areas we go to and we both mention Bretton Woods, which is my local haunt, and out of the blue he blurts out " Hey guys this is the guy that drags his face in the snow up at Bretton Woods!!!"

I guess that's a compliment!

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My wife told me that she doesn't like to follow me..."my trenches are a hazard"...

Where's that angry skier vid from NICE; 'YOU ARE CREATING A HZARD" :angryfire


I related this to my wife and she says "it's kinda fun to intersect yours."

I married the right person :1luvu:

Edited by b0ardski
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A few weeks ago:

Early morning rock-hard groom. I've done one run and am riding the lift back up. A cute little 5-ish girl was doing a good pizza snowplow down the run and intersects my S-shaped trench. She changes course and follows it back and forth, keeping it between her skis. She followed it for as long as I could see her.

Absolutely adorable. :)

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