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Heard It In The Lift Line 2014/2015


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That's crazy. Just like if they told skiers not to use GS skis. As long as respecting alpine code and slow zones everyone should be fine.

Woah, those slow zones actually work in the States?


Where i board in Austria, the SLOW signs are more like warnings: speed up, or you'll be carrying your board for the next 100m

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Um, yeah, what? Everywhere I ride "Slow" signs indicate beginner runs, merging trails or lift lines - none of them places you need to be speeding through, unless you fancy explaining to a homicidal parent how you almost killed their kid.


I do know of one hill that has a sign warning of an uphill and to carry speed (Sunshine has one on the green run off Angel Chair), but I've never seen one anywhere else.

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Today as I was clipping in, I noticed a group of skiers staring at me. As I made eye contact, one said; "We love how you do 6-meter 180s."

Me: "Pardon?"

Skier makes small swooping S-shapes with his hand, mimicking tight S-carves.


Guy #2 (nice guy I've chatted with multiple times) told me quite definitively that my Skwal was called a monoski in Europe.

A liftie gave me fist bumps every time I got on the chair.

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After giving a demo run/exposure to carve to a friend on skis and his 12 yr old son on softboots, I asked the son, what he thought of carving. He asked , "Why?", I replied, "why what?" , him, "Why are you doing that?", we were still on the snow, so I just said because it is fun. Later in the lodge I asked him to explain his question a bit more, So he asked, "why are  you falling down every time you make a turn?  Why don't you just go down the hill?  I answered, That is how you carve, because it is fun, and because I can.   On the drive home I started questioning myself, that he had a good question, why, am I doing this, and how did I get here. Why don't I just relax and go down the hill, gently and easily. anyone...?

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Liftie telling me I should go hit the nastar gates they had recently set up because I was making such hard carves.


Caught up to a boarder and started slalom carving with him down the rest of the hill... looked different but I couldn't put my finger on it while riding.  Light day, so we ended up on the lift together and I saw exactly what it was.  Tele-board.  I'd never seen one, so we had a great talk about similarities and differences.

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This isn't so much something I heard, rather than saw.


This past weekend, I was grabbing a drink of water in the lodge and saw some 40- something soft booter with a selfie stick taking pictures of himself outside.  The sad part was that there were plenty of people around to take it for him, but instead, he chose to raise the stick skyward.  The sadder part was that by taking the picture the same way 19 year old girls do it, he put the surface of the dirt parking lot in the background, instead of a majestic 9800' peak that was just on the other side of the lot.  


Later on that day, I saw this same guy doing the most insane heel side ever.  And by that, I don't mean he was turning.  I mean he was straight up facing down hill, knees locked and sliding on his heel side with the board completely perpendicular to the fall line.  It was a fairly steep blue, and he was going for it.  I'm not even kidding- he must have been doing 30- 35 MPH and in my 22 years on the snow, I've never seen someone go that fast in a skid that wasn't crashing.  Truth be told, I was a little impressed.

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Top of the black run today (Kandahar, Tremblant)

Skier :'hey you have a carving board, are you one of those guys who go really low on the snow? '

Bottom of the same run (checked for large clearance area before taking off etc), another skier yelling at me : 'You have no right to turn like that on a public run'

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  • 2 weeks later...

Riding my rock board on a pow-ish day in St. Louis. I Slide up to a liftie I know well, and he goes: "You have ANOTHER one??"


In the lift corral at snowmass, and a female skier comes up behind me.

(In a stern tone) "Hey, I saw what you were doing."

Me: "Um, ok?"

Her: "It was awesome!"


That one definitely put a smile on my face :biggthump


Also on the lift at snowmass, with an instructor and 3 of his 10ish year-old jibbers. All the usually questions, and the instructor brings up ses(well, not exactly)


Inst: "yeah, there's always some big even in January and those guys RIP."

Me: "are you thinking of ses?"

inst: "No I don't think so"

me: "Are you sure?"

inst: (random snowboard babble)

me: "It's ses."

inst: "noooo...."

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  • 5 weeks later...

Not strictly the Lift Line, but strapping in after hiking the ridge at Loveland, a guy on a freestyle board says, "is that thing a 200?" "Yep, you got it," I reply. "Dude," he says before dropping in, "you're an animal!" Clutching the sides of my grossly misshapen head, I bellow, "I am not an animal! I am a human being!"

Most of this is true.

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  • 4 months later...

Yesterday at Turoa. "Can you ride it backwards?"

Me: "Well, yes..... you can, but why would you drive a Ferrari backwards round a racetrack!"


My last day of the season here, eight days in total given work commitments.

Lots & lots of "What is that....?" for boards, plates, boots, and hand helmets, and after the explanation lots of "That is so cool."

A few people confessing to having ridden carving boards back in the day pointed towards the Bomber website.


And my second to last run of the year, lady in her thirties smiling after I carve down the approach to the Giant chair "That looks like fun!"

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