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AIL "Alpine Injured List"


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Thanks for good wishes guys.

What can they do for a fractured hip? Isolate it how?

It is the greater trochanter that has the fracture. It's not dislocated, so they did nothing. Just take it easy until healed. I hardly can move at all, as is, now.

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We had Thursday night racing at Cypress. Too soft snow, yet we still raced. I took the 1st place on snowboard, then got gready and switched to skis to try for double gold. Nasty wipe out at the bottom of the course, fractured hip... Season over...

This was my first time down the mountain in tobogan, in 38 years of snowsports.

I spent 26 hours in the ER of a nearby hospital, entertainig myself by counting injured skiers/riders (mostly riders actually) and listening to their stories.

Sorry to hear that Boris!

Do you mean socket around the femur?

I hope you'll get better in time for skateboarding.

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  • 2 weeks later...

In a hard fast sweeping carve on a very warm sunny day Saturday the 24th, the board came out from under me and I hit the ground in belly flop fashion but my right arm took the brunt. After the Ski Patrol collected me and sent me packing to the ER armed with nothing but a sling, I found that I sustained a spiral fracture of the proximal humorous extending to the humeral head (basically I broke my arm from the center of my bicep to my shoulder). It wasn’t until three days later at my follow up x-rays that they found my shoulder was also separated, a "slight oversight" by the ERdoc.... I was rushed to surgery and have been recovering ever since. Season over. I wont allow that to be my last run of the 11-12 ski year so I aim to hit Hood this summer.


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That call of a shoulder separation on the basis of that xray is a very soft call. I don't think you can confidently call it unless you do ab/ad-duction views. Plus you didn't mention that they "rushed" you to surgery because of your spiral fracture, not because the ER doc missed the shoulder separation, which doesn't require surgery at all.

Most ER docs know what they are doing, including me. Don't be mislead by follow up docs eager to try to prove how incompetent ER docs are just to make themselves look better. Believe me, this is a common occurrence.

That is a nasty fracture though. Must've hurt like the dickens. Heal fast and get back out there!


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That call of a shoulder separation on the basis of that xray is a very soft call. I don't think you can confidently call it unless you do ab/ad-duction views. Plus you didn't mention that they "rushed" you to surgery because of your spiral fracture, not because the ER doc missed the shoulder separation, which doesn't require surgery at all.

Most ER docs know what they are doing, including me. Don't be mislead by follow up docs eager to try to prove how incompetent ER docs are just to make themselves look better. Believe me, this is a common occurrence.

That is a nasty fracture though. Must've hurt like the dickens. Heal fast and get back out there!


Said our very own alpine ER doc!!! Thanks Sam!!!

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In a hard fast sweeping carve on a very warm sunny day Saturday the 24th, the board came out from under me and I hit the ground in belly flop fashion but my right arm took the brunt. After the Ski Patrol collected me and sent me packing to the ER armed with nothing but a sling, I found that I sustained a spiral fracture of the proximal humorous extending to the humeral head (basically I broke my arm from the center of my bicep to my shoulder). It wasn’t until three days later at my follow up x-rays that they found my shoulder was also separated, a "slight oversight" by the ERdoc.... I was rushed to surgery and have been recovering ever since. Season over. I wont allow that to be my last run of the 11-12 ski year so I aim to hit Hood this summer.


That looks like the break my teenage son had, except it stopped short of the head. He did it throwing a dodge ball. They gave him fentanyl in the ambulance the 3 doese of morphine in the ER and he was in agony. Since you didn't mention the pain, you must be tough. Took him about 12 weeks to heal wearing only a brace. Heal fast and do your PT ASAP. Good to have a goal for recovery.

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sorry to hear this Evan:mad:. hope you heal up fast.

That's the 3rd NICEr to get injured this season I hope that pays our dues for awhile and everyone stays healthy through next year:o

I second that.... I got at least one more day on snow.... And a trip to Hood may be in my future too!

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You better not try to sneak past me if you two visit Hood !!!!

We will give you plenty of notice if there are any trips up to Hood. :) I was thinking about the 2nd week of June. I'll let you know for sure. I already looked at the calendar for the month and figured out how many days I can go till the end of our season in Montana. At least riding the chairlifts....haha. I really miss the Winter season ending in late May/early June! Thats the sacrifice I was willing to make.

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We will give you plenty of notice if there are any trips up to Hood. :) I was thinking about the 2nd week of June. I'll let you know for sure. I already looked at the calendar for the month and figured out how many days I can go till the end of our season in Montana. At least riding the chairlifts....haha. I really miss the Winter season ending in late May/early June! Thats the sacrifice I was willing to make.

Cool Ed. You and your's are always welcome here. Look forward to seeing you if you get out this way.

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Hey Ed! It would be great to see you in the Portland area this summer. If you make it out, you should coordinate your timing with Russ and Evan -- we could do a summer session at T-line.

If we were going to have a summer gathering like that, we could also play around on asphalt once they close Timberline for the day. I have a Dirtsurfer, Flowlab board, and longboard, and we could take everything over to the Meadows parking lot / access road -- it's pretty much empty up there in the summer, especially on weekends when there's no maintenance / summer construction going on.

Edited by Dan
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  • 2 weeks later...
Does anyone know of anyone who is riding with a new hip? I got one in July of last year and have been surfing with no problems. Back next winter! Tim

Hi Tim, so glad to hear the hip is doing so well. My Dad has had both replaced and they are pain free. He doesn't snowboard I am afraid. Bryan

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Is it just me having not paid that much attention in the past, or has this season been especially heavy on big injuries? I'm still sitting at home with a healing collarbone and cursing that I can't even get out on the bike because I can't afford to rush this and damage the bone any further. I feel for everyone that is in a similar situation and it looks like a number of you had it worse than I did. I wanted them to plate mine, but when I went for a second opinion the doctor said it wasn't in the parameters that they would operate on. He said they would do surgery if it was 20mm short or shifted and when I saw him it was 18mm. I almost punched him when he said " If you would have come and seen me first I probably would have plated it then, but not now." Great. So here I sit, bored with Netflix, (it has way fewer good movies up her in the land of Igloos and back bacon) bored with PS3 and frustrated that, while mostly mobile, I still have 4-6 weeks before I can get back to work.

I wish good health to everyone who is mending and good luck to everyone still riding, lets all have an eventless summer and hit it hard next season.

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