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Everything posted by JRAZZ

  1. I was looking for a mogul / hard bump board, not a pow board. It's interesting, when I say "trees" I mean the crappy moguly stuff you find at Loveland after a couple of dry days. I almonst never make it to real pow so I was looking for a nimble board that is very quick to turn between the bumps in the trees
  2. Think I found it... Super short and flexy slalom board (F2 Speedster 158). I think this is kinda along the lines of what @carlito suggested. Very maneuverable and barely stable at higher speed (not a problem, I'm slow!) Soooo much fun though the board is anything but friendly. Kinda feels like it's waiting around the corner with a knife waiting for me to make a mistake. It's a work-out but it's the first alpine board I rode that I can consider to be nimble.
  3. These kind of pictures send my OCD into a tizzy! What are these doctors? Carpenters? I want my money back (JK, I have same in my wrist and the guy was amazing)
  4. Like I said, exercise in futility but still fun Rode the F2 and the Coiler back to back and gosh if I know how to describe it. The F2 is super turney while the Coiler is a damp beast that loves to go fast. Not sure this is born out of this spreadsheet.
  5. JRAZZ

    Yo Lci!!

    ^^ Early meaning plan on leaving Denver around 6:00.
  6. I put the sidecut as reported. Look at the Coiler up there. That column is more for information. The spreadsheet takes the tip, waist, and tail width along with the effective edge and tries to calculate an average radius based on that. It usually calculates on the high side (I may try and fix that in the future) but at least it's consistent across all the boards so "should" give us a basis for comparison.
  7. I would say that my day job is 95% Excel but that would be a gross understatement. Anyway, using spreadsheets causes you to see the world in a tabular way (e.i. when you have a hammer everything is a nail) So naturally, trying to make sense of the world I tried to compare snowboards using a spreadsheet. This endeavor is bound to fail simply because the flex characteristics of the board matter so much and I have no way to measure that. I doubt this is a meaningful comparison but it still is a fun activity (for me at least - don't judge). This spreadsheet is comprised of snowboards that I own or have owned and have been able to measure. Feel free to open and add your own. Please add only board that you have measured. I find that what manufacturers report can vary wildly! (for example, Bruce is spot on while Never Summer lie outright) https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Spgu8msUnKMVzKMjE0_3O0DFbbgra67Kv4LKfoiF4QE/edit?usp=sharing Measure the following:: Overall length (cm) Effective Edge (cm) - the distance between the widest point in the nose to the widest point in the tail Sidecut (m) - this is the reported sidecut - whatever the manufacturer says Waist (cm) - the narrowest part of the board Tip width (cm) - the widest part of the tip Tail width (cm) - the widest part of the tail The last 3 cells are calculated automatically. I sorted the list by the calculated sidecut/effective edge (as a measure of "turniness"). I figure that this is a good a place as any to start. I don't know if this has any real value - maybe someone with more experience can tell me if this is a valid comparison and if the sorting method makes sense.
  8. If you have access to a 3D printer that does ABS... I've had good results with this but ultimately decided that I like a flat stance better. Still, this is cheaper and lighter than the above solutions. (Though the BPP are bomb proof and have built in dampening)
  9. https://snowboardingprofiles.com/what-is-the-effective-edge-of-a-snowboard
  10. Ugh! Glad you weren't hurt! Plastics degrade over time. It's the reason you shouldn't use a child car seat that is more than 5 years old. Sun, heat (keep it in the car?), cold, and old age all contribute to the plasticizers leaching away leaving you with a brittle boot. Hey, at least it's an excuse to pamper yourself with a new pair of boots!
  11. This really works for Cateks where you can bend the bail inside the heel block. I think the way TD's are built you would be SOL. Corey's idea is probably better. Another option that has worked really well for me is a 3D printed bail catch.
  12. Thinking about it, there are some real advantages to be had even if you stick with low angles. (which you really should, I guess, with soft boots) Less bootout. Intec integration. FWIW, I think Intec is superior to stuff like the kwicker and step on because you have the convenience of stepping in with less problems of snow buildup. Also, would be really nice if this takes off. Would be a boon for hard booters as well! Bindings that allow for lift and cant. More comfort - not having a strap compressing your foot (it's a problem for me at least). (you can tell I'm OCD and really like lists, can't you?) I think that this can be really nice. Would it replace traditional straps? Probably not. Would it offer an interesting alternative with some advantages? Yeah, probably. So stop thinking about this like hard (headed?) booters. You'll always have hard boots for lateral stiffness and high angles. Try to imagine (normal?) soft booters and what they might see in this. Again, if this does take hold we will definitely see benefits in hard boots as well.
  13. 1) I love it! The retro thing. Absolutely awesome! 2) Stop buying Coilers!!! The wait list is too long!
  14. @Jack M you should patent these stickers as anti-snow devices! (Swear to god it was like this the whole day. Snow just didn't stick to it!)
  15. Meanwhile - these found a nice home.
  16. For me an outward cant on the front binding (and back binding too) makes the difference between an unrideable board and something that works. I agree with @Beckmann AG's approach of figuring out the front foot and then the back. Seemed to work for me.
  17. Yeah, I could probably do that. Once. Flow or not it sure is fun to watch.
  18. This. Not looking for pow board. Looking for crappy moguly tree board.
  19. I've found lots of pow board threads but let's be real, I haven't seen a real pow day for three years. What I have seen a lot of lately is trees. I looked and couldn't really find a recommendation for a real tree board (for hardboots). Like a bona fide tree ninja. Something super maneuverable that can turn quickly. Maybe even do moguls? Just curious as to what works.
  20. I think that a UPZ MP27 is not the same as Deeluxe MP27 in terms of toe space I also believe that there is a difference between the Deeluxe 700 and 325 but it’s probably smaller.
  21. I guess the thing that really ticks me off is the pointing and saying "this is bad". I would much rather focus on what we want to happen rather than focus on what we don't like. Like your comment on the Atomic Backlands. I'm with you 100%.
  22. I'm not really someone to talk about setup but I recently had an eye opening experience. I usually ride with the front flat and the back with heel lift. I got some new F2 bindings and had a HORRIBLE day on the heel. Nothing was working right. However, I did notice that when one-footing it I had to bend my knee way over to the right (regular footed). When I stood up straight the board would veer sharply to the left. I decided to do something silly and put the cant shims on the front foot (cant outward) and give it a shot. What a difference! The board does what I want! Super easy to cruise and way more responsive. Moral - for me at least: @Beckmann AG is absolutely right. Make sure you can one foot comfortably without the board yawing left or right first. The rest is easy to figure out. Bring a screwdriver/wrench to the hill and make one change at a time.
  23. I have to admit that lightweight AT boots are really sexy at the moment. But in reality, I've finally dialed in my Track 700s/BTS/Binding combo. I can't really find a good reason to spend more money on an inferior (from a carving/convenience/setpin standpoint) setup. I've already been to ski boot land. Not going back.
  24. FWIW, it took me FOREVER to find a boot/liner combination that works for me but now that I did my feet are warmer. more comfortable, and more responsive than in softboots. Herdboot setup is more finicky than softboots but the results are worth it!
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