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Everything posted by JRAZZ

  1. I personally don't like the hybrid straps. Never felt good. Have a couple of the 2016 vintage and like them a lot.
  2. JRAZZ

    Yo Lci!!

    Seems to be a lot of that going around this season.... Great that you're up and riding again!
  3. So this still has cant across the binding and not along the axis of the board. If you want to get the canting axis along the axis of the board you need to do some "tweak-o-matic" math. Lift=sin(twist)*total_cant Cant_across_binding=cos(twist)*total_cant This will introduce a bit of lift that should (if I can still remember trig) rotate the axis of the cant to be along the axis of the board. Anyhoo, awesome let us know how they turn out!
  4. I know. That's how I felt discovering OpenSCAD! Is this what you mean? (I'll post the code below - apparently we can't post files here) bottom_length = 245; //total length bottom_width = 100; //base width (twist will result in wider overall dimensions) top_length = 245; top_width = 130; edge_rad = 4; //edge radius of top and bottom surfaces height = 30; //minimum height (cant and/or lift will result in taller overall height) - NOTE: ht must be >= 2*edge_rad twist = 9; //degrees of twist cant = 6; //degrees of cant - this simple demo only supports positive (leftward) cant lift = 0; //degrees of lift - this simple demo only supports positive (heel) lift screw_size = 6.25; //screw hole size lightening_hole_spacing = 5; // spacing between lightening holes steps = 20; //smoothness factor - more steps = smoother sides screw_hole_spacing = 20; //spacing for screw holes - should not be changed screw_hole_twist = 15; //this adjusts the total height, to take into account height added due to the edge radius - shouldn't be changed by user adj_ht = height - 2*edge_rad; min_width = min(bottom_width, top_width); min_length = min(bottom_length, top_length); //difference to punch holes difference() { //call the plate module to initiate the render translate([0,0,edge_rad]) //move to z=0 plate(); $fa = 1; //center lightening hole center_lhr = screw_hole_spacing*1.414 - (screw_size / 2) - lightening_hole_spacing; cylinder(h=100,r=center_lhr); //screw holes for (i=[0,90,180,270]) rotate(i+screw_hole_twist) screw_holes(); //lightening holes for (i=[0,180]) rotate(i) lightening_holes(); //lightening_holes(); } module screw_holes() { $fn = 20; translate([screw_hole_spacing,screw_hole_spacing,0]) cylinder(h=100,r=screw_size / 2); } module lightening_holes() { s = screw_hole_spacing; w = (min_width / 2) - edge_rad; q = screw_size /2; lhs = lightening_hole_spacing / 2; side_lhy = (s + w) / 2; side_lhr = (w - s - lightening_hole_spacing) / 2; $fa = 0.5; translate([0,side_lhy,0]) cylinder(h=100,r=side_lhr); translate([side_lhy,side_lhy,0]) cylinder(h=100,r=side_lhr); translate([-side_lhy,side_lhy,0]) cylinder(h=100,r=side_lhr); translate([side_lhy,0,0]) cylinder(h=100,r=side_lhr); tan_twist_2 = tan(twist/2); ta = s+q; incenter_hole(ta, ta*tan_twist_2, w/tan_twist_2, w, ta, w); incenter_hole(ta, ta*tan_twist_2, w/tan_twist_2, w, ta, ta*tan(twist/2) - w); rotate([0,0,twist/2-5]) translate([min_length/2 - w*.7,0,0]) cylinder(h=100,r=w/2 - lhs); } module incenter_hole(Ax, Ay, Bx, By, Cx, Cy) { aL = sqrt(pow(Cx-Bx,2) + pow(Cy-By,2)); // length of BC bL = sqrt(pow(Cx-Ax,2) + pow(Cy-Ay,2)); // length of AC cL = sqrt(pow(Bx-Ax,2) + pow(By-Ay,2)); // length of AB pL = aL + bL + cL; //calculate incenter of triangle Ox = (aL*Ax + bL*Bx + cL*Cx) / pL; Oy = (aL*Ay + bL*By + cL*Cy) / pL; //calculate distance from center to AB to ger hole radius t_area = abs((Ax-Cx)*(By-Ay) - (Ax-Bx)*(Cy-Ay)); rad = t_area / pL; $fn = 50; translate([Ox,Oy,0]) cylinder(h=100,r=rad - lightening_hole_spacing/2); } module plate() { $fa = 1; for (s = [0:1:steps-1]) { translate([0, 0, adj_ht/steps * s]) //move up according to step rotate([cant/steps * s, -lift/steps * s, 0]) //cant and lift rotate([0, 0, twist/steps * s]) //twist along Z component_plate(bottom_width+(top_width-bottom_width)*s/steps, bottom_length+(top_length-bottom_length)*s/steps); } } module component_plate(width, length) { $fa = 1; minkowski() { hull() { translate([-length/2 + width/2, 0, 0]) cylinder(r=width/2 - edge_rad, h=.001); translate([length/2 - width/2, 0, 0]) cylinder(r=width/2 - edge_rad, h=.001); } sphere(r=edge_rad, $fn=20); } }
  5. I hesitate to enter the fray fro being flamed on but my riding has improved as I made my setup less rigid. I know of a couple of riders who run super rigid set-ups and are absolute rippers. I don't think there's a right and wrong here. If a flexi setup works for you then you should probably use it. The goal is to have fun. I try to even if my technique sucks.
  6. Kinda went a little OT on this one but what the hell! I think the difference is in rider weight or aggressiveness. ^^^ weighs more than me and is a way better rider. More aggro to. I found the 161 more playful and easy to turn than the 165. I also weigh 180 so that's a factor too. I truly love hardboots. My alpine boards are just awesome but there's something so exciting about the DO that I always have to bring it out. The alpine boards are smooth, fast, damp while the DO is bouncy, quick, and fast! I think of it as a 911 to the Murcielago that is my Coiler Nirvana.
  7. You really should I can't believe the Ke$#@ is as bouncy as this. Every time it just makes me smile.
  8. Spot on. That is exactly what I'm riding now. Tiring but it will allow you to go slow (relative term - it's still a hard-boot racing board) and figure out what you are doing without punishing you too much.
  9. Nope. But I have been working on an intermediate piece to fit between a 0 degree plate and the upper. This would give you the same type of flexibility as in the F2 wedges. That being said, I got myself a pair of F2's and I'm really in love with them. I have a weird stance here I need 2 degrees of outward cant on my front foot with no lift. This doesn't work too well with TDs but is super easy with F2s (especially with Jim's design). Unfortunately my printer has been in pieces for far too long. I need to get it back together and print this stuff out!
  10. I feel your pain. That's how I felt for quite a long time. What really helped me (after getting a pair of modern, good fitting boots) is going up to the mountain on a quiet mid-week day armed with a wrench set and a willingness to experiment. I played around with stance angles, tilt and cant until I found that "magic" sport where everything suddenly felt comfortable. I then proceeded to ride more and experiment more. It's a process. I've found that a softer boot/binding/board combo seems to fit me better. It's easier for me to turn and control. There is this "stiffer is better" mentality sometimes and you might be tempted to start stiff and learn through it. Probably not a good idea. If I would be starting today I would stick to a soft setup until I knew better what works for me.
  11. This is one of those things where you go: "I bet I can make a better one". The bindings we have just don't look all that slick and it certainly seems that a lot is left to be desired. This is not really the case. I have a feeling that a lot of work went into the Bomber, F2, and other bindings. Making something new with an advantage is pretty difficult. Not saying it can't be done but that this is a deceptively difficult task. I know, I've been knocking around ideas for the past 4 years and have not been able to find that "killer" design advantage. Still looking though. I'm kinda pissed though. The Korean ACT bindings that have popped up in my FB feed lately? The way that they set up the angle is an idea I had mocked up 3 years ago. I'm pissed that they beat me to it
  12. I've found that toe lift or flat on the front, heel lift in the back, and outward canting on both is the most comfortable and natural for me. Took me a loooong tine to figure that one out.
  13. JRAZZ

    Yo Lci!!

    I think Monday will be waaay better anyway. Not sure if it's not going to be tracked out but the traffic and yahoos will be much reduced.
  14. JRAZZ

    Yo Lci!!

    On a 10" pow day no less
  15. Yelled from the lift: “what the hell is that?!?”
  16. Took me more time than I’d like to admit just to understand what mountain we’re talking about...
  17. I'm beginning to agree! (I would add light as well)
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