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Everything posted by JRAZZ

  1. JRAZZ

    Yo Lci!!

    FYI, Loveland is closed today because of winds. That means it will open tomorrow with approx 2-3 FEET of untouched snow. I know a lot of you are going MCC but I plan to make it up there
  2. From the setup bible (http://beckmannag.com/hardboot-snowboarding/hardboot-binding-configuration/1front-bindingsetback)
  3. As a beginner too I don't think I can give you good advice but I will tell you what doesn't work. All this "bend your knees" advice, while true, is really unhelpful. For me it caused me to focus on my knees. In addition I was told to "stomp the front foot" to get the carve going. Again, unhelpful. I would stomp my foot dutifully by applying pressure, the turn would start but my weight would shift back and I would slide out. Instead try this: Ride Small (all credit to Big Mario). Keep your mind on your center of gravity and try to keep it over the front. This sliding out as far as I can tell is because you weight the back of the board. If you keep your COG on the front of the board and "ride small" it will slide less, turn better, and your knees will be bent to boot And btw, I think your board choice, while fun, might not be the best to learn on. That thing wants to release and go. I had one and going to a board with a tighter radius (especially at the tail) really helped.
  4. I'm going to try the original liners in the boots. They are higher volume so might give me a bit more stability. I originally tossed them out since they hurt my feet but now they actually feel almost roomy. There's more playing to be done. Ultimately I'd like to be able to bring the angles back up so I don't have as much overhang but I don't know how to do that. I tried that a couple of times but every time I felt that it made my board really difficult to turn. The only thing that I can think of is increasing my stance from 19" to 20" or so...
  5. JRAZZ

    Yo Lci!!

    That's where I went. I was the only one on the runs!
  6. JRAZZ

    Yo Lci!!

    Used up my CAL day today (just saw this) Anyway, be warned. Loveland is being Loveland. COLD! (but at least it's windy)
  7. ^^^ yes, I often wanted to bang my boots against the wall. Went up to the resort today equipped with a 5mm allen wrench and a notepad! (note to self: next time bring a 2mm wrench to dig out the snow!) My setup: Donek Proteus 170cm. SCR: 11. Waist: 11. TD2, intec with yellow elastomer. Front foot was set up flat and the back foot had the 3 deg cant set up perpendicular to the board. I played with the angles and here are my notes: 60/50: Shit. Unridable. Can't turn. 50/40: Much better, back knee still tucked in. 50/35: Wow! This is fun!! I also tried my F2 bindings which have pretty much the same setup except that the front foot has a 1.5 deg outward cant. It felt slightly better. Conclusion? F2s are better than TD2s! So with the front foot flat and 50 degrees I was able to easily offload but the outward cant helped me on flat terrain (board did not auto-turn). I'm going to stay with the 50/35 for now. I did notice one more thing. when I stand with my feet parallel the boots are splayed out. Not sure what that means.
  8. You never said where... I second Beaver Creek. It's awesome (and expensive!). Other options in CO are Aspen and Copper. Keep in mind that mid March is Spring break where the big resorts go crazy and carving across the run becomes a game of Russian Roulette. Beaver Creek and Buttermilk I feel fair better than most.
  9. I-70 can get really busy. WP will be just as long if not longer as Berthoud pass can be real slow and even closed if there is avalanche mitigation. Your plan of riding Aspen and leaving is probably the best one but plan on leaving around or before 2pm because it can take more than 3 hours to get down in heavy traffic. If you leave at 4 you will miss your flight. Also, keep in mind that mid March is spring break time. Be prepared for busy, crazy slopes. Aspen will be better than WP/Copper.
  10. I had a surprising reduction is foot size over the past year. I actually dropped a full mondopoint. One and a half year ago I measured my foot at 27.5. It now measures closer to 26.3. Yeah, I know... So that is my hack trying to recenter my foot. New boots are in the future but not yet. (Backlands? Maybe) Yup. I think we're in the same boat Thank you for sharing. Doesn't solve the problem but at least I know I'm not alone. I'm wondering though if this has something to do with my unamerican use of outward canting... I mean I know it's wrong but I can't seem to be able to live without it That being said, I only bring it up because of Beckmann's guide about one footing it. I can deal with sketchy offloading and the rest of the LCI have learned to stay away from me! (I have been admonished by @big mario many times after straying too close to his topsheet) My main problem is that I don't feel comfortable on my board. It is sometimes really hard to initiate a toe side. In fact, the only time I felt any different is on my NFCB where I run 50/35 (20 cm waist board). Yes, I am getting toe drag and yes I do feel it but the board is wonderfully controllable and way more fun to ride! So is it the cant angles? Front or back? The boot angles? I have not found out yet. I figure that I need to feel comfortable first, technique second. Hmmmmm.... Will have to try!
  11. I've ridden a longer FC (173?) and own the 170 Proteus. I find the Proteus less friendly but more rewarding. I've heard that some people detune the edges on the Proteus to help it release. Kinda counterproductive IMHO but up to you. I think if you like the Proteus better than get the Proteus. The Rev is a completely different board that will release very very quickly and really try to get you going straight and fast. I personally never liked the Rev but there are people here that love it.
  12. I like it! It looks like something new with the potential to work well. I can't see any serious flaws. Execution is everything but the concept is much more appealing than the Burton Step On. Really tempted to try them.
  13. Can you give some details like sidecut, width, vintage, intended weight?
  14. JRAZZ

    Yo Lci!!

    Tho the construction around the springs has been there for-ever!
  15. The only problem I have with shifting the boot in the binding is that it moves the boot more forward. The board as is already likes to autorotate. But again, it seems that splaying the back foot out makes much more difference to my riding than anything I do with the front foot. I guess I really need that to initiate a toe side turn. It makes a super big difference to me. Without the cant I felt my kneed were in-line along the board and I couldn't roll to my left. When I added the whacky angle with outside cant i could. I also tried just the cant without the angle and it wasn't enough. Btw, you realize that all of this talk is just that, talk. The real work is on the hill, playing with my bindings. The good news is that at least my Coiler is set up wonderfully and is super fun to ride. Now I'm just trying to understand why.
  16. With a lot of overhang (I'm less averse to it than some). I'm on 27s which are probably too big for me. I think they've given up on me Not sure I can live up to the hype (I'm really not that interesting)
  17. Pictures as promised. I ended up with 60/45. Might go lower on the back foot if I can, it really helps me maneuver the board. (Yes, I know it's the right boot in the left binding. I am all about triggering your OCD)
  18. So me gots answers. Didn’t make a difference. I might keep it since I was able to ride out of the l lift better. I also think the boot is better centered on the board. I’ll take pictures later today. But I found out something new. I can’t ride with my knees together. I really have to have that outward cant or maybe increase the stance.
  19. JRAZZ

    Yo Lci!!

    OMG today was a bad day to hit the LCI. Busy does not even begin to describe it. I thought it would be a busy weekday or a chill weekend day but no! A multitude of gapers, Jerries and their associated groms were out in force. I could tell it was bad when lift one had a line clear out to lift 2. Baaaaaad. That being said the snow was nice and firm. Wind was reasonable, and the Coiler was very happy. Got a couple of laps before calling it for fear of dying. Not a bad way to come back from RI. Hope to see ya Sunday. I will attempt to use Mario’s trenches as kickers.
  20. I'm curious. That being said I am much more interested in a softboot replacement rather than another hardboot. If I could find a boot that would do that (cough, backland, cough) I would be all over it!
  21. JRAZZ

    Yo Lci!!

    Yes but this is MLK weekend (Monday is MLK day) so I have no idea how bad it would be... Definitely staying away from WP or Copper
  22. JRAZZ

    Yo Lci!!

    Sunday or Monday for this weekend? I have Monday off and I'm thinking that there may be slightly less people. What do you guys think?
  23. I think we were both beaten by somebody else
  24. What was I thinking?!?! FWIW I have BTS and I had the nut all the way on the bottom. I have now cranked it up to provide a lot more forward lean.
  25. Wow, ahemmm... Maybe I'm not the only overthinker here OK, focus. Here's the problem. It's more acute on hardboots but still there in softboots. My boards always want to turn left when I relax (which is part of the problem with me riding stiff as @Carvin' Marvin pointed out). Very obvious when one-footing it. One solution I found was to add heel lift and outward canting to both feet. That worked remarkably well for me. I am assuming I place a lot of my weight on my heels so I want to try to move the bindings towards the toe edge. This worked very well on my softboot boards. Now obviously my technique is wrong, I don't bend my knees enough, my skeleton is off, etc... Don't care. Want to have fun. If that means having a weird stance so be it. I guess my question is would this shifting of the bindings really solve my auto-turning boards? Should I try to add more forward lean instead? Take up needle point? I do plan to test this out next week. (hopefully I'll be healed enough) p.s. Yes, I'm flexible, no I don't have mobility issues, yes I have lots of back issues (hence the surgery), not saying anything about cognitive abilities.
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