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Everything posted by JRAZZ

  1. Bruce told me I'd like it. He hasn't lied to me yet! I'm even contemplating hitting up ABasin if it opens up this season. That would be a good dilemma to have! The blue one is SAL9000 from 2010 A Space Odyssey. It came out way better than the picture shows. It has a lot of meaning for me that are way nerdier than this forum can handle And there's also PAL9000 and VAL9000 I just need to get more cookies together!
  2. 166 Contra with ~10m sidecut and 23.5cm waist width. Yes, I did ask for a copy of @bigwavedave's board I'm hoping this would be a softboot replacement board for all mountain riding.
  3. I've seen a lot of 27cm wide boards around. Unless you're rocking size 13's do you really need wider boards?
  4. It's here it's here (happy dance) I can't ride it for a couple of months but it's here! Canadian Santa strikes again! The cookies were worth it!
  5. I was just thinking of the mind expander! Really want to try it out. People seem to really dig it. I tried the hovercraft 3 years ago and really liked it too!
  6. I refuse to. Want to *talk about snowboards* I mean "mainstream". But who cares what I think? This discussion is great! FWIW I think the Optimistic is pretty fire. I also like the K2 Simple Pleasures too. As I've said before I'm actually a fan of my NS Swift which is great in trees and pow but scares the brown stuff outa me when going fast. And @lordmetroland, I tend to agree. Cat butt is an apt description. I suspect that most people simply do not see their own butt and the resulting pointy-butt-to-sky is happening simply because they don't see it.
  7. I admit, I'm going slightly stir crazy. Sitting all day looking at spreadsheets and then looking at snowboarding videos is not good for my health. But I digress. I got to thinking that my quiver now has Coilers, a Donek, an Alloy, and a Never Summer in it. I guess you could say the Alloy DO is mass produced but it just doesn't feel mainstream like the NS Swift is. This season I tried a couple of K2s, Burtons, Sims, and Never Summers and came away thoroughly unimpressed. I mean yes, a good rider (which I am not) can carve anything but none of them had the pop, energy and fun of the Alloy DO. So what if the apocalypse hits and all the small guys are wiped out. What are the best mainstream, mass produced boards for carving? p.s. Speaking of Yes, anybody got the chance to try the "Y"? Not a huge fan of volume shifted boards but the Optimistic was actually fun. p.p.s. Image above is simply for attention
  8. Horses for courses... Seriously, my NS Swift is great in pow and tight trees. Better in fact than any other board I've ever ridden. It can turn on edge and is generally fun to ride. If you don't expect anything else you won't be disappointed. Craptacular camber profile? No. Just not suited for high speed carving. I thought that's where the DO and the Coiler triplets come in...
  9. The way the sidecut interacts with the center rocker section it makes it really hooky when riding fast. I mean it's scary. So that's where the East confused me. It's supposedly a "go fast" type board but It's actually really scary to do so. I know what you're thinking... "I'll keep it on edge". No. It'll be good on edge and really forgiving. You'll have a false sense of security until the first time you bomb down a cat track and that thing will grab and try to swipe the board from underneath you. This is not the "Never Summer autorotation" you're familiar with. This is much harsher. I would ride it first and see if you like it. I'm a Never Summer groupie. I was really excited to try it but after riding it I really can't figure out who's it for. FWIW among the boards I tried this year I liked the K2 Manifest it was much nicer and more stable at speed. The K2's are so cheap right now and are so nicely made that I really kinda want it. Too bad I already have a softboot carver that blows doors off of anything else.
  10. I feel that it loves it when you load the tail.... at least that's what I like about it. Just loves to pop when you do that. Initially I did have it mounted up front but I've since moved the bindings back a bit and I think it rides more smoothly like that. I can sell you mine... for the right price
  11. Really? The East? I really love Never Summer (would not give up the Swift for anything) but I came away from the East feeling confused really. Did you get a chance to ride it? Wondering what you think.
  12. Amen. Keeping fingers crossed that you don't have it. Shitty disease. I'm immunosuppressed. My plan is to stay home and away from everyone. In a bunker! That being said seeing people in Florida hit the beaches or some people hitting Snowy Range makes me sick. Your personal fun is more important than everybody else's health?
  13. I hate the term quarantine and the term lock-down even more! I'd much rather deal with social distancing than what martial law that is being enacted in Europe right now but I fear we are headed that way. Mostly because people are stupid (look at the beaches in Florida)
  14. That Contra sidecut looks awesome!
  15. WOW! You guys are on it!!! Only the Power plates left. $125 for a brand new set!
  16. I'm in. First one to to get a new board starts it! (how much you want to bet it's going to be a Coiler)
  17. Latest is that everything is closed in CO until April 8th. I doubt things will open right then. I do have hope that come May Abasin and Breck will open for spring skiing but I'm not holding my breath.
  18. You could always drill holes in the plate but you would crate a dead spot on your board. Have you tried F2 bindings? They seem to sit significantly closer to the board.
  19. I've decided that the future lies with conventional bindings (plates of course, just not step-ins) TD2 Gold with steel step-in receiver, yellow elastomers, 0/3 degrees: SOLD TD2 with steel step-in receiver, purple elastomers, 0/3 degrees: SOLD F2 Titanium Intec step-in, I'll throw in whatever cats I have: SOLD Bomber Power Plates, red elastomers, 3/3 degree cants. These are new - as far as I can tell have never been ridden. SOLD I have an extra 0 deg plate and an extra 6 degree plate if anyone needs them. SOLD WITH TD2s All gone. Thank you for playing "Let's fund Jordan's new board" Shipping is $15 for each if shipped conus (USPS flat rate medium box)
  20. John please stop! I know it hurts but the goal shouldn't be how do we get more turns in. It shouldn't be how to circumvent the system and travel. Please be responsible and drop it! Our goal should be to stop this pandemic. This is not a joke. Even if you don't transmit the disease you could get hurt riding and end up in the hospital taking a bed from someone else. This is irresponsible!
  21. HA! I rode the Story Board, Hometown Hero and Skeleton Key in the same day I rode my DO at Winter Park not two weeks ago (remembering wistfully). The Hometown Hero was better than the other two but honestly none of them even come close to the DO. That is not really surprising. What did surprise me is that they didn't even stack up against my all mountain flexy board - the Never Summer Swift. In reality the Burtons have a sidecut of 7 to 7.5 meters. The Never Summer has a 8.3m sidecut and the DO has a Contra/Thirst like sidecut of about 10meters. No contest! I think that people like the short sidecut because it allows you to turn in very quickly but it makes the board too nervous. As for this article, marketing crap as usual. Regurgitating stuff found on the internet. Thank you for sharing that, I needed the comedic relief!
  22. Decided not to sell the Saber. Going to use it as my Spring/Early season board. I like it too much. Only the Arbor Cask left. Hit me up, pow board for next season? It's unsinkable and practically new!
  23. JRAZZ

    Yo Lci!!

    Sorry (not) but I had to post
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