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Everything posted by JRAZZ

  1. It's hot, smelly, full of smoke and on fire. That tease of snow broke me.
  2. I'll elaborate then. I don't think a case of vandalism is indicative of "losing the moral compass of humanity". I think that calling this a form of protest without having anything to back it up is definitely sounding old. I don't know why the cable was cut. It's stupid, that's vandalism. Stupid. But I also think we all have too much social media on the brain lately and have taken our thoughts to an extreme that is not helpful. As to valuable contributions, I don't think speculating on this is valuable. Neither is laying blame. There. Made my contribution. p.s. none of this is intended to offend. I'm just weary of social media at the moment and the vitriol that's going around. Unfortunately it's also an addiction that I can't seem to quit.
  3. Winter cannot come soon enough! So now we'll only be able to use a lift alone, in the dark and with parental supervision? Don't care! I'll triple up on masks, put a bucket on my head and go riding! Thank you for coming to my TED talk (note - this message might contain sarcasm, but seriously, f summer, want snow!!!)
  4. Before the snow hit us the smoke was really bad. This morning we only have a bit of it (imported from the PNW). Winter cannot come soon enough!
  5. I've given up hoping that everyone else will do what's right. I'm down to protecting myself and my family. To that end I received some really good advice: figure out what's really important to you and do it while trying to be as safe as possible. For everything else just avoid it. For me biking and snowboarding are the important things. I'll do my best to stay away from others. Luckily for me this does not require being indoors. In all else we're just not going out. No restaurants (sometimes we'll do curbside pickup), girls are going to do a virtual school year (studying from home) and we're working from home. I'm just thankful that our jobs and school district allow that.
  6. Depends on your definition of workable. Are they going to open up? Most definitely. Mount Hood and others have shown that by limiting number of people (reservations, limit of tickets, etc), closing the lodges and requiring masks they can get permissions to start up. Trestle bike park is up and running in the same vain. Whether this is safe or not is anybody's guess but capitalism must win out. Don't forget that Europe and Canada are doing much better in terms of controlling the pandemic than the US.
  7. JRAZZ

    Yo Lci!!

    If anyone wants to print more of these stickers.... Here's the GIF:
  8. People at Wellington CO can be just as snobby about coffee as people from Wellington NZ However, coffee at 11,000 ft does not taste the same as coffee at sea level Exactly!
  9. I'm just wondering how the Sunday morning routine will look when we can't hang out at the lodge and line up for breakfast... It's just not the same!
  10. Either that or chip us all with 5G
  11. Just keeps on getting better. The crash did really scare me. It took me two weeks to get riding again. All healed up now tho. My favorite part is passing people on climbs
  12. JRAZZ

    Yo Lci!!

    Not my picture but I like it!
  13. Let's be honest for a moment... The current theory as I understand it is that most transmission is by airborne particles. These do well inside but not outside. If (and I realize these are some pretty big ifs) people can commit to wearing masks, staying apart, and not having a lodge we *might* have some semblance of a season. Additionally, it's likely that travel would still be a problem so the resorts might be less full. If not I can always postpone the pass. In the meantime I'm keeping the resorts I like afloat which increases the likelihood of me riding there again.
  14. It's all a hoax, right? I mean by November we should have 200,000 deaths here so the slopes should be nice and empty!
  15. Ohhhh, actually now that you mention it... What about Salida? (Monarch) Seems like such a lovely town!
  16. I am soooo with you. Waiting for the girls to go to college and dreaming of a house in Winter Park.... Or maybe Aspen even! Don't think I can swing WY or MT....
  17. Late July probably. Waiting for the local epidemiologist (my wife that is, and yes, she's actually an epidemiologist) to give the all clear.
  18. I'm going the other way! Driving up to Medford I'll keep a lookout for ya! Unfortunately I think you're right. For some reason that doesn't seem to apply to snowboarding.
  19. I ended up getting some Leatt knee pads and POC vpd air elbow pads. The crazy thing is that this happened on an easy green trail.
  20. As much as I like the speed, excitement and carnage of biking it still can't hold a candle to snowboarding... It's too hot and I'm too bored. Last season ended badly and next season is too far away to get excited. I've already cleaned the garage, set up two home offices and watched all of youtube. What are you guys doing to avoid the midsummer depression? For me going up into the hills is helping. Unfortunately this heat is making it difficult.
  21. I'll probably be banned but here we go...
  22. Stitches are out, still look like someone took a pipe to my legs...
  23. Seeing how well this country is dealing with COVID I'm thinking I'll defer the Ikon pass for next year and just go with the Loveland pass.
  24. I just scraped half my skin off with just an ebike... you trying to kill me? I totally want to explore that area. I still need to improve my skills though. Some of those trails scare me!
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