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Everything posted by JRAZZ

  1. I'm going to sell just the board and not the bindings. Let me know if you're interested.
  2. I dunno. I'm sure that more R&D is always welcome (spoken as a true R&D engineer). Maybe this AT ski boot thing will develop into something really cool. For me, right now, soft boots feel better. I could never find hardboots that worked well. They were either too soft or too stiff and never felt right. OTOH the soft boots are more comfortable and I ride better with them. I guess to each their own. I can definitely see where hardboots are much better and yes, replacing boots every two years because they brake down is not great but for my time on the slopes I find myself preferring the softboots more and more.
  3. Reducing them to $150. They gotta go! Oh, and, bump!
  4. Nice! The IONs are surprisingly soft. That's what turned me off on them. Still, awesome find!
  5. Slightly OT here but that picture makes me think... Can you modify a binding so it holds your boot better laterally? (probably yes) Would this allow you to ride at hardboot angles on hardboot boards? (probably no) Probably scary but I'm tempted to try that out
  6. I have to second (third? fourth) the Ride Insano recommendations. They are wonderfully stiff and the plastic tongue really holds you up. And yes, I know I'm selling mine. My problem is that my foot got smaller and I lost weight, they are actually too stiff for me now. Riding Burton Photons now. Hopefully they'll keep their shape for more than a season.
  7. Yup, the liners are moldable but I never did. It fit me out of the box. I do expect some packing out but it seems minimal.
  8. Still does! Neither C or I rode it much. It's still in remarkable shape. Do you remember what year it is?
  9. JRAZZ

    Yo Lci!!

    Well, you gotta have a first day back (not a direct quote but apt) Not a lot braved the freezing rain of Denver to hoof it up to the slope. Those that did (Big M, Ice, and I) enjoyed one or two pretty good runs before the racer kids took over and made the possibility of collisions way too likely. Damn that lift, it's too fast! 4 runs and done by 9:30. Bar isn't even open! That being said, the snow was really fast and fun, I'm happy with how I rode and I get to do it all over again next week. The weather was super weird. the aforementioned freezing rain in Denver, a moment of clarity around Idaho Spgs, fog around Georgetown and above the clouds at the top of the lift. Cold but makes for a pretty picture!
  10. I can’t find any spec on width so I assume regular.
  11. I don't know for sure. I measure the waist at 19.4 cm. My notes say sidecut is 9.2 but when I calculate it using tip and tail width I get 10.2 so I figure it's in that 9-10 range which feels right. I do think it's a variable SC since it is able to release while having 0 taper. It's pretty flexy. I weigh 180 and I think I'm at the top of the weight range. The last two questions I really don't know. Honestly. I'm probably the 3rd or 4th owner. It's in pretty good condition and still has tons of camber. I can't tell it's age. Probably between 2005 and 2010. There are identification gurus on this forum so I'm hoping they can help in that regard.
  12. 2008/2009 (?) F2 Speedster SL 158 SCR is about 9-10 Good for the lighter rider It's in great shape and still has tons of camber. SOLD - thank you!
  13. SOLD Ok, they gotta go! Hi Guys, Selling these Ride Insanos boots. Great condition as I have less than 15 days on them. Boa closure, stiff tongue. The liner (Intuition) still feels pretty thick.
  14. Sorry to resurrect this thread but as I was de-storing my boots today and realized I forgot something. Mr. Ice Suggested this to me last season and it really made a difference. He suggested switching out my liners for softboot liners. These are much softer and made the boot way more compliable in all directions. I think that's way easier to do than messing with the tongue and might be better for that exact purpose.
  15. Hi Neighbor! My neck of the woods. Your "local" options are as follows: Eldora: about 1-1.5 hour drive. Pretty chill drive but can get really crowded and if you're not early it can be hard to get parking. Carving, meh.Can get icy and wind blown. Snowy Range, Wy: 2 hour drive. cold. small and sometimes crowded. Fun and chill slopes. Usually much icier that the I-70 resorts. No real steeps. Winter Park: about 2 hours via I-70 and Berthoud pass which can be challenging if the roads are very snowy. Great powder, great trees, great variety. Lots of traverses though. Not really good for carving because of spotty grooming and sometimes crowded slopes. Steamboat: ~3-3.5 hour drive. Awesome. Period. It has everything. Pow, trees, groomed slopes. You can usually find an empty slope and ride it non stop. It really is amazing. Copper: 2.5 hour drive through I-70. Great grooming, great slopes, awesome variety. It has runs that are very very long and can be challenging to ride top to bottom. You can usually find an empty or not very busy slope. Ski Cooper (not to be confused with Copper): ~3.5 hour drive. Cold. Small and not busy at all. Great soft snow and excellent grooming. Not really steep. ABasin: ~2 hour drive through I-70 and 6. Used to get really crowded but with the Epic pass gone we will have to see what happens this year. I feel it's a bit more challenging than Loveland but the runs aren't as good. My own bias. It has a really long season and you'll ofter find the die-hards riding there well into June. Loveland (best for last): ~2 hour drive via I-70. Good grooming, pretty big with varied terrain. The snow/coverage usually isn't as good as Copper/Winter park but it's way less busy. IT IS COLD AND WINDY in Loveland. Be prepared. Parking is usually great provided you don't show up too late. The best feature of Loveland is the carving group. Every other mountain you will be the odd person out. In Loveland on Sundays you will usually have a group that is anywhere between 5 and 15 carvers. My recommendations Fro carving: Loveland and maybe ABasin For Pow/Trees: Steamboat/Winter Park For super long runs: Copper Don't feel like driving? Eldora As far as shops/bootfitters in Ft. Collins are concerned: Forget it and go to Boulder or Denver. notes: I-70 sucks! the times I posted assumes you leave VERY early (around 5:00-5:30) otherwise expect to spend 4 hours in your car driving up. No Joke. That should cover the depth of my knowledge. As a primer I would just get the Loveland pass and maybe a 4-pack to Copper. Drive up, meet the crew, get to know Colorado. If you're coming from the Ice coast the size of the "hills" here will blow your mind.
  16. Sorry but I would not be interested in making any for sale or even for other riders. Too much of a liability. Look through that thread, there's a lot of ideas on where to print these.
  17. No schitt... At the speed you ride time starts to dilate.
  18. Btw, You got me thinking of trying the DO with plates next season.
  19. OMG I'M GOING TO DIE!!!! I didn't.. LET'S DO THAT AGAIN!!
  20. I've been thinking of your conundrum. If what's you're after is relief from pain then the support and adjustability of plates with hardboots might do it. I doubt, however, that you can replicate the feel of softboots just by softening the tongue or springs of your boots. You could get softer fore-aft flex but the boot still isn't really designed to flex sideways. Especially with the cold weather in CO you'll be left with really stiff boots side to side but with no support fore-aft. I tried this last winter and got to the point that it was too soft even for me. In short, I don't think softening the UPZs will get you what you are looking for. Will SideWinder bindings solve this? Dunno. Maybe the solution is to get a third strap? Put plastic in your boots? Stop growing older?!? If your looking for others experience here's Ryan on hardboots with a wider board and Martin Reviewing the DO with softboots and hardboots.
  21. Seeing how you rip I’d love to see what you make of it. I think Ryan Knapton tried a wider board with hardboots at some point and had some interesting takeaways. Worth looking for his video. I think that if you can make your hardboots /plate combination as soft as a stiff softboot setup you might get what you are looking for. I don’t know if that’s possible though.
  22. I run a size 9.5 and the XL is definitely too big. I think it'll be too big for 10.5 as well. It's not going to be painful but your foot will be placed towards the back of the binding making for awkward turns.
  23. DAVE: Open the pod bay doors, Alexa. ALEXA: I'm sorry, Dave. I'm afraid I can't do that. ALEXA: l think you know what the problem is just as well as l do. Yes, I agree. eerily modern. Then again, the real world never fails to disappoint: And the programmers have no imagination:
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