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Everything posted by JRAZZ

  1. JRAZZ

    Yo Lci!!

    Ugh. The snow was good but the Jerry season is upon us. I counted 4 middle of the run sitters, 3 straight line bombers, 2 side hitters, and a porcupine in a pine tree. Odd Job, Yasu, myself, Lance, Katie and their kids. I was off the mountain by 10:30 after tweaking my back trying to avoid a surprise Jerry that jumped out of the trees into Drifter. I will probably miss next weekend hoping that they take each other out and get off my lawn!!! On the better note, the Coiler was really happy. I think for the first time I felt better on it than on the DO. The DO is still bonkers though. See y'all next time.
  2. JRAZZ

    Yo Lci!!

    Need more laps!! Who's up tomorrow?
  3. Bindings are sold For sale: Flow NX2 with a metal base. Size XL. These are practically brand new. Selling because they are really too large for me.
  4. Nice! We should meetup to compare it with the 161!
  5. JRAZZ

    Yo Lci!!

    Don't do XMas... Will probably be up there.
  6. JRAZZ

    Yo Lci!!

    My GAWD today was fun! (for me at least) Started on my Coiler but switched to the DO after 3 runs. Good choice!!! I love that board. Snow was good but some runs were variable. I counted 10 weirdbooters out on the slopes. Even got some new ones snared. Nice! The LCI works. There were some rather spectacular bombs but luckily nobody got seriously hurt. But seriously. Nice cool bluebird day, good snow, great crew, and FUN! Probably not coming up next weekend so I'll see y'all next year. Merry XMAS, Happy (belated) Hanukkah, Festivus, Holidays, or not (if you're not a festive person - I don't judge)
  7. I'd defer to @slopestar's experience. He's broken more bindings than I'll ever own
  8. To answer @Gunnar's question, I don't seem to have issues with the NX2's latches. But I think the real difference is that the Fuse is a lower tier bindings with a plastic frame while the NX2 is metal. The NX2 is stiffer and will last longer. I would go with the NX2 in this case.
  9. Interesting... I've put the Intuition liners from my softboots in my hardboots which improved comfort tremendously!
  10. Truthfully, my Coiler seems to do just fine on tracked powder...
  11. Since everybody's chiming in.... I honestly wouldn't spend too much money. Not for a week, no promise you will actually see powder. For real pow the board choices seem to matter less. Get something quick turning for trees you'll be much happier. I still ride my 2012 NS Cobra and it does just fine. If I was in the market for a new tree board I would probably go for a Burton Skeleton Key. They've dropped in prices significantly (~$500 now). When I demoed one in WP last year it was really fun and quick in the trees. That being said, again, for pow it doesn't seem to matter too much. Some are better but most will do just fine.
  12. Good! I spent yesterday salivating over some Coilers and trying to decide between the Energy and a Monster. Anything that prevents me from ordering is good!
  13. Nothing new to report... Still a super super fun ride :). Got a couple of days on it this year and it is still my favorite softboot board.
  14. Been using Purl (https://purlwax.com/) with good results. Don't think there's anything special about their wax. It's wax. Makes the board go faster. But they're local and the price is decent so there ya goo.
  15. Not really terrible. Surprisingly good actually. I think it's a cool demonstration even if the real use is not readily apparent. Certainly won't replace jets anytime soon but electric propulsion is a hot topic today. Everyone is trying to find ways to get away from fossils fuels.
  16. JRAZZ

    Yo Lci!!

    Many many things to be thankful for... Bluebird skies, awesome snow, great crew. You guys rock! Happy Thanksgiving!
  17. JRAZZ

    Yo Lci!!

    First day back on hardboots. Felt awesome! Snow was great, board was awesome, ski racer crowd sucked. Typical lovie. Dude, ink, ice and OJ in attendance. Also had a visit from our favorite skier who we haven’t seen since she was carted off the hill last year. Great to see her up and shredding. My feet hurt! They don’t fit my boots anymore. Almost like my feet are changing shape. Wonder why that is . Can anyone recommend a noco boot fitter?
  18. JRAZZ

    Yo Lci!!

    I'm ok with the Erazz part, not sure about the "bel". I'll see what I can do
  19. JRAZZ

    Yo Lci!!

    Beat me to it. I’m going through 25, 76, and 70 if that doesn’t work out. Got plenty of room too. See ya tomorrow!
  20. JRAZZ

    Yo Lci!!

    FYI, after a complete and utterly fruitless debate with certain parties. It is now JVRazz. We will see if it sticks.
  21. JRAZZ

    Yo Lci!!

    Great day today - and how can it be not great with bluebird skies, a fast lift, almost warm (for Loveland), and snow that's about 2 MES. That DO is a FUN board! Beeeeeeeee there on Sunday
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