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Everything posted by JRAZZ

  1. JRAZZ

    Yo Lci!!

    Should've would've.... They set up a lottery where if you're a season pass holder you could enter. They are $350 a pop. The submissions are closed and the results should be in the next couple of days.
  2. JRAZZ

    Yo Lci!!

    Just another reason for us to go riding BC
  3. I have a definitive L vs XL answer! ? Thanks to my dislike of the Fluxes and a happy coincidence I was able to get my paws on a pair of Flow XLs (btw, totally a Flow fanboy now). I have size 10 boots so right on the edge for the L and kinda small for the XL. The XL was super easy to get into and more comfortable than the L. HOWEVER, the XL did not hold my boot as securely (straps were tightened down to the max) and the boot heel was sticking out. I had to move the disks to the sides to get the boot centered. So my XLs re going to be on the "cruisey" board that doesn't need the response and could benefit from the comfort while the performance board gets the Ls. Now I just have to replace the stupid hybrid straps on the other set I have. The hybrid straps are the WORST. Smashes my toes. SAD! Oh yeah, have an awesome and short summer.
  4. JRAZZ

    Yo Lci!!

    ^^^ Thanks... I was just almost able to forget... ?
  5. JRAZZ

    Yo Lci!!

    Homemade Hummus, pita bread, other dips, and an appetite!
  6. ? I don’t know how to even... Loveland Carving Initiative And here I thought everybody knew. Oh well. Best kept secret.
  7. I love Steamboat but I think BC has way better grooming. That being said, the IKON pass sees like a great deal. What am I getting? Neither! LCI all the way. p.s. This could be a poll... Just saying. ?
  8. JRAZZ

    Yo Lci!!

    Fun but short day. Started out VERY firm but slushed out quickly. I found out that the Alloy was the right board but with the wrong binding while the Steepwater is the wrong board with the right binding. This shall be fixed right-quick! With all the ski racers around i'm really glad I wasn't hardbooting - dangerous enough. Small group today, only 10 kooks: Carvin Marvin, Mr Positive Ice, Odd Job, Mario, James, Lance and Katie, and the dude. Twas enough though, the destruction unleashed on Bennet's bowl was impressive and swift! Kinda ready for the season to be over but also bummed. Oh well, mehears rumors of an ABay party Juneish... ?
  9. My 3D printer takes FOREVER (~50 minutes ?) to print a pair of Catek bail catchers. I then have to go and ride... In Mario's trenches (now there's the real horror!)
  10. I wonder how the Saber fits in the lineup as well.
  11. It's sorta like the elastomer on the bottom of TD2/3 bindings. We're not talking about a lot of movement nor are we talking about plastic (permanent) deformation. Probably less than a millimeter. Not a lot but enough to take some of the edge off. It's still a tough plastic part, I don't think there's much of a risk of breaking other parts. I don't have F2s and even if I did I probably couldn't tell the difference but I still think that as far as material properties go PCTPE or Nylon in general would be the best options.
  12. The PCTPE is somewhat flexible. It doesn't compress much but the little it does aids in shock absorption.
  13. ^^^ that's what I do Stay away from ASA! It's great to print with and has good properties but the brittle/ductile temp is horrendous. Certainly not a good choice. I can't deny that from a pure material standpoint PETG is good. I just hate working with it. ABS does all that I need and gives me much better results. Again, the real material of choice is Nylon or if you really want to be posh: Taulman PCTPE: http://taulman3d.com/pctpe-features.html I've tried PCTPE, it's a royal pain to use but the results are awesome in terms of shock absorption and toughness.
  14. Checking the bolts for tightness is definitely the right thing to do. I expect there to be some relaxation after the first day or so. I think that a compression failure would result in a loose feeling. The bolts should still hold you in place but the boot would feel loose.
  15. I hate PETG Still, lettering aside, looks pretty good!
  16. I would add that if you're making it for yourself no patent matters. Patents are usually used to prevent a competitor selling like products. I am making a set of cad files from my own TD2. I'm hesitant to share them because I don't want to damage any possible new owner though it looks like this is becoming a moot point.
  17. Regarding infill, the shape of infill is just as important in here as is the percentage. As a rule of thumb plastic can carry approx. 3kg for each sq. mm in compression. Assuming that the infill he used is "vertical" then the ultimate failure load for your shims would be the area[mm^2] x 15% x 3. A more accurate calculation would include the walls but even if you run the simple case you'd find that the load is in the hundreds or thousands of KGs, e.i. tons. If the infill is a cubic or something different then the value is lower but honestly I can't see these failing unless you hit a really really bad landing. That being said I try to run my prints with 1.2-1.6mm wall thickness and 40% infill (triangles). I found that this gives a very good compromise between ultimate strength, weight, and print time. Anything above that is probably not going to add anything significant. @MarkJeangerard I wouldn't be concerned with the prints. They look fine to me. Even if they were to fail they would compress which seems to me a safe mode of failure.
  18. JRAZZ

    Yo Lci!!

    It was that kind of day Karl looks supercute! See ya on Sunday!
  19. Not right now. I want to ride the beegeezus out of it in the next two weekends we have left on Loveland. Maybe then I'll have a better idea.
  20. I’m kinda on the same boat. I really want to hardboot as well as the other LCI members but so far it’s slow going. In the meantime I’m doing much better on softboots. I’m not giving up on hardbooting. Far from it. All I’m doing is expanding my quiver and learning more.
  21. All depends on your weight I guess. I'm 185 and I think the 161 is perfect for me. FWIW, 4 separate riders told me that yesterday was the best they've ever seen me ride. That's a big part of why I like this board.
  22. Jumping between Lance's Saber and the DO the Saber carves much better at high speeds. I agree that the DO needs a firm front foot at high speeds but it becomes very hard to carve properly. It just becomes a different board. Immaterial. Had a chat with Don this morning. The DO is staying with me. It's just the perfect board for me.
  23. Finally got to ride it on good groom. What a fun ride!! I think that the sidecut explains it all. Ignore what the site says, It really is a 11-9 sidecut (that's 11 nose and 9 tail ) that 9 is right around the rear binding and the board rides like that! Lay into the nose and it gently eases into a turn, stomp the tail and it whips around. Sounds weird but it's really fun! It's an absolute blast to ping pong from side to side on a flattish run. Steeps were not a problem either as it's very easy to turn this board quickly. The way this board shoots you out of each turn is addictive. Gives a while new meaning to "finishes your turn". However if you get going too fast it's almost impossible to control your speed without slarving. That sidecut gives it a Jekyll/Hyde type of personality. Above 30 mph it does not want to turn but rather bomb. This is not really bad as it's very very stable and damp at speeds but it seems less versatile than a normal VSR board. I swapped with @slopestar's Saber for one run and the differences were stark. The Saber is stiff and has a 9-11 sidecut (the proper way around) so it acts like you would expect. You press on the nose and you get a quick turn. Lay on the tail and it releases. FWIW I liked the DO's sidecut better. It suited me more than the 9-11 VSR. I felt that I could maneuver it around easily and that it was super lively. The Saber on the other hand felt way more predictable, almost safer. Both are very damp. So in a nutshell, here are the pros and cons: Pro: Stable at speed, easy to turn (at slow speeds), holds a carve really well, super fun! Cons: Does not carve at high speeds. Somewhat temperamental but not scary (exciting though). So I can't say enough good things about this board. Definitely a great addition to any quiver. Will I be getting one? Dunno, I had my heart set on a Donek Flux. I need to try that one out first.
  24. Donek is sold. Staying in the LCI. Stoke! TD2 still available.
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