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Everything posted by barryj

  1. The ski areas don't care after your out of their hands and the incident reports are usually indecisive as to blame unless a liquor bottle or six pack is visible when Patrol arrives. I know most of the Patrol here at Squaw and they have so many accidents/incidents your just a number that day. In my situation from my $40,000 Life Flight, which I don't even remember and the $60,000 hospital bill for my 3 hour stay, No they didn't even keep me overnight! The $100,000+ bill is what got attention. Thankfully I was working and WC covered it all but they went after the other guy and there is litigation against him......really don't know what or why their grounds are except hoping his insurance will cover/repay some of that 100k they already paid out. As to cameras.........I do a 100-150 miles a week road biking and I have a Fly6 bike light/camera unit on my seatpost for covering my backside. Thank goodness haven't need it yet accident wise but I feel it does provide me with some peace of mind just in case! Hmm....I put in 100+ days on the mtn. .....maybe I ought to start wearing it on the slopes.!!! https://cycliq.com/bike-cameras/
  2. Like all have said, you need to be more dynamic with more compression... much sooner before you turn. Your compression, turn and rotation are all happening at the same time. You need to compress more, sooner....then rotate and the turn will be quicker and tighter. Think prize fighter and get into a defensive stance (compression/dynamic) much earlier, then start the turn. So don't reach for the sky and loose the scarecrow stance.....get your body and arms into the turn. Bring your elbows in to your side (fighter stance) and in the turn move your arms to help your technique....for example this edge pressure and reach drill should help give your arms purpose! Have fun practicing!!!
  3. Damn Sweet Looking......but those stats! Really wish WS would put some damn carving models on their website! I get all jacked up from your posts Jack and then go to their website to see what my options are .........and Nothing!! You'd never even know they would/could build any carving boards! I'd have no clue of what they can/could do without you Jack!
  4. Ditto! When we have had heavy/deep winters the Mtn. won't open or opens late which = I get fewer days on the Mtn. and even fewer Hard Charging Carving days! Looking at the forecast we got Another 10 Days Of Pow Coming and I'm getting the Hell out of here and going back east tomorrow to get a break from the daily shoveling and whiteouts and get some Hard Charging Carving days in!
  5. Ha! I think your getting confused with what Coloradans says about Jersey people!
  6. Nah..........by May I'm in already in multi sport mode here! - carving it up on the groomers in the mornings then a 25-50 mile road bike ride in the afternoon then hitting the weight room. I gotta stay in shape for My Hot-Blooded Wife who has her on idea of what "Evening Exercise" is!
  7. 300? That's nothing, we passed that back in Dec.! We Just Hit 600 Inches and we got another 70 inches on the way over the next 10 days! https://www.palisadestahoe.com/
  8. Damn Straight! After my accident or such a close call as Carvin's, I can tell ya your anxiety is on Red Alert! for any and all traffic! Everything and Every Body is a Potential Threat!! Really wears me out mentally here at Palisades at the start of a day to walk out to the step-in spot and there are 30+ people vying for an opening! Not even on the hill and already STRESSED! I gotten to where I only barely feel safe night riding up at Boreal because there are so very few people out there and all the additional lighting really helps my diminish my paranoia!! Stay Safe Out There Boys!!
  9. Carvin, You one Lucky Dude! Glad you came out unscathed but I hope you counted your blessings after that!
  10. Here at Palisades/Tahoe If there's nobody in the park the paid Rake Rats have given me the green light and said Tip It and Rip It!
  11. Don't know F2's You running rear heel lift and front toe lift? What boot suspension you running....OEM BTS, DPM. ?? How much forward cant on your rear boot?
  12. A Plate would seriously help with that stiff board! What bindings?
  13. Well after just digging out from a 2 day Blizzard here in Tahoe that dumped 60 inches in 48 hours Just 3 Days Ago.......here we go again! Snows In The Forecast The NEXT 10 DAYS STRAIGHT!! With the relentless Pow this winter the Moss PQ60 has been getting a workout this season! The hard charging groomer days have been few and far between for my new little Go-Kart, Coiler Angrry 160 SST! It is crazy Deep out here! We Are Already Over 500 Inches For The Season and we got another 20 inches additional today!......and It's only March 4th!! There Will Be Skiing & Riding July 4th This Year Once Again You Just Gotta Love It!
  14. Well after just digging out from a 2 day Blizzard that dumped 60 inches in 48 hours Just 3 Days Ago.......here we go again!!! With the relentless Pow this season my Moss Snowstick Armada has been getting a workout this season! The hard charging groomer days have been few and far between! It is crazy Deep out here! We Are Already Over 500 Inches For The Season..and It's only March 4th! You Just Gotta Love It!
  15. So finally, after two+ weeks PT gets approved and I have had , as of today been to my 4th of 6 allowed PT visits before my followup workers Comp Doc. visit. The PT feels great but I don't see/feel much improvement....the pain is still there! The pain is still there in my left gluteus , sitting still makes it worse. I can ride my Alpine board but I feel it's there every run and by the 6th run it is telling me it's getting Pissed! ......and by the 10th run it's Really Pissed and stinging to remind me....and that's my Alpine day. 10 runs and done! But on the Pow board, which has been getting alot more mileage with all the crazy dumps we have been getting lately I can last a few runs longer but the couple of times I've plopped in the pow my left abdominal muscles really sting and now I got palm size bruising under my belly button going down towards the groin area. The PT people aren't sure what it is but have ruled out hernia. It really stings trying to sit up or lay back. I kind to have to roll into or out of bed and getting up in the morning my abdominal muscles all cramp up...then I don't notice it all day unless I slip on the icy parking lot...which happened and Boy that really stung my front and rear left hip area! Was out on the Coiler Angrry today and considering the crowds and I'm nursing three injuries (post concussion, hip and abdominal) I was doing quite well and having a blast! I felt like I'm at about 60% of my pre injury ability and making some sorta ok but fun turns. Still loving the Little Bandit! Going back to the Doc. next Thursday...maybe she will have some new answers!
  16. Yes it was!, Cause I was also there that day for this clinic! 10 Years! Double Yikes! .......and yet, still quite relevant info today!!
  17. Ditto!........3x week weight training and 5x+ road biking for me
  18. Impressive and inspiring!.......but discouraging also! Crack, you make it look so easy, looking so good on a softboot setup when I got all the leverage and horsepower of hardboots and a crazy turning tight as hell scr go-kart for a board! Man, I'd be happy if I looked just half as good! Keep on cranking Crack! Thanks for the inspiration......I'll keep on trying to crank!
  19. Wow! Another Great board for sale at a Great price from a solid forum member!
  20. Yeah....you definitely have Boot Out...and that doesn't help get the board on edge! There's a link to setting up bindings if you search....but basically you run any tall box...Feugo wine box in this example up the edge of your board and adjust your bindings to be just inside of touching the box....Get it?
  21. A shot from above would provide more info. What binding angles are you using? The rear boot doesn't look much off 90 degrees from this shot and the heel looks like it hanging over the edge. ??
  22. Keep it simple for now and only change one thing at a time. If ya didn't have any boot out issues with your angles on your Proteus let it be. You can always do the the box wine test after you got some control back. Photos of the board/binders and of boots on board would be helpful. Ride and tune the setup ya know......
  23. Hey Chris, My Rev is a 163 so a whole different animal and type of ride/carve from your 180! My 163 is super snappy and responsive and I love it but it demands 100% of your attention or it will pitch you in the woods. Even (Admin) Corey calls any Rev a "Serious" ride! I'm with Dave, move both bindings forward 1 set of inserts and give it a go. If that's an improvement then move just your front binding up 1 more set of inserts. That should ya at least get ya turning and some control back! Imo Rev's are built for nose stomping and love for ya to load the nose, so more weight forward is never bad on a Rev! Let us know how it goes! ....and PS, on a board that length you would want a Donek AF! Preferably UPM or All Flex. Donek F's are best on short slalom boards...like my 163!
  24. Hey Ice, Yeah, some people are just capable of making Perfect Carves even riding a Damn 2x4 from the lumber yard!....but perfect form can only take us mere mortals so far! I used to obese over trying to emulate "This Mythical Perfect Form!" and latest training craze but lately when I have found myself at a plateau I've found it was my equipment that was holding me back! Replacing my 100+ days a season, 5+ year old Deeluxe 425's with the latest 425 model has really livened up my carving this season! Additionally increasing my forward lean 30% more on my back boot has seriously helped me get lower heelside turns! All without any change to my "carving style/form"! So what board you riding? What bindings? What angles? What boots?
  25. Hey CC, Donek UPM F Plates are rare as Unicorns these days since they haven't been in production for over 10? years...........and most of us with one (or more ) aren't giving them up until you pry it out of my cold dead hands! That being said I know a guy who knows a guy who sweet talked (begged and annoyed the shit outta) tha Man himself at Donek until Sean made him a brand spanking new UPM F Plate for said guy just last year! Now it is rumored that Sean has enough parts left over from that most recent awesome build To Make ONE MORE UPM F Plate and that's it....La Fini, Kaput, Done! So I'd talk to Sean and pony up for a New UPM F Plate and be done with it! Otherwise I believe YYZ Canuck still has one or two Donek 4x4 F Plates in stock...... but at the the same price as NEW UPM, but are inferior in performance imo...and Sean's! Happy Hunting!
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