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Everything posted by Fleaman

  1. Being a Powerlineman, we have some cool equipment that gets you in and out of the powerlines in the bush. We had a few Nodwells and man, when they are stuck, you need some big Iron to get them out. The ones we used had tracks simmilar to That snowbus you have pics of but no skis. They sucked in the deep snow, they didnt have much for grousers. But once the trail was frozen you can drive a truck on it. I really enjoyed driving them in swamps. You pick a faster gear and just floor it untill you get to the other side. The machine floats on the surface tension of all the roots of moss and other plants. It sinks down into a trough and you ride it like a wave. I have been on some scary inclines with it sliding downwards and sideways etc. Never flipped it but my work partner did Oh Did I mention you can drive over trees with it too :D Pat; were you staying in The national park at a lodge? I love backcountry lodges. My wife and I try to go to a backcountry area or lodge each year for our anniversary. Definitely a cool experience.
  2. Allee, I am coming to Calgary this thursday, and will be in banff Friday night I think. I will post here on saturday If I am going to Sunshine on Sunday. I am not sure about Louise as my Father in Law has a pass at Sunshine and probably has tickets for me when I arrive.
  3. Snowmom, you can go to UPZ Site Dan the distributor is based out of Osoyoos BC and sells Snowpro bindings that would be perfect for you kids, also there is no duty on the stuff because it ships from Canada. He also has boots too. Drop him an email. If you want used bindings and can wait untill next season, go to the Canadian Ski Patrol Ski Swap in the fall, there should be some used carving gear there. IIRC Fanatyk in Whistler sells alpine stuff too. And even check out Prior's shop, I am sure they have some stuff kicking around. \ You might have to ask at the shops, because they sometimes dont stock it on the shelves. I went to Banff and asked if they had plates, they did in the back. They are stocked for the snowboard race teams that train there early season and need spare parts.
  4. Oh man, bad news. I hope you get well quick Bruce! BTW, I love the AM you made for me, it is the perfect board for BC riding! Just think of the time off you will get to recover and dream up new boards for us
  5. Post whores can sniff out other ones
  6. Henry, IIRC Mountain equipment Co-op sells the Voile hardware. I cannot find it on the website but I think they had it in the catalogue.
  7. Fleaman


    I had a Look Overspeed 175ish. The guy who had it before me hit a tree and cracked the nose. He got a new one and fixed the old one with some aluminum to give to my brother. It is a goofy asym board and he was regular so he gave it to me to learn on. I struggled, but I learned with the advice of a level 3 rider at our mountain. I had some Fritchi 2 peice bindings with the bails on the heel that screwed into the topsheet, but I ripped them out so I T-Nutted them. Then I drilled holes for some 4X4 bindings too. I rode the board untill 4 years ago, I really liked it, it rails hard and is pretty stiff.
  8. Nice riding, keep it up. I found that trying to EC works better on steeper pitches (not as far to lean over.) On the less steep runs, I use hip to hip, or really quick push pulls
  9. I am looking at your picture and was wondering if you can bend them back using hand force. Do they stay put for a while or do they just spring back to this new position. Have you checked the weld on the bail where it joins under the toe block? That is all I have to say.
  10. When I used to live in Northern Ontario, guys would go out and bag a moose, then drive around town for an hour of so with the moose in the back of the truck, then got and butcher it, then tie the head to the front of the truck and go to the bar and have tons of beers. Everybody knew they got one fosheezie.
  11. It is a good thing Shred Gruumer doesnt see this or he would kick your a$$ :lol:
  12. Fleaman


    I would go through a pair of gloves every year too. so I decided to go to Marks work wharehouse and pick up a pair of Dakota winter work gloves. They have tougher leather palms and no seams on the inside of your palm. they arent too waterproof and if you get cold hands, they might not be the glove for you but at 20 bucks, I can wear out 5 of them for the price of one good pair. they are also a bit short on the wrist,but I need some cooling down most days. When it is really cold, I wear my gauntlet style snowboarding gloves. They come in 2 versions, make sure you get the insulated winter ones
  13. The helmet Nazi has spoken! :D I agree with what you are saying but He still has a bitching paint job on his helmet.
  14. Thats what I'm talkin' 'bout
  15. This one is actually for real. Is is possible to imbed a locator chip (RECCO) in the bindings so you can find someone after an avalanche?
  16. FYI, Nils is highly involved in promoting Swoard snowboards. I love watching the EC style and enjoy trying to emulate EC turns. I also enjoy Hip to Hip riding. You have to change it up while riding different terrain. You cant sustain EC on flatter sufaces, but Hip to Hip works fine. When it gets steep, throw in a few EC's because you aren't happy unless your helmet is filled with snow! I think it is one thing that the general public associates with hardbooting. "IF you ride hard plates, you can lay out turns." If you look at most of the hardbooting websites you will probably see a picture of a rider doing a EC turn. If it is so wrong, why does anybody do it at all, or even promote it by making it a harbooting Icon?
  17. http://cgi.ebay.ca/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=7212963252&ssPageName=ADME:B:SS:CA:1 I just saw this on ebay and it looks pretty cool. Is it some sort of suspension system or energy transfer device? Oh I see now, the board is articulating.
  18. Thanks for the heads up. We only get 200 cm of snow here at Apex, but the danger of slides and tree wells are real. I really liked reading the first link. I found this funny If I resisted, snowboarding would not be much fun!
  19. I don't mean to be confrontational. But I think if you are going to say that something is no good, maybe you should back it up with a fact or personal experience , not "for some reason"
  20. why not keep the t-nuts in the boot and just get screws for both types of pads that fit the t-nuts and keep them there.
  21. What about me, what about me! Dont forget about Apex after you have ridden Big Whiteout. Usually by January all the Double black runs are open and are a great challenge. Steep and really narrow. A great place to ride midweek. You might see 5 or six chairs with people on it while riding down the lift line. Then go into town for a day and do a tasting tour of all the wineries and get drunk. Also why dont you check out the great Cat skiing BC has to offer. There are quite a few operations to choose from. I have never tried it so I cant recommend any.
  22. I am going to be in Banff Feb 3 to the 8th. Not sure about riding the weekend, but will be up during the week. If Your are around Allee or anyone else, we should hook up. I will be riding with my father in law (skier) and will probably have an FRS too probably channel 16-7.
  23. Riding around today on my coiler AM 172 with a 23 cm waist in snowy conditions with at least 10 cm of fresh during the day. My board could still carve like a madman and bust through the soft bumps like they werent even there. Then when I wanted to just play around and do moguls or just cruise, it rode like a dream. Nice to see you bought your wife a cool board. I love the blue flames. I dreamed of having a coiler with blue flames on it before I even ordered mine! Definitely the best all round board out there in my opinion.
  24. Hey Henry, UPZ boots come in 31MP if you are interested.
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