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Everything posted by Fleaman

  1. Is there a tutorial on how to use the gun on the web?
  2. I know you can buy a 200 dollar unit from reliable racing that will heat up and inject p-tex into the base but I have a line on a handheld plastic welder for free. I was wondering if anyone has used this to repair their bases. A friend of mine also suggested black bumper repair epoxy also. Anyone with experience with this?
  3. Were you riding the Speed machine I sold you? coiler PR 188? Get well soon.
  4. I was in Kamloops this weekend and stayed at Sun Peaks. What a great place for a carver. lots great wide blue runs. a good place to bring a large scr board. I wore my legs out both days because I never had a chance to skid. The crowds were low and my bud got a room in the village for 80 bucks a night. not sure what the high season rate is but that is pretty good for a ski area.
  5. I am usually at Apex on the weekends but will be at sun peaks this coming weekend.
  6. if you have a pair of vernier calipers, you can stick the depth measurer down the hole with your bindings on top and take all the guesswork out of the screw size.
  7. The only downside of living in Banff is that you cant buy anything other than smoked salmon,maple syrup and cute moose plushies dressed up as Mounties. Living in the Okanagan is cool. I kinda miss the 30+degree weather when it goes away in September. We have good Boarding areas and lots of mountain lakes for camping, fishing and Hunting. Penticton is a jewel to me because it is bordered by 2 lakes with pristine beaches that are actually groomed with a tractor and a sifting device that cleans the sand and leaves CORDUROY in the sand. How cool is that. Also where else in Canada can you be driving down the main street and gawk at girls wearing bikinis. :D
  8. did you spit on it while polishing it?
  9. I'm in too. How are the crowds at sunshine on the weekend?
  10. Sounds good, we should get in touch when the time nears.
  11. feb 8-14th, probably ride midweek and skip the weekend. Are you going to be there?
  12. I got a sunshine card and a week of vacation and built in babysitting. I will be hitting sunshine hard this year. I like the terrain at Louise but it is hard to beat the natural snow at Sunshine.
  13. I hummed and hawwed for over a year whether or not I would sell my coiler PR 188. I loved riding it so much but I could only use it on less than a handfull of runs at my mountain. I prepped it to be sold then decided to ride it one more time, it took a year before I decided to sell it again. I used the funds to buy something I could use on my mountain's terrain. I guess if it isn't a rare board or something that is really dear to you, do what I did, sell your old stuff and buy new quiver killers.
  14. I will Just miss you. I will be there on the 26, 27,28 of January. Only freeriding on friday though. I have a National CSPS course to attend the other 2 days. Oh and we will probably have a Keg!
  15. I live in Penticton though, Van is too far to drive for a day of surfing. I have seen guys in Peachland surfing at Antler Beach on Okanagan Lake. But I can't justify a longboard and drysuit for a handfull of surf days a year. OH well.
  16. I love driving on an empty road in a snowstorm. The snow dampens all sounds and if you are lucky you can see the ditch and the other side of the road. I remember driving north from Toronto on the 400 North around Orillia one time with my G/F and I must of been in front of the plows because there was no one on the road and the concrete barrier gave me a reference of where I was on the road, It will be forever etched in my mind. OTOH when it is blowing snow and really nasty out, I like to hang out inside the ski patrol cabin in front of a fire drinking beer and talking with my friends how we killed the mountain that day.
  17. I did the same on my old Rossi Alpine, I rode it with the bumps in it for about 4 years before retiring the board. It just took some creative scraping to get around them. You could use the needle epoxy trick and clamp the bubbles in a vise or a deep throat (I said it!) Clamp. or you could (not recommended) heat the rest of your base up until it is all raised up like the few bumps you have now. Bwaaaaaaaaa
  18. I would have streaked naked downstairs to save my precious coiler.
  19. My Lemans boots never came with one, but I got some parts from someone and in the box was the rear spoiler. I was tempted to put it on but I find that my boots rub in that location anyways. I will never know.
  20. Sitting on the toilet isnt all that bad, it looks funny when your board isnt up on edge but when carving hard with good body position, it is less noticeable and works well. I have been playing with facing the nose and facing my stance, and I find if you are into EC, face the nose, but if you are into some serious icy, bumpy or fast carves, facing you stances gives you so much more power over your board, you can absorb much more and can pressure you board by pushing on it way easier than if you are facing the nose. Facing the stance feels weird until you do it a few times and get used to it, then it makes sense. If you are killing it on the hill, no one will see you taking a crap, they will be gawking at your military trench.
  21. What about that Scott guy who chronicled his hardboot progression, then got into that big accident or was it his G/F, I cant remember. Oh yeah what happened to that big buffoon D-Sub, it's like he is never here anymore.
  22. Back in 1995 in northern Ontario, we had I took my level 1 on Plates. I started on a gs deck and switched to a freecarve for my test. My level one course was great. we had 3 or riders at our mountain that were level one or higher on Plates exclusively. I had no problem whatsoever except showing the body rotation from toeside to heelside. with the exagerated angles, it was difficult to pull off smoothly and it reflected in my results. Other than that, It was no problem. I am trying to remember If I used softboots to teach newcommers or my alpine rig. We did however have alpine setups in the rental building available to the public. Speaking of Sunshine. Last year, I was staying at the Sunshine lodge and watched the winchcat groom one of the mogul runs that drop into the meadow off the divide runs. I was drooling thinking about ripping it up the next day. After I went to bed, it snowed 6 inches. I was beside myself. I was actually mad to see powder on the hill. I wept inside but still smiled on the outside.
  23. I have a small 90 degree notch cut out of the corner of my scraper and run it down the edges to peel off the wax.
  24. I loved it. I went to the north Island, Kuaii *SP* anyways, it was great, the roads were congested, but I am never in a hurry anyways and didnt mind. other than that, there was lots of room at the beaches and sights. Tons of trails for the adventurous. Next time I will definitely pack my hikers and a camelback.
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