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Everything posted by Fleaman

  1. Rreally starting to find out how the reduced angles work well. I am having tons o fun in the steep and deep goodness. I am starting to think all this carving is overated, off piste and ungroomed runs rule on plates!
  2. Instead of packing it in midday, bust out your Axis and learn to carve small bumps and have fun in the crud. I will make you a better rider allround, not just on the fresh groomed.
  3. Sadly no, not untill the first and second week of February. Its too bad, I would like to hook up with a few of you guys some time
  4. Nate, Just thinking about what you posted. if it would bend so far as to deform the aluminium, would it crack the glass also? Maybe wood might be a better choice for a core or maybe just Fiberglass or Carbon fiber mats.
  5. I dont have plans to go there, but I will be going to Banff in a few weeks then on the way back, stop in at Kicking horse for a tobbogan training instructors course with the Ski Patrol. If family obligations aren't too much next year, I will be up fosheezie. I really want to get around and visit all the great resorts we have out here. That is why I moved here isn't it?
  6. You are right on the button on that one, I would guess that it would be preloaded on the board so that the tips contact and the middle gets contact when screwed in. I was looking around my work today and say that some old big traffic signs might make a good Aluminum core. Then wrapped with some fiberglass and glued to a rubber sheet. Maybe I have been watching the Red Green Show too much, but I think it will be fun to play around with. I don't plan on selling it so don't ask! :lol:
  7. I am thinking about toying around with some home made conshock or tinkler plates. What are they made out of? Aluminum wrapped with carbon fiber or fiberglass and a rubber bottom? also how thick are they? Do they mount to the board with the unused binding holes or just screw your bindings on top of it?
  8. Yeah I guess you could post both, that would be great. I will buy you a beer if you come out this way again.
  9. Happy new year, I was wondering if you still have a copy of the CBC interview with Bruce Varsarva(SP) that you were talking about last year? If you do, could you post it? Thanks
  10. I went out riding today with my reduced angles, It seemed a bit easier turn heelside to toeside. I was trying to be more aggressive by pivoting around the nose of my board, it seemed to work well. I also realized that I was too stiff in the bumps, whenever I started to ride more dynamic, it made a huge difference(absorbing bumps and unweighting etc.) Thanks for all the tips. I would get a video, but I keep forgeting the camera at home.
  11. so uhhh, does size matter?
  12. But that means also that you wont be recieving that extra christmas present this year either.
  13. thats kinda funny because my daughter wants to sit on my lap while I surf Bomber all the time. Then when I click on a video, she wants to see more, then asks if that was me?
  14. I know this is going off topic (like all threads here, I like it) but I am with Derf. These days people tend to be more throw away than fix it types. I am more of the fix it type. Instead of buying stuff I make or repair it if possible (Homebrew lights for my bike, bashrings and other repairs to my boards and other equipmentl like my truck, van, house etc). if I had to pay for each repairman or buy new equipment for each thing that goes broken in my life, I would be in debt up to my ears. I also get a lot of satisfaction in taking things apart and finding out how they work and fix them. You might call it cheap but that is the way I was brought up and it is ingrained in my system. I can't help myself. But then again if I find that I want something, i will research it for a bit then usually buy it for full price because I want it now, not a year later when the price goes down or on sale.
  15. Hey derf, if you post some pics of your catek mod, maybe we can help solve your problem. Not just because I am really curious. :D
  16. You have to give the Jibbers credit though, they stay in the park and hit a feature then walk back up and hit it again. How many of us carved a pitch, stopped at the bottom then walked back up to do it again because the lift is too slow. Also if those foul mouthed kids littered the whole mountain it would be no different than walking downtown a big city with bums and all the stuff we dont like to see. :D They would line the sides or middle of cat tracks while they toke up and talk about how cool they are !
  17. I cant get the videos to open, My browsers cannot find the page. any tips?
  18. yeah man I hope you smoked tons of **** and drank lots of booze and did lots of hot chicks on you B-day :D :D :D :D
  19. I am 240 and rode them for 2 years with no problem but who knows, I just broke a set of Rossignol bindings last year . Judging by the picture you posted, the disk is mounted the wrong way. You should turn it around so it adjusts forward and back, not edge to edge. I did buy myself a peice of mind this year though, Cateks and will use the race plates to lend to friends and a backup set in case I have an equipment malfunction.
  20. We were doing Sweep at the end of the day and someone goes early to rope off the slopes below a certain cat track, then we go after and sweep the lower areas. I was busting along this blue cruiser and having a good time untill I remember that there is a rope across this run. It was too late, I was only one turn before the rope, so I layed one out. It scared the ****e out of me and I was shaking when I got back to the chair. It seems all the other patrollers were watching it from the bottom and were biting nails wondering if I remembered there was a rope there. When they saw me carve under the rope, they broke out into a cheer :D Then there was the time we were going to burn all the ski racks at a year end party because we were going to build new ones. I drank quite a bit by then and decided that the fire wasnt going the way It should. I went and got the gas can to throw some on the fire. As I sloshed the can, it slipped out of my hands into the fire. We all ran like maniacs! It caught fire but only in one whoomp then slowly burned. I was told because the can was full, there wasnt much vapour so it didnt explode. Scarry but funny too.
  21. Kelowna is slowly moving into the tech industry. I wish I could say the same for Penticton. I find it funny that the average wage here is something like 9 bucks an hour and the average house goes for $250 000. I lucked in and bought mine for $20 000 below market value Most people like carpets in the house but I have textured concrete floor which is great for dogs. Ginsu, You might want to try Kelowna. Lots of riding oportunities and a city of 100 000 with plenty of good weather in the summer at leastand a mild winter It is also the city with the most homes for sale over 1 000 000 dollars wich would be a boon for the mortgage industry. Did I mention that the beaches are full of nubile hot women in the summer?
  22. borrow your neighbours pressure washer, hook it up to a tap and go outside at -10 C and bring the pressure wand on your roof and let her rip It should freeze by the time it hits the ground.
  23. I would highly recomend NOT riding with your rear foot only. As would most other people here would back me up I hope. If you ride with you back foot only, you are setting yourself up for a leg break. You have too much leverage on the board from the front to your leg and if anything gets wonky, that board will twist your leg like a rubber band.
  24. Just wondering why you guys have to ride fakie or switch in the handles? I dont have a problem running the box with a carving board and steep angles. I ride 60, 57.Yes you can carve in the handles but it is best to be tried empty and on a training run. You would never do it on your way to an accident or with a loaded toboggan. Our positions in the handles are straight running, Falling leaf or pendulum and sideslip. There is no short radius or snowplow obviously although you could do some short radius turns as long as you keep the toboggan path straight. I find on anything but a steep run, straight running with the chain working keeps me at a good speed. On anything dicey I like to ride falling leaf, you would be amazed how fast you can go while swinging your board in the handles. The same on drag rope, just sideslip or falling leaf and straight running. I did use my coiler PR 188 once to take someone down and biffed it bad, I went to pivot my board from toeside sideslip to heelside and it went into a carve by accident and I went down. It sucked big time. It was under the chair lift too. :( I did find that I was having a hard time riding the board because of the canting I had. Once I dialed it in , I could push the board around much better. Other than that, I always rode a square tail board untill last year when I got my coiler AM But to tell you the truth, I never ride backwards with a toboggan so having a turned up tail does nothing for me.
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