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Everything posted by Fleaman

  1. I finally went out and tried my new Catek OS step ins and had a really hard time to grab the handle underneath my ski pants. I tried to stick the handle out under my pants, but it kinda feels goofy and I get snow inside my boots. I remember a few years ago, someone said that they extended their cables to the cuff in their arm sleeve. Sounds like a good idea. I was wondering if anyone has some other mod to the intec system to make releasing easier. Thanks Jason
  2. You can always try to email pronknic@yahoo.com he is a racer that lives in calgary and seems to have tons of F2 stuff for sale here on the bomber classifieds.
  3. ROTFLMAO :lol: I wish I was someone's hero :D
  4. Wow it sure is nice to see youth inspired by Patrollers! Especially Plate Riding Patrollers.
  5. That movie freaked me out because the week before I ever watched it when I was a kid, I had a dream about the same Maze scene at the end. Talk about a deja vu!!!
  6. It looks like and early version of the Rossi Alpine board. is the tail square or rounded, it is hard to see in the picture.
  7. It looks like and early version of the Rossi Alpine board.
  8. I think I will. We could have a blast. I will let you know when it gets closer to my trip. I think I am taking a week off to go to Banff and visit the in-laws.
  9. I can't stop looking at it. I vote D-sub for top post of the year!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. I wont be in banff untill the end of January. Not too sure on the dates yet. My wife knows though, maybe someday I will ask her. :p
  11. Yeah man, I want to know too. Why did she send you the risque picture? Maybe she wanted to find the Man behind the name D-Sub. For what we really know, you might even be a woman. The internet has a nasty way of hiding people's identities.
  12. I wonder if they sound like noisy fans while whirling down the road at 60 mph. They do look pretty slick though.
  13. Thats awesome. I try to do it to my buddies only, but I might keep it in my repertoire of tricks. Last year I got snowed bigtime. I just finished poping out of my bindings for the third time. This time both opened up (they were borrowed from a friend as I broke mine in the morning) and I did a superman on the hill and slid on my ass to a stop. I was totally bummed because that meant my day was over before 11:00 and it was the last day I would be riding for the season. The one of my friend's wife comes by and was pushing about 3 yards of snow in front of her and dumped it all down my back while I was sitting on the run. That just put the icing on the cake, I gave her the nastiest look ever. She told me later that it was the first time she snowed someone and she felt really really bad especially after I told her my sob story.
  14. A well know study by The Camel cigarette Co. 9 out of 10 men that have tried Camels prefer women. :D
  15. All I want for xmas is a bike jersey. But I am picky though, I dont want to many logos on it. Maybe a nice design or a few different colour. Maybe I will make it techy by putting some flashing LED lights on it or something.
  16. You beat me to it. I was going to guess chicken choker.
  17. some more info on the gap with pictures. http://bb.nsmb.com/showthread.php?t=57639 It seems it was filmed in Lethbridge.
  18. I Skiied for a quite a few years. I started snowbarding because there were a few good carvers at out hill. I think I started somewhere around 1995. A few young guys (Nic) and a few older ones, we even had a level 3 instructor on plates. I just liked watching them ride. I was given a asym Look Overspeed 173 from my brother that a friend gave to him. My brother couldnt use it because he rode regular and it was a goofy board. I rode goofy so I mounted some Fritchsi (sp) plates on it and learned on that. It was hard to learn on, but I passed my level 1 instructor the next year on it. I ended up buying a Rossi Alpine 165 using the Pro deal from the Rental shop and bought a set of boots from Nic and used that for quite a while. I bought a Coiler and never looked back. I thought I was riding fine untill I discovered Bol and it really improved my technique and also taking a lesson at Sunshine Village with a Hardboot instructor. (He rode with the Japan team that trains there in the fall) I then bought another coiler because my pure race doesnt cut it Patrolling out west. I needed something to ride all the time, My AM performs flawlessly. I think I used softies twice. Once doing some hiking with my bro when the hill was closed and another time I rented a board out of town to see what it was like to ride softies. Needless to say, It sucked. I still have the Look board, it is a bit damaged, the original owner hit a tree with it and cracked the tip. He fixed it up with a piece of aluminum and rivets. Also it is full of holes because I pulled the bindings out a few times and drilled 4x4 patterns into it to mount my newer bindings. I am not sure what it's fate will be, but I will make sure it will be gracefull.
  19. One more use for a twin tip board. You have to admit though, it is a pretty cool clip even though it is a jibber.
  20. I have seen that one before, but I cant believe the balls those guys have. I have stood at the end of some of the Gap ramps in my area and cannot imagine riding them without doing some special drugs. Kids are going bigger and bigger all the time, but I think the injuries are on the rise too. I will stick to some technical single track and small jumps thank you . Even If I wanted to go big, I dont think I would find a bike that would'nt snap under my 230 lbs of punishment. I am constantly fixing my Devinci Guzzler while riding like a pussy. :o
  21. I think that you have to take into consideration whether snowmaking at your resort is 100 percent coverage like most of the resorts in the east as opposed to the steeps and chutes like the majority of the resorts in the west. When I rode at Beaver Valley, I could see getting decades out of a board because the hill always had approx 1 m of coverage. When I moved out west (Best thing I ever did), You can encounter variable snow depths from a few inches on the steeps to 1-2 m on the flats. Out here, there is more of a chance of core shots and other damage due to rocks and stumps. Other than wearing out your core flex, I think the edge life and base thickness would wear out way before the wood weakens.
  22. I use it on the inside back of my Lemans shells, it helps slide the liner in and out without tearing it on the inner lip of the bottom peice. The coolest thing I have seen with duct tape is a portrait of the Mona Lisa on a hard hat using only Duct tape.
  23. I am 33 and eat lots of cookies washed down with lots and lots of cookie juice! :p But really, I am Powerline Technician as they call it our here. Most places call us Lineman and others call us Powerline Maintainer. Whatever you call me, it is all the same. Everyone thinks we are lazy F**ks untill the power goes out, then we are gods when it is restored. Working in the great outdoors is the greatest perk of this job. I would go stir crazy cooped up in a cubicle, not to mention all the weight I would gain.
  24. You are a woman after my own heart! I think unsolicited backscratches are the most awesome thing in the world.
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