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Felony charges for former Bomber owners


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1 hour ago, SunSurfer said:

Helvetica Now?

Close but no cigar!

1 hour ago, SunSurfer said:

If you really want to derail this thread show them the difference between Aussie and Brazilian thongs!

Well this is an American thong (top braided part):


This is a pair of Australian thongs (a rather new pair, by Australian standards):


But this Brazilian thong you speak of I am unaware of, perhaps @Corey could educate us? 

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Just now, pow4ever said:

"P22 St G Schrift Two"

i see someone is using CV/ML lol  (Craft Gothic Regular looks right to me with the S and shape of E)

the S have a little slope and E

Everyone is close, no one has it, though.

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Clinica Pro Medium? 

Hmm, actually I don't think that could be it, it looks to me like the "S" in Daveo's original image is not a uniform thickness throughout. 

The most upsetting thing about this whole thing is not how hard it is to tell Helvetica-ish fonts apart, but that so many articles included the detail that Bomber was described as a "total failure". I beg to differ!

Edited by Dan
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Is no one else surprised that she's not serving any time?  All she has to do is pay back the money and not break the law for a few years?  Is that really a punishment?  It's not even a deterrent...  And how did Jim get away without any conspiracy charges even?  Surely he knew where the money was coming from...

Don't get me wrong, I hold no ill will towards Jim or Angie, both of whom I like and have ridden with, and neither of whom has ever done anything bad to me personally.   And I can forgive, after all, who among us doesn't commit a little fraud and embezzlement every once in a while, right?  I just kind of expected justice would be served once they were caught...  And admittedly, it does kind of bother me in general when business owners or rich people do "white collar" crimes and only get a slap on the wrist while other, lower-income people go to jail for stealing far less.

Edited by crackaddict
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11 hours ago, crackaddict said:

Is no one else surprised that she's not serving any time?  All she has to do is pay back the money and not break the law for a few years?  Is that really a punishment?



the article says that Angie "could still receive a Pitkin County Jail sentence in addition to probation." sentencing is July 1st. 

so its not over yet.



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12 hours ago, crackaddict said:

Is no one else surprised that she's not serving any time? ..

I guess I'll get modded if this is too political, but to non-Americans I think you'll find that the US appears particularly tolerant of blatant white collar crime at the moment.

Edited by philw
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2 hours ago, philw said:

I guess I'll get modded if this is too political, but to non-Americans I think you'll find that the US appears particularly tolerant of blatant white collar crime at the moment.

No disagreement, I think you'll find that many Americans feel the same way. 

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21 hours ago, pow4ever said:

"P22 St G Schrift Two"

i see someone is using CV/ML lol  (Craft Gothic Regular looks right to me with the S and shape of E)

the S have a little slope and E


11 hours ago, JRAZZ said:

I want to say Gurmukhi Sangam MN Bold or Vremena Grotesk


In reality many are soooo close.

You are closest, but not close enough!

17 hours ago, charliechocolate said:

it's either Kalypsa Medium or Suisside regular. what do i win?

Nope and nope!

20 hours ago, kieran said:

yeah, there aren't too many with those details.

helvetiquette regular is the only other i've seen that also has the wonky 'p'.

Close, also!

Edited by daveo
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44 minutes ago, JRAZZ said:

So who gets the boots? 😄

Everyone, they're getting sliced up as I type this. Ha!

Looks like the boots are living to fight another day. I was getting nervous for a bit there, honestly..

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 5/9/2019 at 7:15 AM, FrankNBeans said:

I few years back, I was one of 30+ people that sent their attorney to prison for swindling monies, fraud, blah,blah, blah. A Ponzi scheme with clients' monies  He swindled several million dollars and in his sentencing, the proverbial book was thrown at him: Decade+, decade+ consecutive and decade+ congruent. Nine months later, he was at a parole hearing.

I told the parole board him being there was a mockery to the legal system.

I'd be willing to buy several rounds of beers to hear a portion of this story. Free during this summer in Logan, Utah. Or Northern Utah. I'm not hard to find. 


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  • 1 month later...

Today the saga has ended and there is final resolution (well except for customers that didn't get their orders and personal loans from friends).  Hopefully after this she will have been fully rehabilitated and her debt to society paid.




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