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Im about to officially cancel winter

Bobby Buggs

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By golly he really did it!

Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow!!

Six more weeks of balmy, sub-tropical winter!

WOW !!

Maybe premature celebration, though. Maybe should wait til local Guru, Possum Pouch's own Sir Walter Wally, makes his prediction ... closer to midday, I think.

Will keep ya'll you posted...

BB ;)

Edited by boarderboy
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Oh my Stratton is "going off"! Fast, hard, grippy and a perfect groom! Double fall line could not have been better on Upper Standard today. Hope to find an early access pass holder for tomorrow am, it's going to be killer! Bring your 58 if you have one...........rake your lawn Buggs..........

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Oh my Stratton is "going off"! Fast, hard, grippy and a perfect groom! Double fall line could not have been better on Upper Standard today. Hope to find an early access pass holder for tomorrow am, it's going to be killer! Bring your 58 if you have one...........rake your lawn Buggs..........

Very true. Super trail was softer but still wore me out in about an hour. Put my board away and got my GS skis out. Missed you but saw your trenches on the transition on Standard. Nice

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  • 1 month later...

Perhaps Bobby was right and this season was canceled before it began. I feel I owe everyone, especially fellow New Englanders, an apology. This dreadfully short season was almost certainly my fault.

Late last year when things at work started to go badly, I came up with a brilliant (at the time) idea. I would leave my job in January and spend the winter snowboarding. The evil merciless weather gods had ideas of their own. The sad irony is that last year while putting in 14+ hour days at work I managed slightly more days on the mountain than this year.

I'm sitting here in the lodge waiting for a break in the rain.* Conditions here are bad and I knew that coming out today but I'm still (naively?) determined to make the most of it. On my last run I figured I would spend some time practicing riding switch since the snow is really not good for much.* As soon as I had this thought the evil weather gods, determined to suck the last ounce of fun from my soul, unleashed their fury and started pelting me with freezing rain. You know, the kind that hurts when it hits you in the face.

Damn you! I will not give up so easily! I'm heading out for at least a few more turns.

Again, everyone, sorry for the short season.

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I totally hear ya'! I was stuck in the office most of last winter when my boss was out on maternity leave and I had to pick up the slack. Sometimes, it's just hard to time things. I'd be suffering mightily now if I didn't have a newly-minted kid at home myself, which makes me feel less badly about the lack of slippery, winter precipitation these past few months.

But I digress--I've been known to milk a season for all it's worth too, right down to the bitter end. (May riding at Sunday River last year, anyone?) My only warning: twice, on my last day of the season, I hurt myself or nearly destroyed my equipment. So be careful out there.

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Aha, it's Michael's fault! :flames and pitchforks:

We're about done here too. It's going to be +23C (73F) here today so the hills are closing one-by-one. I'm going to try going out next weekend at a hill about 4.5 hours away for their final days. I'm not expecting much, but it'll probably still be fun. Last weekend was glare ice in the morning and 1" of slush on top of glare ice in the afternoon. Should be more fun once it melts deeper!

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(The snowboarding opossum from Off Topic got in more turns than I did this year.)

Snowshoe's a (sadly) known and given. Next season, gonna try to figure out the storm tracks that dump on Timberline and Wisp; then let the weather dictate when I ride. Never been to either place and look forward to new terrain.

BB of Possum Pouch :sleep::sleep:

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Our late season here is shaping up to be a gooder!

Roundup today :

Sunshine 17cm overnight/90 cm last 7 days (Sunshine has just been getting pounded for the last month)

Fernie 18/78

Kicking Horse 40/96 (thigh deep in the bowls today ...)

Lake Louise 4/53

Even Nakiska, well known for being in the 'no snow zone' has had 39cm over the last week, and two epic pow days over the last fortnight.

The only trouble is motivation ... the weather's so nice I'm kind of done with winter. Thoughts have turned to mountain bikes, and getting the motorcycle out of storage ...

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No pretty pics of carving the cord(thank pokkis) but despite a bit of rain last night we've got fresh pow(ie cascade concrete)and next week tons(feet) more on the way.

Schwietzer will close early april with over 10 ft of snow again:smashfreamngmnt would rather golf than ski:angryfire

  • Weather
  • Village Temp 32°F
  • Summit Temp 26°F
  • Visibility Fair
  • Wind Light
  • Current Weather Snow
  • w_snow.gif

  • Snow
  • Past 12 hrs 1"
  • Past 24 hrs 9"
  • Past 48 hrs 18"
  • Past 72 hrs 21"

  • Base Depth
  • Lower Elevation 116"
  • Mid Elevation 138"
  • Upper Elevation 162"
  • Season Snowfall 312"

  • Runs & Trails
  • Runs Open 92
  • Acres Open 2900
  • Lifts Open 8
  • Surface Snow Wet Packed Snow
  • Hours of Operation 9am - 4pm

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(The snowboarding opossum from Off Topic got in more turns than I did this year.)

Snowshoe's a (sadly) known and given. Next season, gonna try to figure out the storm tracks that dump on Timberline and Wisp; then let the weather dictate when I ride. Never been to either place and look forward to new terrain.

BB of Possum Pouch :sleep::sleep:

Funny, I had Millicent Martin singing "that was the winter that wasn't" in my head a few times recently

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aspen is getting slushy with frozen corn starting to form- still excellent in the AM for ripping... days are numbered... I'd say 5 days until it is just constant slush and not refreezing at night. Ruthies is still good until about 1pm. copper good from 10:30- 12. Buttermilk... didn't even risk going there. Snowmass is all slush- except for slot which they are not grooming much. Gunbarrel on Highlands is good-0 but bottom half of hill is all slush. I'm DJ'ing a good part of the day at diffferent Mt.s All info is second hand... but reliable.

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We're still "open".... come on BB... :lol:


I like Appalachian... a lot. If there were a trophy for getting the "most from the least," they'd win it year after year in my book. And I knew you'd do this. I really did!

But here's the thing, that 'white ribbon of death' is starting to look really off-white. I'll wager you'd ride something lower than your third string rock board on it, too.

Nevertheless, Jason, real congrats on the (Beech?) carve shot. A laid-out hardbooter with full head gear is one of the raddest pics possible. And still hope to get my son up to see what a real alpiner can do. Maybe he'll "convert." (Maybe hell will freeze over, too... )

Down here in the flatlands, we did come perilously close to having our first winter in recent memory with NO frozen precip, period. Providentially, that last Alberta Clipper did bring us a skim of flakes, and a whole two inches up Roxboro way. Does the heart good.

Til late next fall, looks like all my carving will be of the hero-groom asphalt variety, interspersed with some liquid ripple riding during the Doldrums. Hope springs eternal...

Cheers and thanks for the stoke !! :biggthump

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Next time I plan time off from work, I'll have to budget in travel expenses. Alas, my plan was less than perfect.

Well here's something everyone can look forward to: It won't be long before I go back to being a cube dweller and next season when I'm stuck in the office, I'm sure it will be an epic snow season. Just wait... the best snow in 50 years to be sure! :lol: :eplus2:

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My only warning: twice, on my last day of the season, I hurt myself or nearly destroyed my equipment. So be careful out there.

Yeah, no kidding. I currently don't have a rock board, since I gave it up to a friend who desperately needed a board last minute earlier this season. I think the board I was on today, just became my new rock board. Looks like I'll be in for a new board next season.

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This season was pretty short but to my mind, it was a pretty great carving season. It would have been nice if the temps stayed down throughout the season so that the base could have built up faster, but the lack of natural snow + freeze thaw meant consistently firm surfaces to carve on. There were one or two days where things were kind of crappy (and two when we got dumped on) but for the most part, almost every day I was on the mountain this season was a ripper. Also the "no snow in my backyard" phenomenon seemed to keep *alot* of people off the mountain on the weekends. I can only remember one day this season where it was too crowded to carve comfortably. It was a short season but I had an awesome time and it was fun :). Of course, it would be better if it got cooler earlier, stayed cool, and stayed cooler longer so that the mountains and the businesses and towns that depend upon them for income would have a better season in terms of income.

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Our late season here is shaping up to be a gooder!

Roundup today :

Sunshine 17cm overnight/90 cm last 7 days (Sunshine has just been getting pounded for the last month)

Fernie 18/78

Kicking Horse 40/96 (thigh deep in the bowls today ...)

Lake Louise 4/53

Even Nakiska, well known for being in the 'no snow zone' has had 39cm over the last week, and two epic pow days over the last fortnight.

The only trouble is motivation ... the weather's so nice I'm kind of done with winter. Thoughts have turned to mountain bikes, and getting the motorcycle out of storage ...

Yeah like I said on FB if I get one more knee/thigh deep day I'm going to declare this season a total write-off.

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