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Should a user have right to delete a thread?


Shold a user have the right to delete a thread?  

66 members have voted

  1. 1. Shold a user have the right to delete a thread?

    • Yes, it's his thread
    • No, only admins, to prevent the loss of good info

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If you don't like it, leave.

Not trying to defend anybody here...but with this atttitude I'm glad you're no longer a moderator.

This place should be a place where we all share the stoke of the carve but it's really turning into a litter box.

I think it started going downhill about the same time Billy Bordy was pushed out.

I think if you guys would actually meet in person and put your online differences aside things would be a lot different. Everybody I've met IRL from BOL has been an amazing person and shared the true reason whey we are all here...

Oh yeah. Over moderation kills online forums. From what I've seen Fin and Co. have the right stance on moderation here. It takes an act of god to really get banned. That's the way it should be.

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Not trying to defend anybody here...but with this atttitude I'm glad you're no longer a moderator.

Me too.

From what I've seen Fin and Co. have the right stance on moderation here. It takes an act of god to really get banned. That's the way it should be.

The irony here is that you agree with the moderation but yet when I state the obvious, somehow I am the bad guy. Snowman has been banned three times. Three. Ironic.

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I find myself pretty much in agreement with BlueB & others here in that just because you started a thread, once the community has contributed, it belongs to the community.

Feel free to delete your posts to satisfy and/or cleanse your sole if you must but leave the shared work of others unmolested.


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Regardless of rules and people's ego and hurt, I think any posts or threads is part of shaping up our sport (our any topics on any forum) over time.

Deleting threads is like forgetting history and having to do it all over again, mistakes and all. History is full of mistakes not to be repeated and lessons to be learned.

Forget your ego for a minute and work on shaping up ideas, good or bad.

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Been discussed before, Fin & co like it the way it is. Personally I prefer a limited edit time and no thread deletion, and that's the way I run the board I mod.

It's the same on the one I mod. A user can delete their own posts, but only the mods can pull the entire thread. And we generally refuse unless there's a very good reason, like it would compromise someone's domestic situation IRL. As our board owner says, we're not in the business of creating revisionist history.

I'd agree that once someone else has posted on the thread, it should stay. By all means delete your own stuff, but you have no power over anyone else's.

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I joined BOL in the late 90's. At the time I was a crack smoking necrophiliac. Through years of moderation, hard work and pills, I have become the upstanding citizen that I had always read about in magazines. If the moderators had moderated more moderately I would have gone off the deep end.

Thank you BOL! You can count me as another notch on the proverbial bedpost of life.

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Another tangent--I find it curious that so many people delete the prices of their items in the classifieds after a sale. They're such good reference points for the rest of us.

yeah, I'm not a fan of delete sale posts. for most of us it's not a big thing but some times it's useful and ALSO on other forums they don't allow users to delete sales because it's a way to keep people somewhat honest with certain things.

for example, joey buys a board from stan for $150, three weeks later Joey sells a board he claims has only been ridden once for $200 but a search reveals that the board came from stan and probably has way more use than Joey says.

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I joined BOL in the late 90's. At the time I was a crack smoking necrophiliac. Through years of moderation, hard work and pills, I have become the upstanding citizen that I had always read about in magazines. If the moderators had moderated more moderately I would have gone off the deep end.

Thank you BOL! You can count me as another notch on the proverbial bedpost of life.

Not that I've learned that yet....but shiz that was the is one of the best posts yet.:biggthump

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Unfortunately too many have taken you up on [leaving]

There I'd disagree ... If people are unable to deal in a sensible manner with an online discussion, then doing something else would seem to be a good idea.

It's funny when these guys (they're always male, I think) storm off in their grown-up tantrums, but perhaps it's not good to laugh at people who perhaps have difficulties beyond how to hold an edge on ice.

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Another tangent--I find it curious that so many people delete the prices of their items in the classifieds after a sale. They're such good reference points for the rest of us.

I'd like to add my voice to the above comment. I just bought a board here from a guy who doesn't have a big history here at BOL. Good deal. Good board. Good packing. Good communication. I'd like to leave a 'thumbs up' as a kind of endorsement in the sale thread regarding my dealings with him... but he deleted it.

Sure, his 'for sale' post is done serving its immediate purpose of selling the board. Sure, deleting the thread clears server disk space for active useage. But there is a bit of value in others knowing I trusted this guy, he came thru for me and I'd probably buy from him again.


For the same kind of reasons... keeping these threads would be worthwhile if the deals go bad!! I bought a free-ride board off ebay a few years ago where the guy said the board was sound but was actually busted! Steel edge busted and coming off the side, but he insisted it wasn't a problem.:freak3::freak3::freak3:

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I am a member of a car forum. Some members had posted extremely detailed DIYs with photos & step-by-step instructions on how to fix something. Gone way out of their way to be helpful. Very useful information.

A member with very strong opinions became a (self-appointed?) moderator. He got into a shouting match with one of the big contributors. As a moderator, he had the ability to delete all of the content of the big contributor. Now, all of that information is gone along with the big contributor and the moderator. A loss of some really valuable information.

Though a lot of the info on Bomber is more a matter of preference than fact, I hope a similar situation won't develop here.

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