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Two weeks ago I had a retinal detachment and tear in the right eye, went to the dr. and he did in office lazer treatment to secure it from getting worse. Couple days later I had a "Giant" retina tear / detachment. With emergency surgery that day. Three hours of surgery they installed a "Buckle" around the outside of the eye and stitched that on, removed was remained of the vitreous material, lots of repairing the damages and more lazer surgery to tack it down. Large gas bubble injected in the eye to help "float" the retina back. Several days of "Face Down" positioning then alternating vertial positioning with face down. I am still pretty much blind in the right eye. After todays visit the surgeon states it is where he would expect it to be with minimal slippage. It will be weeks before what sight I have in the eye returns. I am anxious but hopeful.

It has not been easy to type or move around. This is why I removed the sale items I had listed.

Thank you to those who knew about my issues and offered help. Thank you for your kind thoughts and prayers. I struggle with my limited sight yet I am encouraged by todays checkup.


Bryan -- Hope it heals well and quickly--- I did the retina tear last year... and that Fn Bubble... What a pain in the butt, but it did get better every day and less and less bubble was in the eye. in a couple of weeks or so I could start to see the sky and a few tall tree tops.. couple days later I finally saw the horizon. then was able to see the dash board of my car and then then the gear shift and then slowly less and less bubble and more eye sight.

Keep us posted on your condition.

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Thanks for the postive vibes everyone.

No, I didn't do anything. No accident etc.

I have been dealing with eye issues for a few years. I had blocking floaters four years ago ( so many that they obscured my vision) , at that time I had a vitrectomy and some preventative lazer spot welding on the retina. This , expectedly led to a catarac which was removed a few months ago. Things were finally looking good , then this.

Edited by www.oldsnowboards.com
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Bryan - What a drag! I do hope you heal fast and some decent site returns to your right eye. It IS amazing what can be done. Give it time and hang in there.



Thanks Max, yes, laying on my back for almost 3 hours of surgery . I was thankful for the skills of those at the Casey Eye Instute and the modern tools at their disposal. It was a late night emergency surgery and their were five individuals that worked really hard the entire time to make the repairs. I know because I was awake during the process.

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My dad had a giant detachment about fifteen or more years ago. After 6 weeks of recovery with the big gas bubble, his vision was remarkably restored. I hope it goes as well for you.

Thanks so much for that Kimo. It means allot to hear about the success stories. Not to mention it is just good to hear from you. Bryan

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So sorry to hear about your eye! Having gone through corrective eye surgery in the dark ages (with complications), I am very thankful for my eyesight. Keep us up to date on your condition.

My thoughts and prayers to you, Sir!


Thanks James, I am glad you can see too!! Sure makes you appreciate what you have!!

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Bryan -- Hope it heals well and quickly--- I did the retina tear last year... and that Fn Bubble... What a pain in the butt, but it did get better every day and less and less bubble was in the eye. in a couple of weeks or so I could start to see the sky and a few tall tree tops.. couple days later I finally saw the horizon. then was able to see the dash board of my car and then then the gear shift and then slowly less and less bubble and more eye sight.

Keep us posted on your condition.

Thanks Al, I sure appreciate your reflection on how you healed. Thanks,

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Holy crap Bryan, how did you do that? I couldn't even read your description, it had me squirming in my chair.

If it makes you feel any better, my dad lost vision in one eye as a kid and still was able to race cars & snowmobiles competitively. Your brain figures out other ways to judge distance after a short while. Your snowboarding fun is not in jeopardy.

Best of luck!

My nephew was curious, searched youtube and his kids almost threw up while watching one of the videos.


Edited by www.oldsnowboards.com
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Once again, I am just so thankful to be a part of such an amazing group of guys and gals. I sure appreciate the well wishes and prayers. I currently just glad to be able to communicate via email and online again. I should probably not quote everyone in my replies. I feel like I am clobbering the AIL thread. Thanks again. Bryan

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Bryan, wishing you all the luck in the world with this.

I have a weak left eye, but with 20/20. I can guess how frustrating it is. Doing the driving license vision test one time, I was waiting for the left eye test, and the clerk asked if I could read any of the letters. I suddenly realized that because my right eye couldn't see anything, the left eye decided there must be nothing to look at and went blank. Once I knew, I blinked and could read off all the letters. It's weird stuff.

Edited by BobD
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Oh wow, didn't know about your eye, Bryan. Just got into this thread just now since I'm in the middle of the break before quiz review at noon.

Speedy recovery for your eyeball, mate!

Thanks Lee, good to see you back at BOL!! Hope all is well. Bryan

Edited by www.oldsnowboards.com
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Ouch! I rely so much on my not so great sight that I can barely imagine how hard it must be for you right now Bryan.I sincerely hope your healing prcoess is quick and has the best outome.
Thanks Steve, yes, althought I have had some pretty serious boo-boos in the past four years. This may be the scarriest. The broken bones I figured would heal at least 80 to 90%, but this is much more of an unknown. Thank you. Bryan
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My surgeon has been really positive and straight forward in caring for me. He was going over some of the things I needed to NOT do or DO properly. He mentioned with strong voice. "BUNGIES" blind so many!!! Those seemingly innocent and very handy utility straps. We have probably all gotten lucky at least once when one got away and snapped back. He said they pop allot of eyes and damage them beyond repair in a flash. PLEASE be carefull and wear the safety glasses!!!!!!! Side note, the newer frameless clear safety glasses are almost as cool as my Oakely's (no , no really) but still they are pretty nice and with the added bi-focal features I wear them all the time. Be safe my friends. Bryan

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Hope things are improving rapidly.

Thanks for bringing to attention "Bungy Cords". Got rid of most of mine years ago after reading about eye injuries. Some of my local suppliers started showing these at the call desks.


They have totally replaced bungies in almost all cases. They keep stacks of dimension lumber tight and together, as well as securing roof loads and tarps.

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Hi BumpyrideI am genuinely sorry to hear what happened and wish you good health hereafter.FYI i have been a Vegan for about 19 years. I have had to be thick skinned, with the many insults thrown my way. I have had 3 major operations, the first when i was 30, followed by another 2 a few years later. I have a rare condition with such long words it would be a hacker's nightmare ha ha! I see a consultant specialist in Edinburgh,Scotland every 6 months. Anyway, to cut this short, i shouldn't be able to: get to the top of munros; cycle for miles or snowboard but i do- yaay. So genetically i got the joker's card but i've always done sport and being Vegan i believe has helped too. Main reason for going Vegan was compassionate grounds though.So if you want to start a thread on healthy foods including Vegan options i would be more than happy to join in :-)Bryan, a speedy recovery to you too. Cheers for heads up on bungee cords, as i usually bungee cord stuff onto my bike!BTW i'm newish to this site, so hello:-) Mostly post on Swoard under Keepthesport. Very new to the alpine ways.

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