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Why you back off, if the run gets crowded


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Sad to see it's a hardbooter causing the accident. Carving and crowds don't mix very well. Edit NOT a hard booter, but nasty all the same.

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If you stop the frame just before impact, the board has a square tail, and the riders boots are pointing forward. He would have to have the laces undone to get his rear leg in that position, so it looks like he has heel lift.

Looked at a different frame, and I think you are right. Ok move it to off topic.


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I am with Jack and Bordy.

I think it is the angle of the board. You cannot actually see the curved up, rounded tail. You are instead seeing the end of the running length and it is a straight line.

The angles do not seem very forward to me.

The idea is the same though. Be safe and courteous with other people around.

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Cringe :eek::freak3::smashfrea:barf:

Don't let this happen.

Stop to the side of the slope (OUT OF THE PATH)

Avoid travel past object not moving.

You will never forget the IMPACT.

The memories linger, bones heal, seldom as good as before.

Don't let this happen.

Look up hill frequently for "Bombs".

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Wrong on so many levels.

The guy going so fast and out of control obviously.

Not that it's the guy who got hit's fault but never turn your back on a busy run. That looks like a tight, fairly busy run.

The skier after hurrying down there who almost wipes into them and then tumbles into the pow.

Were all these people drunk?

Damn that was a bad hit.

Reminds me of the time I was chatting up a pretty little skier. We were a couple hundred yards below the finish of a Nastar type course. She had her back uphill kind of leaning on ski poles and then I was just looking at her skis.

Snowboard kid new to racing, basically laid down going through the gates and did a two hundred yard wheelie until he hit this gal. Took her right the **** out of her skis. Unreal.

Things did work out later. :eplus2: Not later that night but......oh well you know what I mean.

I would have killed that kid if he had caused permanent damage to such a lovely lady. His board basically hit her flat along the entire length of her body. I know she was sore for a few days and prolly had some sort of whiplash that didn't seem to last.

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Kind of handy, having it on video and all.

To me it's the rider who is to blame, not the gear. Can't condemn all soft booters/ skiers/ people in pink/ whatever because some of them are idiots. Interesting that the inclination to do precisely that is there though.

My recommendation is to simply ride top to bottom as quickly as you can. That way there's much less chance of being hit. We could argue over which type of board is best to do that with: pretty much all the other threads here are about precisely that.

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Hope all that's involved are not seriously injure...

I am sorry; but that's NOT a crowded hill IMHO.

I agree - not all that crowded by east coast standards. It looks to me like the offending party was actually going through that group of people on purpose as some kind of douchebaggy attempt at hot-doggin' it. Either that or he was totally out of control. Or both.

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Hope all that's involved are not seriously injure...

I am sorry; but that's NOT a crowded hill IMHO.

Apparently that is an East coast opinion, cuz IMO that is too many people on one run. At least six or seven moving people on one run within 50 feet of each other.

How do you ever carve?

Really you guys need to come to Sun Valley. I would NEVER try to snowboard (at least carve ) around that many people.

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Enough blame to go around for all to share. Downhill rider has right of way. Don't stop in the middle of a run. Don't congregate with groups on the hill. Learning to do any sport should include instruction in safely bailing out if required.Yelling as you go is usually a pretty good indication you have issues.. Personally speaking I make an extra effort to stay clear of the noisy ones.:smashfrea

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Unfortunately I see this too often on our local hill. When it's crowded I always make sure my son is in front of me so they run into me not him... I look forward to the NASTAR nights so that we have a clear run.

I just wish the local ski patrol was more willing to revoke passes due to this behavior. :(

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It makes my skin crawl to be stopped on a slope and not looking uphill. That requires way more faith in the skills and judgment of other people on the hill than I have. In fact, whenever possible, I seek cover by stopping downhill of lift poles or trees. Or, you know, just not stopping at all.

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On the ice coast over here thats considered a normal run. Other people on the slopes look like GS poles to me. LOL. The snowboarder was dead wrong and obviously out of control. I'm not sure what he was trying to do, but it looked like there was plenty of room to the left to carve around. I mean accidents happen, but that was some hit. A few said it already but why the F*** do people feel the need to stop mid slope like that and not think to get over to the side. I have had people that were racing me down the slope all of a sudden stop short in front of me. I know this was not the case here as the skiier had been there for a while, but I just wanted to vent.

Point is: GET OFF TO THE SIDE WHEN YOU STOP. :smashfrea

This way no matter what happens you will be out of harms way and make the slopes safer for everyone. Again in this particular case I assign most of the blame to the boarder. 90/10

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Man, this is really harshing my vibe! Definitely not the part of snowboarding that I want to be thinking about as I await my first trip out this season. Still, its a good reminder. There were some close calls last year--even stopping on the sides of trails--when the powder hounds wanted to play chicken with me for disupting their line.

I agree with the above poster; use the terrain, fixed objects and visibility to your advantage. I also wonder if there's a proper way to brace yourself to absorb a hit if you see it coming and can't move out of the way? If the idiot is coming at you super-fast, probably not. Time to check with my roller-derby contact! :eplus2:

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Many violations to go around here. Standing or sitting in the middle of a run is way out of bounds for everyone. The skiers are as bad as the board sitters in this case. I was hit at Aspen from behind on the flat a few hundred feet from Bumps looking from the hill to the restaurant. I was lucky, took me out for 6 mo. with bruises to the mid of the body. The guy came off an X game jump and at high speed into the marked slow zone. He took off. There are just as many skiers that do that stuff too. Bottom line, think before you move! We all know the code? Of course our society is full of screw yous and there everywhere. Be safe and have a great year. Tim

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despite the fact that there is a sense of community among those that enjoy carving,it is much safer done alone with one's head on a swivel.Unless,of course,there is a good 'vibe' among people who have ridden together often.Designated carving runs of varying difficulty seems like a good idea for carving.Like dropping into a halfpipe,there would be certain amount of etiquette that would make things a bit less chaoitic.

I should add,however, that I would still want to carve the rest of the mountain.

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Keep east and west out of this . This is everywhere.

It looks like a soft booter. Even if it was a hard plate or a 2 planker the rules apply.

The simple rules of the mountain don't get followed.If he stopped in the proper spot he would be OK. He did not look like he was a very accomplished skier that could bring in question weather he should be on the run in the first place. All the safety steps put in place witch would have prevented this it still lands on the out of control boarder (hard or soft)to be in control. The down hill person has right of way.

OK all statement might not be worded correctly but you get the idea.

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Not a hardbooter, but that is not an issue here anyways. Snowboarder is guilty, big time. However, the skiers are probably on the run slightly above their abillities...

Crowded? No ways! That's an empty run. No one on it bellow the accident, or passing by and you can see way bellow on the last part of the vid...

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