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Da ultimate challenge: 360 carve on snowboard


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I'm sure the 'fine' folks over at Welsh Village would be applaud at the devistation displayed in that PIC :argue:

what, are you trying to get carving banned everywhere :nono:

again...this is a pic of 360 backside carve

it is a complete single edge carve...

none of the videos I have looked at here would show a line

like this...because when their boards are flat in the turn

they are really skidding if only for a mini second...:smashfrea


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  • 2 weeks later...

OK, we will soon put this thread to rest. I very much enjoyed Erwin's and Clebner's videos -- great job!

John G. -- wish you showed up at Buttermilk so that I could film you!

I had the good fortune to ride with the Pureboarding team all last week, and yesterday we hit Buttermilk. We filmed a variety of 360's -- front side, heel side, standing up, crouching down, etc. I will post these movies tomorrow, I need to do some more video processing to get them ready.

I had not been able to do this kind of turn before -- but with the great coaching, demonstrations, explanations, and terrain reading tips from Joerg, Richard, Dirk, Felix (throwing many 360's on his ASYM OXBOW), and Thomas, I finally hit a few turns! Whooo-hooo!

Attaching the one motion smoothed movie of my turn -- soon I'll attach a video with a dozen+ turns by others. It was a most excellent day!

For higher quality video:


Lower quality, but embedded here:

<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YxIXG-XBcRs&hl=en"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YxIXG-XBcRs&hl=en" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>

Thank you, Pureboarders! :)


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TP- I could have done Ajax- the girl I was with- my best friend, had to work so she could not ride at Buttermilk with me. I just got her on plates 2 days ago.

I have noticed a new guy in town...

He is doing 360's on Aspen Mt. without a spotter.

He is going to hurt himself and or someone else.

Aspen mt. has good skiers that carry a lot of speed

They are not expecting someone on a board coming back uphill

You need a spotter or just plain STOP before you kill someone please.:smashfrea:smashfrea:smashfrea:smashfrea:smashfrea

Shoot me an email at my full name at rocketmail.com we could film and spot each other. We still have great snow to get some good ones- and trying to describe what you want to a non carving camera guy isn't very easy.

That carver...That could be me...though I have been here all winter on Ajax But I do check all trails with a wide buffer zone before doing a 360 or I would have already been hit this year. I would say I abort about 20% of my attempts just to be on the safer side. Softbootsailor Are you the guy linking clean carves on softboot set up- a little older (like we all are...) ? With just hip initiation? Nice lines BTW.

(That being said- I hope kids aren't copying my 360's without taking everything I mention below)

Part of doing a 360 is being aware of where everything is at a 360 degree radius and not taking a persons CURRENT speed into account but their POTENTIAL speed if they were just to point it straight at where you are going to do your circle. Just because a guy is going 10mph and has been for an entire run now doesn't mean he can't be going 30 mph in a few seconds. When I do 360's I know that even if every one pointed right at me- I could finish and move on before they could reach me. That in part is why I like to use banks- if a person were to aim straight for me- he would lose a lot of speed traveling up the bank and even if there was a collision it would be at lower speed. Plus it is easier to slow down going up hill- and if I abort a 360 in progress scooting off to the side can be done quickly as opposed to doing it on a flat when you won't have a hill to help you (you are likely the more maneuverable person- so do not depend on the skills of others to avoid you)- Also you can't accelerate without gravity. Soooooo....Worst place to hit a 360 is at the bottom by a lift..when people are tired after their run and a lot of traffic comes from all directions. (Please- this is not directed at anyone who has done the 360's further up this thread- they obviously, at the very least, had a camera guy spotting them to get it on film).

Don't even try to learn a 360 in a high traffic area. Instead pick areas and times when there are fewer people. So a bank that is consistently still groomed at 3pm- or days later- aha!? Thats a low traffic area that you may want to consider for a 360. Want your 360 prize to be there long enough to admire it? Pick a low traffic area.

When in doubt as to whether you'll have enough time to pull off a 360... wait...a minute or two or three- you could probably use the rest anyhow. Traffic is rarely continous (errr. Vail? oooops) and you'll have opening if you are patient.

If you do take off from a place where you can not see if your 360 zone is clear- prepare to be far more ready to abort the attempt than go for it.- at least you won't be disappointed.

Doing a 360 is not any more alarming to skiers than when we do 180's...fact is- they aren't expecting either........for over a decade I have been telling people "Don't even start your heelside turn if you can't see towards your heelside first... why? Because you aren't in a good body position anyway if you can't see uphill (racing techniques aside)- so you should consider continuing straight and starting over when you can see uphill before you start your heelside- at least you will be ina good body position"

Racing on a closed course is different. Which is why I am concerned when I see people carving like they are racing. Waiting for a gap and then carving several sets of linked turns with blind heelsides... often they are surprised when a skier pops out of the woods and ends up right behind them a few turns into what they could swear was a "clear gap of safety".

People ask why my riding is not like current racing... it's because I think being aware of what is behind you is just as important as being aware of what is in front of you and I would not give up my visibility to adopt a racing technique on open slopes shared with other skiers without it. Ever see a racer look uphill before every turn?



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And just for the record, Tom has been only been riding for about 4 ( I may be off a bit here) years! ( nothing worse than bragging about your 20+ years in the sport on the lift, and getting SKOOLED by a "newbie" on the ride down) This guy flat out RIPS. And on the off chance he hadn't pulled the 360 that day, we would all be looking at a video progression that would teach us all to do 'em.! Niiiice Tom! how's Jr. ?

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I just pulled one off this weekend at the bottom of 2 you have to come in fast lay heel side then let off of the push and balance out to pull it around ni coast mode. A fast glove with Ptex on the palm will help for support during the turn. Normal gloves slow you down.

I finished standing. Will try it in the steeps later but it think a combo flat to steep is the best local for this.

My dream is a high speed carve 360!!:lol:


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Ecnalubma and Newcarver -- thanks for the kind words :) Yup, it's been four years (~250 days?) on March 8th!

Riding with Pureboarding crew was super fun -- we got some of it on film, so check out the attached for 10+ carved 360's, two switch 360 attempts (I have far to go), and some other fun stuff.

Higher-res on youtube:


or lower-res embedded here:

<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JzxPz4ovdzA&hl=en"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JzxPz4ovdzA&hl=en" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>



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And just for the record, Tom has been only been riding for about 4 ( I may be off a bit here) years!

Years are not equal, Tom says, that he has ridden ca. 250 days during 4 years, I've been on hard boots 6 years, but I'm not sure that I've got even 100 days in total: my maximum riding days in one season was ca. 30 and average is 10-15 :mad:

So one person's year can be to other person's year as human year to dog year :)

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Riding with Pureboarding crew was super fun -- we got some of it on film, so check out the attached for 10+ carved 360's, two switch 360 attempts (I have far to go), and some other fun stuff.

That's what I wanted to see when I started this thread. Thanks for this video! :biggthump

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That's what I wanted to see when I started this thread. Thanks for this video! :biggthump

Great, Vahur, glad you liked it! Thanks for starting the thread, it gave some impetus to putting more effort into these.

I didn't highlight it in the last movie, but the sequence at 1:00 is Dirk going into a 360, followed by Richard with the camera who also pulled off the 360! Those guys are great.


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Glad you enjoyed the movies :) Kelly -- had no idea our movies would bring inspiration -- very happy to hear it! Which movie was it, do you remember?

I posted some notes on things to keep in mind -- nothing fancy, but I think it summarizes the 8 pages of this thread:



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Maybe not as great and powerful as the almighty carved 360, but one thing i have yet to see (and think it would be really cool to see) is a buttered 360 directly into a fast, tight carve on an alpine board (itd be wicked cool to see that aftercarve become a 360)

maybe its just me and my youthful perspective wanting to see the butter, but doesnt anybody think thatd look wicked cool?

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..a buttered 360 directly into a fast, tight carve..

That's on the list for next season :) I got to being able to do a nose roll into a switch carve, which is fun, but the butter still eludes me... Sure sounds like a fun trick though!


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to the creativity you can inject into carving.Try a backside 360 air to toeside carve to backside tailspin to toeside carve for example.Or heelside carve uphill to frontside tailspin and drop back into the same trench to a toeside carve. These always get a good crowd reaction and that drives me to figure out new tricks.Maybe the coolest part for me is that I don't have to clear a 40 foot gap to have jibbers come up and say "That was sick dude!"

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Maybe not as great and powerful as the almighty carved 360, but one thing i have yet to see (and think it would be really cool to see) is a buttered 360 directly into a fast, tight carve on an alpine board (itd be wicked cool to see that aftercarve become a 360)

maybe its just me and my youthful perspective wanting to see the butter, but doesnt anybody think thatd look wicked cool?

So you mean real 360 :eplus2:

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