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"Teen Buzz"


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I had to really crank the volume to be able to hear it. If I played anything else at that volume I would have been blasted out of my chair.

I'm 59. Let this be a warning to you all. Don't ever assume that the old fart ahead of you heard/understood you when you said "On your left".

- Dave

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I hear that sound constantly. In my head. It's called Tinnitus. I don't notice it when there is any amount of ambient noise, but when trying to go to sleep it's annoying. Wear earplugs while riding a motorcycle, folks. Or mowing your lawn.

But even with Tinnitus, I can still hear that ringtone at 32. TV tubes make that sound too. That was one of my favorite things about my new LCD TV - silent!

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At 50, all I hear is a continuous hiss and a couple of clicks. Probably all those concerts at the San Diego sports arena in the late 60's and 70's. My ears rang for 2 days once, after an Iron Butterfly concert. :smashfrea

In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida, baby! (the long version) :lol:

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I hear it no problem, granted...Im 18. I have the same problem as Jack where I always have a bit of ring in my head but I don't think mine is quite as bad. You would be surprised at the amount of everyday items that make those noises: Tube TVs, Camera Flashes, Dimmer-switches for lights, some automatic doors, and the list goes on...its terrible. I have no idea why kids would want that to be a cellphone ring, just turn the bloody thing off when you're in class and look at it after. I would probally yell at the kid myself if I was in class with someone who had that ring that went off.

On a related note, in England there are a bunch of shops that installed a device that emits a similar note, but it's much higher frequency so even most 20y.o.s can't hear it. They put them in out front of the shop to keep teenagers from hanging around and causing trouble.


Roor Bong Pictures

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I tried to listen to it a couple months ago and heard nothing. This time, I could just barely/vaguely hear it. At 32, looks like I'm already losing it which is sad because I've always been pretty protective of my hearing. I guess, though, they say the hearing loss is age related more so than damage related. I suspect genetics has a lot more to do with how quickly you lose those frequencies. THANKS DAD!

On the flip side, the sooner I go deaf, the sooner I'll get to stop listening to everyone else.

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BTW, this news is over a month old. And it is refered to as the "mosquito" ring tone.

Oh, ya...

I know, but it's slow at "work".....I sit waiting standby for code blues at a long term acute hospital........

Nobody's dying.....

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On a related note, in England there are a bunch of shops that installed a device that emits a similar note, but it's much higher frequency so even most 20y.o.s can't hear it. They put them in out front of the shop to keep teenagers from hanging around and causing trouble.

That is how the O.P.'s article started.:rolleyes:

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