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Everything posted by scottishsurfer

  1. I personally found step ons to be down right terrifying to ride. I could only describe it as feeling like the soles of my feet were firmly attached to the board but offered what felt like little to no support to my ankles.... this was on a brand new setup a friend had just got with what were the stiffest step on boots.
  2. Little bit off topic but came across a vid of Rama riding an alpine set up not bad going for someone who's apparently only ridden it around a week total https://www.instagram.com/reel/CbBQoDWsECb/ Also back in topic looks like flux are licensing Burton step on tech https://www.instagram.com/reel/Caf6BsxPjwj/
  3. Pretty sure thats a different rider Watching japanese and korean riders or basically anyone riding on a mountain really makes me wish i was born somewhere with a proper season
  4. 10.75 is massive to most folk even my donek vsr 9 to 11m lol
  5. I find thats a pretty common one with any soft boot carving board thats either a hammer head or a semi hammer head shape
  6. The flux CV is pretty good as its essentially an XF with the heel cup raised to increase the clearane
  7. Considering i ride indoors 95% of the time where groom and slope in general is nuked after 30-45min this fake groom is like paradise in comparison
  8. There's big mario on this forum who i think used to do testing for catek also maybe slopestar. You could try contact someone like Sean at donek who might be able to point you towards a rider or two that he knows that might be interested.
  9. Ive actually not driven bathurst in ACC to many nightmare flashback from gt sport crashfests as drive dodgems on the mountain section . I'm really considering getting into making tracks for AC as for years ive wanted to make my idea of what the modern hockenheim circuit should have been
  10. Looks a little bit over built but thats to be expected for a prototype/proof of concept. I'm on the wrong side of the atlantic and a not so soft booter but id defintely give it a try if i had the chance. Might want to reach out to few the more aggressive softboot riders also not just those that are predominantly alpine riders.
  11. how thick is she around the waist, i find big girls are more fun lol
  12. I think the manufacturers see it as a win win they can claim to be green and sell more snowboards to replace the ones that fall to bits quicker than they should. My local small shop if i remember correctly stopped selling capita boards as they were having so many issues with the die cut bases coming apart, in addition to orders turning up late or not be completed until late into the season.
  13. I'm friends with the guy that owns and runs Snocoat so its on all my boards I havent used wax in years
  14. I guess i never experienced this as i dont wax my boards as i use a long life coating instead
  15. I wonder if capita/mothership/sg is using one of the newer eco epoxy's? My experience with mervin boards and there eco epoxy is that its pretty shit and leads to more than a few delams
  16. Id say the Supermatic asuming it is reliable is probably the most promising of all the step in-on /folding highbacksystems
  17. easiest way is strap in like a normal binding then pull the red lever at the rear to release the stirrup section you can see attach to my boot there. Id say its not so much a true step in system but a half way house between a step in and a traditional binding. Id say youd only really use the release for things like getting on and off chair lifts and maybe a very quick walk about but if i was to say go to the toilet or slope side bar/restaraunt id unstrap from the binding the traditional way leaving the system as a whole attached to the board. Having to do up the toe strap was just me i generally run my straps incredibly tight so when i had them to my liking they were to tight to kick the front of my boot under so i had to slacken it a couple of clips. My friends who dont run there straps at quite the circulation restricting tightness that i do didnt have this problem. This video shows getting and out of them a bunch
  18. Had a bunch of runs on the clew bindings today that a friend was testing for the local ski/board shop. My thoughts on them are fairly positive unlike the Burton stepons which i think are terrible. Having the heel strap actually lock into the binding and being able to use your preferred boot means it offers a reasonable lateral amount of support. Heel to toe it was reasonably responsive but i wasnt able to ride to hard due to them being on my friends Dorka so i was limited to fairly gentle surf style carving. Getting in and out was fairly straight forward i did find i had to slack the toe strap a couple of notches to get my toe to go under it as i cliped in but this is more due to me liking to run my straps super tight. The biggest downside is that Toe ratchets are a complete dumpster fire It took me a bunch of atempts to feed the ladder into the ratchet and get it to climb as on the first few atempts the ladder would go in and lock the ratchet completely solid.... The ankle ratchets were better but still not the best. Also the stirup like nature of highback/ankle strap does significantly reduce your grip on the top sheet of the snowboard compared to just the boot alone. Its not hardboot levels of slippyness but its getting there.
  19. You say that but alot of adaptive guys race on the SG Soul as its a little easier to handle than say the Force. Its where my 159xt is living out a happy retirement with a friend who's an adaptive racer :). I'm really tempted next season to see if i can get the 164xt titan soul as i loved the standard soul but just found it a little on the soft side.
  20. depends on the boot but generally i on the top of the boots tongue and under the laces. I have tried under the boots tongue but it affects the fit of the boot. You can see how i have my lofi's set up here https://www.instagram.com/p/B74A62MFvs1/
  21. Looks like PHK have a new version of there Mix binding also. It's a dumb question but whats the point of the spring system, it just looks like a liabilty that will decrease the boot out angle when the board is up on edge https://www.phk-italia.com/prodotto/mix-gara/
  22. Fourth option for me is moving depending on what part of the turn/edge change I am at.
  23. pipe insulation around the edge of the board is typically what i use on my boards in the bag to protect them
  24. Thats beautiful :D! some replicas are just incredible ive always promised myself since i was a kid if i ever won the lottery or somehow became rich id get myself listerbell replica of lancia stratos. Some kids love ferrari's or lamborgini's but for me it was the stratos in the Alitalia livery
  25. I think its probably much a harder transition if youve only ever ridden duck especially if youve been taught to teach something like BASI style which is a very closed stance with the shoulders largely inline with the nose and tail. Personally I dont teach so after my inital lessons ive always ridden fairly open even when riding in a duck stance.
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