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Carvin' Marvin

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Everything posted by Carvin' Marvin

  1. Just finished Sapiens. It was good. Currently on Dune and Under the Banner of Heaven. The latter is hard to put down. Its about the fundamentalist LDS crowd.
  2. Well not now. It is Summer. Summer is awesome. Ask me again in October. Think positively!
  3. Nice. That KLX is basically the water-cooled, fuel injected update to my Super Sherpa. Getting 70mpg wringing its neck all around town on a carbureted bike. I think it makes like 23 hp at sea level 20 years ago so I'd be surprised if I'm getting 15 hp these days. Love that bike though. Man that thing just oozes cool. I'd rather have that than a Ducati any day. We are a Japanese bike household.
  4. What models? How do you like that KLX? I love Kawasakis.
  5. Tell me all about them. Are they fast? loud? fun? Of course they are. Seriously though how many of yall out there are riding dirt or street while the snow is away? Personally I have a Yamaha YZ 125 for the dirt and a "supermotoed" Super Sherpa 250 to buzz around town. I'll post pics when I get one. I used to have bigger bikes for street and dirt, but honestly I have the most fun on the small light stuff. No interstates for this loon.
  6. EPIC. Nothing else to do around here in the winter so we are hoping for the best. Eagle county has been open for a while now and Vail village almost looks business as usual at this point. Lots of out of staters and some international travelers around. Our hospital is back to a full schedule of elective surgeries. Things look promising. If things don't go as hoped we will be in the market for a used snowmobile.
  7. Nice bike. Do you take it off any sweet jumps?
  8. J, the Eagle trail system allows them. Some of the best designed trails in the state. If you make your way out here drop me a line. If y'all think these Ebikes are fun uphill you should try a real dirt bike and raise some hell like a real hooligan.
  9. That run pretty much summed up my MCC experience. Endless flow, no danger from others, great people, and great snow. The zenith of alpine riding.
  10. I'll throw in my tarnished 2 cents. I was lucky enough to ride the Contras at MCC. They are fantastic boards but not my cup of tea. They felt like my Stubby and Thirst 8RW had a red headed step child. The contras rode like a Thirst that you have to drive more and actually pay attention rather than just ride and flow. Personally I like my older Coilers for what they are and my Thirst for what it is. The Contra just left me wanting for one or the other. The metal didn't do anything for me at all. I'm gonna have to side with Kneel on this one. It was interesting riding the chairlift with some extremely talented riders and getting their opinions on what constitutes a great snowboard for them. Had some agreements, had some disagreements. It almost seems like its not the gear that makes the rider! Go figure. But like Johnasmo said, we are blessed with builders willing to innovate in our niche. Different strokes for different folks and all that.
  11. Man ease up. I'm sure they're just trying to find a mate, mark their territory, or just show the world how magnificent their bunghole is. If you can't think up an alternative solution then take yourself elsewhere mister. Back to the thread. No love for the Jones boards? Granted my softboot board experience is lacking compared to most posting here, but my little ultracraft will absolutely rail turns in between pow fields and tree runs.
  12. That's why I started the poll. I had the feeling the older crowd here got into hardboots because that was the gear available at the time, but still likely that its racing pulling the new kids in. There was only one other fella at MCC my age that got into carving for the sake of carving. I just happened to be living in the right town at the right time and got hooked before Bomber left town.
  13. Been beating on the same pair on intecs for three-ish seasons now. Got them on clearance so price is what got me. 205 lbs. One frayed cable replaced. That said I would never turn down a sparkly pair of Fintecs.
  14. Same caution for the UPZ T-nuts. I had a screw that kept coming loose and upon removal saw that all the threads had corroded out and the screw would no longer bite. Easy to replace, cheap insurance.
  15. I mean I kinda get where you're coming from. You can't get me to show up to a weekend powder day around here for anything (crowds). During the week however I'm all over that ish. Having a focus is nice but like others said your overall understanding of the sport will be improved by riding in all sorts of conditions. It took me years to figure out hardboots in powder but ultimately I'm really glad I put in the effort.
  16. No, never, not me, not even once. Get over yourselves.
  17. Just curious to find out people's initial motivations. Free-carver myself. Wasn't born with a competitive edge. More of a showboat.
  18. FWIW they were having some sort of race day at Beaver Creek and a younger dude struck up a conversation with me by the escalators. It was his first run out on a borrowed HB set up. Unfortunately I was heading out and he was heading up so it ended there. I also saw a younger fella that was riding a race style pretty well that I didn't recognize. Like others have said I think getting the younger crowd into racing would be the way to keep the sport going since that's where the gear will get passed around more. SBS, I'll bite. Sure, I could carve in soft boots, but then I wouldn't get to be that fruit-bootin weirdo now would I? Pfft- conformists.
  19. That mountain looks super fun
  20. Had a super morning at Breck today. Record snow and a fresh fall made for some super soft conditions. Didn't stop us. Rippin' Bill was in town and threw down this wonderfully powdery toeside on a bank. Now I'm here to tell y'all about it.
  21. Just crossposting for posterity. Was a fun day!!!
  22. I'm just glad y'all aren't trying to ride park. That one rattled my knees.
  23. Runnin' the 8RW through the park. She pops.
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