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Everything posted by barryj

  1. Yea.............my not slowing down to talk response is: "FAST"!
  2. I guess the #1 question I get most every day (riding Coiler Angrry 160 UPM Donek F Plate TD3 SW) is "What Is THAT?? Maybe it's the head injury but I've run out of snappy answers...and patience! My 1st thoughts are pretty snarky but I usually take a deep breath and just say "it's an Alpine snowboard like you see in the Olympics" and keep moving to avoid further interrogation! Anybody got some quick and or appropriate one liners??
  3. That's One Scary Situation and One Lucky Snowboarder That He Was Seen By Random Skier Who Fell In Same Area! Here in the Sierras we've approaching 700 inches and this is the 1st year we have had to ever cancel our on mtn. practices because of Deep Snow Risk! We usually have our Palisades Ski Patrol come and give the usual safety talk to our athletes early in the season but this year in March I had to make a special presentation on SIS....Snow Immersion Suffocation and Treewells. Over my 13 years in the Sierras I've found myself in Two Tree Well incidents. 90% of victims cannot get out by themselves! Treewells Are Serious Shit!! Ski With A Buddy! Always Keep Your Buddy In Sight! Keep Phone In Chest Pocket! Carry A Whistle To Call For Help!
  4. Hey X Man, Nice riding for just your second season. Your heel side EC turns look much more natural and comfortable for you. You do a good job getting your hip down and it takes the brunt of the turn and your arms don't have to hold you up ....but on your toe side turns your depending on your arms way too much to carry you and your weight through the turn ..... I agree with B....you got too much weight/pressure on your arms/shoulders on your toe side turns and if you hit some rough terrain in that position, which happened in your video...... your arms buckle and you lost your edge and that could dislocate a shoulder or worse. You need to get your toe side hip down first and let it carry the weight and your arms can glide over the snow...not hold you up in a push-up position like is happening now. Keep at it and enjoy the remainder of your season!
  5. Riding at Boreal tonight and it was Sooo deep that you literally had to Walk Off The Upper Mtn. Accelerator Lift to get through the pow to get to a spot to get moving! Love my Moss snowstick PQ60! It has really earned it's keep this winter! I usually reserve it just for pow days and might put 10+ pow days on it in a regular season and 60+ on my hard charging carving boards ...but this season it's been just the opposite! The groomer days have been few and far between! Easily 3ft of snow in 8? hours on Donner summit and there was maybe 3 other people max on the whole mtn. when I was there 6-8pm. Just too deep for most people that didn't have a pow specific setup. When I first got there I saw a couple of people wallowing in the same spot after they pitched into the white room while I was on my 1st and 2nd run!! When they finally did get down they were 1 and done! I didn't get hit and I didn't fall! That's a Good Day....or Night!
  6. No big deal, no more trouble than turning it on when biking. How to attach it to my jacket? or on my helmet?? is the question!
  7. It's documented and in evidence by the Instructors incident/accident report. At the time of the incident they both declined Patrols assistance when they showed up ............... but of course the defense is saying the Instructor only said that to protect his future tip!
  8. Listening to the youtube clips of the proceedings I don't think the Doc. has a snowballs chance in Hell! They both may be at fault but they have established/documented the Doc. was behind her..... Case Closed!
  9. Could it work - Yes. ...on the bunny hill! Is it asking for trouble - Absolutely if your hard charging I'd say the decision here has more to do with what level of Health Care you got! I am definitely jaded in these situation now, but is a few hours at Eldo worth a possible $100K med flight/hospital bill with broken bones as a souvenir ? .....because This Is An Accident Looking For A Place To Happen!
  10. Considering my post collision anxiety with crowds and visibility now, I'm seriously considering trying it....with the flashing strobe!
  11. The ski areas don't care after your out of their hands and the incident reports are usually indecisive as to blame unless a liquor bottle or six pack is visible when Patrol arrives. I know most of the Patrol here at Squaw and they have so many accidents/incidents your just a number that day. In my situation from my $40,000 Life Flight, which I don't even remember and the $60,000 hospital bill for my 3 hour stay, No they didn't even keep me overnight! The $100,000+ bill is what got attention. Thankfully I was working and WC covered it all but they went after the other guy and there is litigation against him......really don't know what or why their grounds are except hoping his insurance will cover/repay some of that 100k they already paid out. As to cameras.........I do a 100-150 miles a week road biking and I have a Fly6 bike light/camera unit on my seatpost for covering my backside. Thank goodness haven't need it yet accident wise but I feel it does provide me with some peace of mind just in case! Hmm....I put in 100+ days on the mtn. .....maybe I ought to start wearing it on the slopes.!!! https://cycliq.com/bike-cameras/
  12. Like all have said, you need to be more dynamic with more compression... much sooner before you turn. Your compression, turn and rotation are all happening at the same time. You need to compress more, sooner....then rotate and the turn will be quicker and tighter. Think prize fighter and get into a defensive stance (compression/dynamic) much earlier, then start the turn. So don't reach for the sky and loose the scarecrow stance.....get your body and arms into the turn. Bring your elbows in to your side (fighter stance) and in the turn move your arms to help your technique....for example this edge pressure and reach drill should help give your arms purpose! Have fun practicing!!!
  13. Damn Sweet Looking......but those stats! Really wish WS would put some damn carving models on their website! I get all jacked up from your posts Jack and then go to their website to see what my options are .........and Nothing!! You'd never even know they would/could build any carving boards! I'd have no clue of what they can/could do without you Jack!
  14. Ditto! When we have had heavy/deep winters the Mtn. won't open or opens late which = I get fewer days on the Mtn. and even fewer Hard Charging Carving days! Looking at the forecast we got Another 10 Days Of Pow Coming and I'm getting the Hell out of here and going back east tomorrow to get a break from the daily shoveling and whiteouts and get some Hard Charging Carving days in!
  15. Ha! I think your getting confused with what Coloradans says about Jersey people!
  16. Nah..........by May I'm in already in multi sport mode here! - carving it up on the groomers in the mornings then a 25-50 mile road bike ride in the afternoon then hitting the weight room. I gotta stay in shape for My Hot-Blooded Wife who has her on idea of what "Evening Exercise" is!
  17. 300? That's nothing, we passed that back in Dec.! We Just Hit 600 Inches and we got another 70 inches on the way over the next 10 days! https://www.palisadestahoe.com/
  18. Damn Straight! After my accident or such a close call as Carvin's, I can tell ya your anxiety is on Red Alert! for any and all traffic! Everything and Every Body is a Potential Threat!! Really wears me out mentally here at Palisades at the start of a day to walk out to the step-in spot and there are 30+ people vying for an opening! Not even on the hill and already STRESSED! I gotten to where I only barely feel safe night riding up at Boreal because there are so very few people out there and all the additional lighting really helps my diminish my paranoia!! Stay Safe Out There Boys!!
  19. Carvin, You one Lucky Dude! Glad you came out unscathed but I hope you counted your blessings after that!
  20. Here at Palisades/Tahoe If there's nobody in the park the paid Rake Rats have given me the green light and said Tip It and Rip It!
  21. Don't know F2's You running rear heel lift and front toe lift? What boot suspension you running....OEM BTS, DPM. ?? How much forward cant on your rear boot?
  22. A Plate would seriously help with that stiff board! What bindings?
  23. Well after just digging out from a 2 day Blizzard here in Tahoe that dumped 60 inches in 48 hours Just 3 Days Ago.......here we go again! Snows In The Forecast The NEXT 10 DAYS STRAIGHT!! With the relentless Pow this winter the Moss PQ60 has been getting a workout this season! The hard charging groomer days have been few and far between for my new little Go-Kart, Coiler Angrry 160 SST! It is crazy Deep out here! We Are Already Over 500 Inches For The Season and we got another 20 inches additional today!......and It's only March 4th!! There Will Be Skiing & Riding July 4th This Year Once Again You Just Gotta Love It!
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